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fyi you can read a thread without logging in, by going to threadreaderapp.com and then inputting the URL of a tweet from the thread, and it gives you a clickable URL to read.  Or just manually copy/paste the numerical part of the tweet into the threadreader URL

From this -

to this - click here to read the thread with all the pieces made into a single thing.

it won't have replies from other people, so you'd miss the conversation; but it will have the main tweets of the thread-creator.

Edit, I see that @JaneAusten already posted the text of the tweets into the original post, but info for whenever.

Edited by janea4old
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The defense keeps trying to paint Daniels and her lawyer as shake down artists.  But, I just keep wishing she'd say, “OK, maybe we were trying to get a pay off, but does that excuse Trump from using election funds and then trying to hide it from federal authorities?”

It's like you can't justify robbing a bank to pay off a con artist.

Edited by j swift
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Orange Yam Criminal spanked by a porn star - in and out of court.

Brain worms. Brain f-u-c-k-i-n-g worms inside a crazy, gravel-voiced spawn of a beloved fallen hero. Poor worm probably starved to death from lack of food.

THESE are the alternatives to President Joe Biden.

But hey, sure! Let's give either of the former two the nuclear codes!

What. The F*CK.

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So Clarence Thomas spent some time doing a public event where all he did was whine about how mean people are being to him. But the thing that really makes me angry is that there were no protesters. These leftists will disrupt events in support of a terror state 7,000 miles away but won't show up to do one of their "peaceful" protests for a man who is directly responsible for doing harm to millions of people in THIS country.


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They know they won't get away with it if they protest right wingers. 

I saw that there's a NYT article going around that is trying to shame or put a spotlight on HBCUs not being more involved in protests. They really are desperate to paint a narrative in the press of all students wanting to travel back to 1968.

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Not to put anyone down but Westerners tend to be narrowly focused on one single cause. I mean people have been consistently slaughtered in Sudan for over a year with little notice by American media or people, with the exception of those communities more directly affected.

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That's why I start my daily news reading
at Guardian/news/world

That has a few of the most recent headlines from several regions/countries,
and the places are in alphabetical order:

  • Africa
  • Americas (includes Central, North, and South America)
  • Asia Pacific
  • Australia
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • South and Central Asia
  • UK
  • US

Click on any of those places and it gives more stories.

I really like this because it reorients my brain away from the U.S. news.

It's not perfect -- because sometimes the latest headline from a place might be a random unimportant thing or entertainment/celeb stuff, and some things are written from a Western perspective; but still it really helps me see stuff I wouldn't usually see.

And I try to click on each place/region to see more.

But still, even then, I don't know what's happening in the Sudan, so thanks for mentioning it, and I'll go look.

Edited by janea4old
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Is anyone actually surprised by this? I saw this in the paper yesterday and didn’t even blink, such was my lack of surprise.


That is totally his doing but Alito is passing the buck. Why can’t some of these rabid right wing justices start facing impeachment proceedings?

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