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But her e-mails!!!! To all those non-voters and those that voted for Jill Stein, or those that "held their nose" and voted for Dump because Hillary wasn't "likable", how do you like the results?!

ETA: I read barricades are going up around the Supreme Court.

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It'll never happen, of course, but I still would pay good money to see Susan Sarandon say, "You know what, I really screwed the old pooch this time!".

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People like SS value their idealism over reality and other people's suffering.  

At the same time I cringed at the 2016 Democratic platform. When Hillary said abortion should be legal at any time for any reason? That was such a far left statement and position. Of course Republicans used that to bludgeon us with all that partial birth abortion bullshit. Now we will be lucky if little girls carrying their own sibling will be able to get an abortion. And no, I don't blame Democrats, I just wish we were more strategic.  I am so angry right now.

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IA.  Instead of saying, "Abortions for everyone!," we should have been saying, "Let's codify Roe v. Wade into law right away, just in case SCOTUS is feelin' cute one day and decides to overturn it!".

The thing is, I, Khan, as the child of parents who were told (by two experts) that there was no way they would ever conceive together, do not believe in abortion.  For any reason.  I believe each and every child that is conceived in this twisted universe has a right to live.


I also believe that the government should mind their own [!@#$%^&*] business as to what individuals do and do not do with their own bodies.

If our government is so concerned for our welfare, why not see to it that children who ARE born don't spend their lives in poverty?  Why not see to it that those who, at this very moment, are without jobs and proper shelter HAVE jobs and homes to go to?  Or how about making sure that some yahoo with a "Falling Down" fantasy can't just go gun shopping the way you or I can make a quick trip to our local 7-Eleven for some Funyuns and a Cherry Slurpee?

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The votes would have been there in 2009 despite the Democratic caucus being more conservative. A compromise would have been doable. But at the end of the day it was the failure to secure the 2016 election that lead to this. Those three appointments Trump made were a coup that Republicans had been waiting for. Those appointments were more valuable to them than anything else because they can have some power for a long time even if they fail to win the Presidency or Congress for many cycles. Democrats play a short term game, Republican play a long term game.

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The more I think about it the more I think someone from the GOP leaked this (I've seen a lot of speculation about Ginni Thomas) to make sure the votes go their way. If any of the 4  even thought about changing their votes now, or not going along with Alito's extreme positions, they would likely face massive repercussions.

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I've heard the exact opposite from people - that Roberts' aides could've leaked it hoping they will choose a more moderate path that won't create major blowback. He has always preferred the death of a thousand cuts.

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Yet, I am seeing people try to blame Sotomayor or someone on her staff for the leak. Others are trying to throw Biden into the blame mix when his SCOTUS pick doesn’t even get in until the summer. When are people going to acknowledge the obvious answer that misogyny is what led us all to this place?

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