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It almost mirrors the tragedy of what happened in Philadelphia over a week ago. Public housing, (like nursing homes) in the U.S. is a dystopian shambles.

I did read about Gropper, who co-founded the Camber Property Group  which is part of a group of investors who bought the property in 2019. If Adams has sense, he will make sure that Gropper doesn't carry over to his administration. 

The Bronx is the poorest borough in NYC and is continually ignored and deprived for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I remember the tragedy of the Happy Land Social Club fire. In 2013, there was a pretty devastating fire as well. That turned out to have been started by a child playing with a stove, sadly. In this case, it may have been a combination of neglect (the building, an eyesore behemoth, was built in 1972) with the doors that don't automatically swing closed and an active fire alarm system that residents came to ignore, so when the alarms went off this, perhaps no one reacted right away. 

Sadly, the residents of public housing in the Bronx are saddled with public housing that is often terrible and it's been going on for decades. With this tragedy happening right at the start of Adams's term as mayor, it will be next to impossible to ignore this, the way his predecessors have.


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Apparently, the new Quinnipiac poll has Biden's approval at 33% - and just 25% for Independents. Wow. If there is an upside, it seems more on the right do NOT want Trump to run again than those that do.

It is being said this is an outlier. But this is concerning.

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Well there's a major problem.  It doesn't matter what Republicans want or advise him to do or whatever.  If he runs he's going to win.  They're burying their heads in the sand and keep saying that someone is going to emerge, someone's going to be a front-runner, etc.  And NO one is or WILL be.  And if one of the sane ones like Kinzinger were to emerge Trump and his people would absolutely destroy him.  He has destroyed the Republican party and they cannot see it.  They think they're just fine, while he sits and waits for his victim.

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Poll numbers released in the past few days:

Biden approval, registered voters:

Quinnipiac: 33%

Reuters/Ipsos: 45%

Politico/Morning Consult: 44%

Economist/YouGov: 45%

First let's all notice which one we all heard of in the media and which ones we didn't.

Second another reminder that even the best pollsters (and as Vee said Q's numbers have found consistently lower numbers for Ds in the first place) sometimes find outliers. It is the law of statistics. Sometimes a bad sample or a weird variation. It happens.
That's why one should NEVER overreact to a single poll, especially if the reason we notice it is because its numbers are spectacularly different from every other poll until then. Sometimes it means something but most often it doesn't. Biden is not widely popular but no freakin' way is he at 33%.

Third the narrative is that Biden is unpopular but historically low to mid-40s is actually not bad and mildly unpopular at best.
The media is committed to a narrative until they are bored of it. Right now it is INFLATION! rather than the fact the economy is going gangbusters and BIDEN UNPOPULAR! despite his numbers are better than Trump's ever were.
It is irritating because the coverage loops back in and influences people's perception of reality but the wheel turns and they will get tired of that narrative like they did every other previous one.
And the HUGE gap between the negative perception of the economy in polling and the actual reality - masked by covid frustration, true - is too wide to last forever. People are going to pick up on the fact the economy is the best it has been in thirty years and inflation, always a temporary pandemic-related worldwide problem, is going to slow down soon enough.

The only question is whether the frustrations over a couple of Senators blocking the Democrat agenda feeds discouragement at "Democratic fecklessness" (unfair but an eternal storyline) and lets the fascist crazies back through.
Likely? Probably, sadly, based on historical patterns. Certain? No.
There is a lot different this year from past years - remember how certain people were the Rs would take back the Senate in 2010 in a horrible year for Dems and then Republican picked a whole bunch of crazies as candidates and the Ds held on. Look at the cast of losers that are running in Republican primaries this eyar and tell me they are not potentially throwing away some winnable races.
And Trump is a wild card. Let him campaign; see what this does for Dem turnout. Youngkin managed to hide his true nature; they won't be able to do this in a national cycle.

In any case, the atmosphere is not great for Dems but the fundamentals aren't nearly as bad as one would think based on the doom and gloom. It is only matters though if the doom and gloom doesn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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The media wants a horse race, is bored and is also not so subtly hoping for a major Trump/GOP comeback. The inflation narrative has gotten traction unlike some other failed pushes, but they launched it too early. By the time November rolls around we'll be in a different place and they'll have forgotten all about inflation just like they forgot about caravans, Afghanistan, etc.

And I still don't believe Trump will ever run again. He does not want anyone else to have the nomination, yes. He believes the election was stolen and he should simply be returned to office, yes. But he does not want to run again.

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