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Hillary got 96% of  black women. Trump got 15% I think of black men. So we need to get those fools in order. Of course nothing is worse than traitorous white women voting for the *ussy grabber

I think it's an example of a party trying to find its identity with a big tent. We don't have an Obama this time or even a Hillary who understood when to step out and quickly endorse the voters choice. Maybe I;m being hard on Biden, but if he's having issues with a 37 year old candidate, that's a Biden issue. No one is challenging Biden on the Ukraine nonsense are they? We are approaching the second primary. I expect Yang to drop out after NH and sadly Klobuchar probably will too. none of this is out of the ordinary at this stage in a primary. The problem is it's already been over a year of non stop coverage of the race. Frankly it's exhausting.


I get so tired of James Carville but he's right about one thing. The DNC needs an SOB running it. (not what he said my translation). And thankfully Rahm Emmanuel no longer our mayor is available. This is what he's actually good at.

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Agree.  Barring any major spoilers -- *cough*Bloomberg*cough* -- I now expect the nomination to be between Buttigieg and Sanders.  I realize we've had just the Iowa caucuses, but most strategists I've read agree that Biden's fourth-place finish there is NOT promising.


Ironically, I took a WaPo quiz and discovered Bernie, of ALL people, is the candidate I'm most aligned with ideologically.  Nevertheless, I'm really, REALLY reluctant to put my support behind him unless I just have to.

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I actually agree with Bernie's positions on a number of things including medicare 4 all. Not his approach though, I think Sherrod Brown had the right idea in lowering the age on Medicare to 55 or 50 because it would have either made the free market more competitive and affordable or it would have led to a full universal healthcare system. I also agree with an aggressive approach on Climate Change but not the New Green Deal which has unreachable goals, I also agree with him on foreign policy in that we should use diplomacy and human rights and stop supporting people like the Saudi's. We don't need their oil anymore and frankly could care less about a monarchy that enabled 9/11 to happen. I also support the Palestinians and the Israeli's who want a diplomatic solution that allows for co-existence.  I think Warren was on board with all of this, Warren who is tons more affable. Bernie's worst asset are his thuggish supporters who demonize anyone who doesn't support him, can't handle any criticism, and have no idea how to build a coalition and Bernie enables them.

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Of course, Bernie wants to contest the IA caucus results, which has Buttigieg as the winner.




You know, it's a shame Trump didn't ask Bernie to be his VP.  "Birds of a feather," and all that.

Edited by Khan
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I think the various attacks he's been getting and Klobuchar's momentum coming out of the last debate (even if some of that may be media creation) along with the continued support Biden has will hobble Buttigieg enough to where he's even more likely to crash hard post New Hampshire. That just leaves me to wonder if all the moderate Dems will keep tearing into each other through the rest of the process while Bernie runs up the score, unless Bloomberg somehow manages the big surge he's waiting for.


If so, then the party needs to devote all resources to keeping the House and seeing what they can manage to salvage in the Senate. Bernie's cult is waging war against the party, talking about how they are now trying to rig Nevada too, blah blah blah. They hate the Democrats, dismiss them as corporate sellouts,  and see them as the enemy of the country, more than the GOP. If the party wants to survive, they have to leave Bernie to his own devices, which is what he and the deadenders want anyway. 

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First primary and he's starting. This is just the beginning of his mess. Also, having seen many pictures circulating on twitter of him, I'm starting to worry about his health. If you look at pictures of him from January of last year and compare it with now, he has lost a lot of weight and looks BAD. Throw in the fact that he now announced he won't release any medical records and I'm concerned. I truly don't believe he will make it even two years into a potential term with his current health issues. This is the most stressful job in the world and even without the stress of running for or being president, it's hard to recover from a heart attack at his age.


In general I'm at a loss. I feel like with New Hampshire Buttigeig and Bernie will both do well. Warren I'm not sure if she can bounce back when she splits votes with Bernie. Biden I won't count out until I see what happens in Nevada and South Carolina, but I feel Bloomberg might split the vote and give a win to Bernie. The media has decided it's between Buttigeig and Bernie, but aren't accounting for black voters as usual and we know Bittigeig has ZERO shot at nomination. I don't think we can realistically know what's gonna happen until the two diverse states. If the low (read: white) turnout from Iowa is any indication then black voters will be more important than ever and that will give Biden an edge. 


It's just such a damn crap shoot. I wish we could fast forward to Super Tuesday so we had a better idea of what will happen.

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The NYT picked Klobuchar and Warren, and (surprise, surprise) those two have either faded or crested in the polls; so, yeah, I can see that paper, for instance, turning its' attention toward someone Bloomberg as a potential spoiler in the race.  And if Bloomberg actually wins the nomination, you can bet they'll spend copious amounts of time building him and Trump to be a supreme Battle of the New York Billionaires like some no-holds-barred cage match.


Not that it would ever happen, but in a way, a Bloomberg/Sanders team-up -- with Bloomberg as President, and Bernie (setting aside his MASSIVE ego and taking the job) as VP -- would cover a lot of bases.  Perhaps, many Berners would be satisfied just getting their man in the WH (although, again, not likely -- it's Bernie as President or forget it); while Bloomberg could potentially round up all the disenfranchised voters for Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Warren, etc.

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