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This is desperation pure and simple. Bernie knows that once the Dems take the House next month Schiff is going to take Mueller's report and drag everything out into the light. That will include a lot of details about how Russia pimped Bernie's campaign. He's trying to grift as much money as he can before he has to start answering the question "What did Bernie know and when did he know it?"



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What a childish and petty thing for a governor to do.  You have my sympathies, citizens of Maine.


I hate how so many people's livelihoods have been caught in the metaphorical crossfire of this ongoing shutdown.  Nevertheless, I want to see the Democrats stand firm against Trump's outrageous demands; and I, for one, believe Pelosi is just the person to do that. 


Edited by Khan
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^^Anyone who read that NYT article I posted days ago would see that the GOP has already been implementing the reversal of specific environmental policies on a state by state basis, which not only affects that particular state but the surrounding/neighboring states by environmental "drift" or runoff by air or in the runoff that occurs in rivers and streams.

The effects have already been devastating for the people who live and work in those areas where toxins are being released into the air and water.

This simply cements what they've already been doing since Trump got in office.

The one saving grace may be that many of those energy companies already spent the money necessary to comply with the Obama-era rules and appear to have little intention of regressing to old systems.

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