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I didn’t mean to sound flippant and careless with that remark. I have family who live in North Carolina and that was a stmt my cousin made. More in relation to what the state legislature did to Roy cooper and the shutting down of polling places. Not that this hasn’t happened but that according to my cousin many believed maybe the state had gotten past it. But we all know that’s not the case. Same as with the country where many thought because we elected ObAma, just by that fact, the inherent biases and injustices disappeared.  It’s just causing those who are not the minority dig in with the power they feel they are entitled to.


Oh I did want to ask, Cooper does have control over the new maps for legislative disc tricks still right?

Edited by JaneAusten
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I figure it was about how The GOP has been doing in this state. They have eliminated or limited many social service programs  and have attempted to take away the control of the airport in Charlotte from the city itself. Then there was the boycott of the state due to the transgender bathroom bill that cost the state billions in revenue. I know the Right is more embolden than ever to cause as much damage as they can as long they are in control. 

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My ex was bipolar. Roseanne is probably at least bipolar. I have some sympathy for the man he was, but this shît stopped being an excuse awhile ago. There's also a lot of free floating deep narcissism and misogyny in there - and there always was with Kanye.

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It's not about excuses or support. Like I said, I don't even know a Kanye West song, unless it was on Glee.  It's about someone who is clearly not well having a manic episode in public. Meanwhile, no one can or will do anything about it.  Kanye may very well be a bad person underneath it all, but someone should probably step in and get him on his meds before he crashes and hurts himself.


Roseanne, same thing.  I've never seen mental illness as an excuse, but it can be a reason. I''m not sure why people try to put a time limit on that medical reality.  Her brain was seriously injured (and she has bipolar). I don't think it's a leap to say she has never been normal since that event. It's not really about whether we like her enough to support her TV career. It's about if someone who knows her can get her on the meds before something terrible happens.

Me too.

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Yes, exactly. No one has to support what he is saying. I would hope they don't, even when it is coherent. No one has to allow a person who refuses treatment to stay in their lives.  The point is his family should do their best to get him treatment or keep him out of the spotlight. 


Kim K is an idiot to bring so many toddlers into this man's life. I usually don't comment on other people's reproductive choices, but what kind of fool decides to have a baby when their husband just got out of the mental ward? The stress of that is so intense, having nannies doesn't change that.  Lord, I miss the days when I didn't even know that woman's name.


In other news, I'm thrilled that the fed popped the bubble in the housing market.  That was a very good call and I'm glad it happened before Trump could fire Powell, which he surely will if he hikes again.


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Well, as Prince once said, take me with u.


I just haven't the strength to deal with this.  Ya know?  Between my B**** K******** hangover and the run-up to midterms, it's all I can do to hang on until "Countdown to Christmas" on the Hallmark Channel.


(Kan)Ye, for your sake, I hope you know what you're doing.  And if you don't?  Then get help.

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