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Grassley IS a colonic.


But seriously.  Publishing that letter on the eve of the Big Vote is both a savvy move and an obvious one.  It's so calculated, you'd think Kav was running for office.

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Stevens is one of the justice they hated (along with Souter) because they saw him as a turncoat. 


As for why McConnell has pushed this confirmation so much, I think he sees it as a power grab - if they can do this then they will prove nothing can stop them, it will demoralize many on the left (as many on the left will blame Democrats and the FBI and the CIA and go into "why bother" mode, as they are already doing). Beyond that, this guy is also beloved by Bushies, who still have a lot of sway in DC. W personally called and lobbied to Jeff Flake.



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Yeah, add that to the ever-growing list of things that have "died" under this administration.



There are times when I feel that way myself.  What good is it to "speak truth to power" when those in power don't care, won't listen and think we're fools even for trying?  They just keep doing what they're doing, and we keep sinking further and further into the abyss, with no relief in sight.


If I had the money, I would leave this country as soon as possible.  I don't know where I'd go, because it seems like there aren't too many places you can go these days.  But, I'd leave anyway, just because I'm so tired of crying (literally, tears streaming down my face) over what this country is doing to itself.

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Meanwhile, not that it ever mattered, but three of Kav's former drinking buddies -- Charles Ludington, Lynne Brookes and Elizabeth Swisher -- are attempting to harsh Kav's buzz even more with this WaPo opinion piece.


(Seriously, guys, you need to cool it, or Tit and Clit will not invite you to any more keggers.)



Doesn't matter.  It worked.  Watch.

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ICAM.  And I loved this comment on the op-ed that I saw on Josh Marshall's link:


Sorry I hurt you honey. I brought you flowers. It will never happen again I promise.


Kav is the abuser, and the public, esp. the women, is the battered wife, who needs to fake her death, change her name and move to a new town where she will meet a kindly drama teacher played by Kevin Anderson.

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I feel the same way you do about leaving the country except I'm angry more anything. The whole leaving the country mindset never crossed my mind when GWB was in office but I'm just tired of dealing with American conservatives.  I've accepted the fact that it's going to take at least 2 or 3 generations to began undo the damage Trump and the conservatives will do to this country now that they can rubber stamp their agenda through the courts. It took 70+ plus years for blacks to crawl out of the hole that Plessy v Ferguson and Jim Crow laws put them in. Unless there's a plague on the horizon, I don't see anything stopping the GOP for getting want they want. 

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Leaving the country never crossed my mind during the worst of the GWB era either.  But, that was because, as "intellectually incurious" as that man was, and as flagrantly as he and his minions lied us into a war that is unending and "un-winnable," there still remained at least the APPEARANCE of respect for things like the rule of law and the rights of the disenfranchised; and a willingness, at least up to a point, to compromise.


That's my issue with this administration.  They won't fake a compromise with the left or see things from our POV.  Either we go along with their disastrous agendas, or we're dirt.  That is just not how republics are run.

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I felt like we were getting close to that point with W, especially after he was reelected, and we got him bragging about having a mandate. This led into Terri Schiavo, to plans to gut Social Security, etc. It's just that a lot of terrible things happened for the GOP in 2005-2006 and they lost their footing with the public. 


I don't think that will happen now, so I do worry it's just going to get more and more extreme once the Republicans keep control of Congress this November, with nothing in place to stop it. 

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