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the best thing to do is ignore the trolls. they come out like bugs in the night but when the light gets turned on they scatter and hide. just try your level best to leave them alone....because they have no rationale to listen to anything you have you have to say if it doesn't fit their narrative and will not try to understand where you are coming from.

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I knew that one would show up spouting Trump talking points. Next he'll pivot to the Tony Podesta "scandal." It's amazing to me to see all the Trumphumpers who really think this all ends with Hillary going down for Uranium One. This is why I say we have to find a way to shun these people. They are completely divorced from reality and utterly unreachable.

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I'm just talking about the overall state of things in this country since Trump was elected, and how the implosion and disintegration of his administration is happening much sooner than I had expected.  


Then again, I think, as destructive as TrumpCo. has been to the country, maybe American government itself has been on a collision course for a long time; and TrumpCo. isn't the train wreck but rather the collateral damage.


...Or something like that, lol.

Edited by Khan
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Got you. I was unsure whether you meant the entire American system or the Trump administration.  I think there is definitely a case to be made that the American system is more vulnerable they many of us thought.  Some people saw it, but not me.


As for the Trump administration disintegrating quickly, in some ways it's always felt like it was falling apart. Right from the start with the ridiculous lies about crowd size he seemed unglued.  At the same time, I won't trust it's over until someone else is sworn in.

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