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I've been tracking Mueller's team like it's my version of fantasy football. "Okay we've got lawyers with expertise in money laundering, terrorism and racketeering...That's nice but we need to add some folks with background in cybersecurity. Oh good. Done. And now we've just added an expert in foreign bribery! Excellent!! Woo-hoo!! We're going to the Super Bowl!" 

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Knowing Trump's entire life and how he's sold himself is close to exposing him as one of the biggest frauds ever is the only thing that will matter to him and it will likely cause him to really go over the edge. Roy Cohn a horrible man and Trump's mentor was a homophobe(most homophobes are closet homosexuals IMO - as he was) and died from AIDS, ruined, broke, and alone.




Senate blocks Trump from making recess appointments




I have heard comments that perhaps this will lead to congress taking back some of it's power. The presidency has had more power than it should ever since congress ceded so much to Bush after 9/11 and we know how that turned out.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Girl, you are a mess, lol.



See, that's why I'm not entirely convinced Pence isn't in the closet.  I think -- and this is just what I think -- he came to the realization that he was gay (or at the very least, bisexual) when he was in college, which was also when he became the gay-hating Christian conservative we know today.

Edited by Khan
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Anyone who has ever seen the play Angels In America, there is a very biting characterization of  Cohn in that play.  He was hated by many people because he ruined many people's lives without a second thought.  He reveled in his hypocrisy so thoroughly that when he died, it was reported that civic organizations and groups that advocated for gay people could not even muster any sympathy for him because he was so horrid. 


And yes, it was very well known in the NYC area that he was Trump's lawyer (who used unethical and ruthless tactics in his advocacy on behalf of Trump) and mentor.  New Yorkers tend to have very long memories which is why Trump's voting totals in his home city were so abysmal.  You should always be wary of a candidate who gets little support in his home city because people can't stand him.

New Yorkers knew.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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You could DEFINITELY say the same about Mike Pence.  From what I understand, his home state of Indiana detests him; and if not for being Trump's VP pick, his political career would be all but over.  (Honestly, if I were Pence, I think I would pray for Trump's impeachment.  After all, how ELSE would I ever get to be president?)


That's not a bad theory.  But you know whose name crossed MY mind for a brief moment before collapsing into laughter and sliding away?  Steve Bannon.  Don't ask me why.


Thank. God.  Because that net neutrality business is so damn putrid.


But it's a double-edged sword.  Yes, his laziness and ineptitude have resulted in very little of his and the GOP's agenda being fulfilled.  However, North Korea remains a threat, and I think there's a good chance his let-China-handle-it attitude will result in our being dragged kicking and screaming into war.


Dennis says "ALMOST none," which has me wondering, what HAS been enacted?  Srsly, has Trump accomplished ANY thing on this agenda?


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A few pointless EOs and a limited Muslim ban. Everything else has been him taking credit for Obama's policies.



Happy to help! But seriously I'm all over this thing. What I find so fascinating is that Mueller is playing everything so close to the vest. Apparently the grand jury has been empaneled for a while. We're only hearing about it now. Subpeonas have already been issued.

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If we are so fortunate maybe Pence could be ensnared in it, and we could kick both he and Trump to the curb outside the WH. Both are awful.


This is why I said that voters also need to rid Congress of the enablers who helped create the conditions for a Trump (and Pence) to get into the WH in the first place.

Get as many of them out of Congress as humanly possible, so in the event that either the investigation lingers or Trump is able to hold on somehow, or even if he is replaced by Pence, there will be strict restrictions on what either man is able to do in office for the rest of that term, without prospects for another term.


In other words, while the investigators do their work, we the people need to handcuff Trump and Pence and render them totally ineffective for how ever long they stay in office!



Speaking of handcuffing people with horrendous regressive ideas who happen to be in positions of power,

I'm glad that the FCC is holding off on reconfirming Ajit Pai's term as Chairmen. Based on his regressive, greed-filled ideas on corporate intercession in telecommunications and technology as exemplified in his horrid proposals on net neutrality, I'd love for him to just get chucked the hell out. 

He can sit right on the sidewalk far away from the WH with Trump and Pence.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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