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Russia certainly doesn't care one way or the other about North Korea other than the usual self-preservation concerns, like every other country that doesn't want to be subject to the whims of the Kim regime.


China is different-as I've mentioned in a previous post, China shares a border with North Korea, China is North Korea's biggest trading partner and China is interested in whatever stability prevents a migrant flow across the border into China and they are not about to risk any of that perceived stability for the likes of the U.S. or the Trump administration's non-policy on North Korea.




Seems like the GOP and Tea Party (remember them?) have grown silent on a few issues that they were once vehemently vocal about.


Why Obamacare’s Loudest Critics Aren’t as Loud Anymore

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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"One of the listed donations, for example, was a $1 million gift from Corinne Bove Maietta, a member of a well-known Burlington family. In fact, trustees learned, the $1 million had been intended as a bequest upon her death."


Oh that's a no-no.



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I heard someone (forget who) on NPR's "Weekend Edition" mention McConnell's threat to the GOP that if they didn't pass this piece of legislation, they would be forced to collaborate with the Democrats.  Of course, as this person said, since the Democrats are not about to deliver cutbacks to Medicare and Medicaid OR tax cuts to the rich, I'd say those negotiations, should they occur, will be combative, to say the least.


I know it's petty to say this, but...when it comes to looks...Donny Jr. and Eric REALLY got shafted.

Edited by Khan
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