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I'll tell you the truth: I've braced myself for the possibility that the GOP will pretty much have the run of things 'til 2024 (provided, of course, Trump does NOT rewrite the Constitution to have him elected for more than two terms as President).  Not everyone will come around to the other way of thinking by then, because as several have said in this thread, there will be many who will stand by Trump and the GOP no matter what.  But I think enough will have had enough of the b.s. in seven years' time to swing the pendulum back the other way.


In other news...



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CNN was wrong and there should be action, but I am still waiting for Fox to fire people for


- Peddling the lie about Obama's birthplace

- Now telling viewers that Trumpcare does not cut Medicaid.


Who lost or is losing their jobs for these lies. And I can list pages of false information Fox has peddled. And the only way anyone gets fired it HE Is caught sexually harassing someone. Well even that doesn't dictate firing.

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Trump is making the US more unpopular around the world, except in Russia and Israel.....



According to this survey the confidence in the US president has dropped here in Sweden from 93% to 10% since Barack Obama left office. It's the biggest drop of all countries. Compare that to Russia where the numbers go in the other direction, up from 11% to 53%.

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One GIGANTIC reason why I don't like her......she held a PC years ago during the Night Stalker Murders and gave out all police evidence live on tv, including a mugshot that said for police only. The killer, who saw the broadcast, promptly walked on the GG Bridge and threw everything into the bay. she has never, to my knowledge, admitted she was wrong. 

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