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My theory: the IC has declared war on our (and their) own president, so they are lobbing every figurative grenade they can in the hopes of turning public sentiment against him (which won't work on Trump Nation) and forcing Congress' hands into launching formal investigations (which might work, eventually).


Like someone said upthread, the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies are capable of the dirtiest tricks imaginable...but those dirty tricks might be what the rest of this country needs if we have any chance of putting an end to this circus once and for all.  I mean, I would not put it past the IC to dig up, even as we speak, information on people like Bannon, Miller, or even McConnell and Ryan, in order to blackmail them into turning on Trump; or to make covert deals with other intelligence agencies around the globe in exchange for whatever dirt they might hold on Trump or his minions.

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I wonder if once Trump is gone, if things will go back to normal? At first I was assuming that we just had to endure four years and then we'd get a normal president and life would go on as it always has. I'm still hoping for that, but I'm less sure.


On another note 48 JCC's have been hit with bomb threats:



And as we've talked about before Trump's own base benefits the most from the very anti poverty programs the Republicans are itching to kill.



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This is one facet of what I'm thinking.  We're told that a lot of these people are older whites who are going to die off. I'm sure that's true to some degree, although people have been saying that since the 60's. At the same time, look at that whole Gamer Gate debacle. I'm sure a lot of the guys involved in that were Bernie Bros. They aren't old, uneducated people by any stretch, quite the opposite, but there is a deep streak of misogyny and racism in that group.


I'm more wondering if government is going to go back to normal? Will our next president be a decent person or are we in for more of these people who just want to make a buck from the office.  It feel like things are coming apart at the seems, but maybe it felt like that during the Nixon administration as well. I don't really know.

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@Juliajms Trump was asked about the rise in anti-semitism at that joint press conference yesterday and his response was to wax poetic about his electoral victory and point out that his daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren.  Then he mentioned how he was going to get rid of crime which was more Trumptopia.


Netanyahu gave him a hyperbolic assist--no one love Jewish people more than Trump blah blah blah.


His base will continue to believe the "illegals and blacks" are sucking up all the welfare until some of them take their last breath.


Meanwhile he is going after the deep state by putting his buddy Stephen Feinberg in charge of sussing out the leaks (at least that's the rumor).


I wouldn't expect the GOP to investigate anything more than who leaked the information.  They don't (except maybe a handful) seem to care about anything except pushing through their repeal ACA and cut taxes for the rich agenda.  Russia is a distraction to them.


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Sadly I think we were heading there even if Hillary had won. As much as I wish she had won, and I'm terrified of what we'll be getting due to her loss, I'm glad that the Republicans won't have her, or the left in general, to put their failures on. 

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That's one fact I keep coming back to.  This government is one the GOP has been jonesing for.  If and when they screw up everything, they will have only themselves to blame.

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Yeah, if Hilz had won all these folks saying "Get over it" would be running the streets with guns. Hell they did it with Obama. You could tell they were gearing up to start [!@#$%^&*]. 


You can tell the GOP is trying to kneecap Elizabeth Warren for a 2020 run but she loves it. She's all "Come at me, bro!" Plus I don't think she wants to run. Warren understands better than most of her supporters how vital Congress is.

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I find myself not reading the newspaper as much as I used to because I'm just tired of the man. I didn't see the PC but all I need to do is glance at social media and see some remarks about how he's like the sad sack of a man who can only brag about scoring the game winning touchdown in high school, etc.


It's only been a month and so many people of weary of this man!

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OK.  So, I'm not sure who the reporter was, but he called Trump out on his lie of having the largest electoral college win since Reagan!  First, the reporter sited President Obama's electoral win was larger, and Trump shot back "I meant among Republicans", the reporter got him AGAIN that both Bushes had larger margins.  I love it.


Trump didn't answer his follow up on how can Americans trust what he says when he lies.  Trump asked him "did you think it was an impressive win?!?".


This is maddening.




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