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Trump Nation has to be the biggest bunch of fools on Earth not to see hypocrises such as this coming from their leader.  I mean, it's the most blatant [!@#$%^&*] I've ever seen.  But, instead of holding Trump accountable, what do they do?  They look away and mumble the same old jive about "Crooked Hillary" and us needing to "get over it."


Frankly, I'm beginning to see that stuff like the fact that Trump is just as much in Wall Street's pockets as Hillary (if not more so) never mattered at all to Trump Nation.  All they ever cared about was getting a President who wasn't Black or a woman.  Point blank, period.


Otherwise, what working class individual in his or her right mind would believe a(n alleged) billionaire who's married to an ex-supermodel and lives in a penthouse has their best interests at heart?

Edited by Khan
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On a much, much MUCH brighter, and much needed, note:


My favorite team, the 2016 World Series Champion Chicago Cubs are coming to the White House on Monday!




This means that, yes, they will visiting Obama, and while this may have a lot to do with his connection to Chicago (even though he's a White Sox fan--hey, nobody's perfect, lol), a lot of people think this might also be an intentional snub to Trump, too. (The Ricketts family, who owns the Cubs, actually includes members of both parties--Laura Ricketts has campaigned and donated for Obama and Hillary, and Pete Ricketts is the Republican Governor of Nebraska (his wife notably voted for Hillary, though). Tom Ricketts, meanwhile, has the unfortunate distinction of looking like Ted Cruz's long-lost twin brother). 


I'm pretty certain Jake Arrieta--one of their best pitchers--is a Trump supporter, but it looks like he's just going to have to get over that come Monday.

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That 20-25% who believe Trump is Christ Himself will spend every day defending him.....but I now feel millions who voted for him feel like the biggest moronic fools, because they voted for a wall and for some BS and are now seeing they're about to get screwed.

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As someone who, by her own admission, owes much of her longevity in her industry to the LGBT community, Jennifer Holliday should have known when she accepted the gig that it was bound to cause this amount of controversy.  Frankly, I'm disappointed.

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I beginning to think that these announcements of people performing at the inauguration are the equivalent of death hoaxes. I'm not believing any of them unless they are announce by the performers themselves. That said, the tweet from Cheryl Lynn is every bit as mean and tacky as anything Trump would say.

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I'm disappointed in Cheryl Lynn's response as well.  If you disagree with JH's decision to perform at the inauguration, that's fine.  But I think we can question that decision without having to mock her struggles with MS.  That, IMO, goes too far.


(BTW, am I the only one surprised to learn CL is still alive?  Because I could have sworn I heard she had passed away several years ago.)


Agree.  No other incoming president in my lifetime has inspired as much outrage.  We're all in for a very scary ride.


True, a growing number of voters are at that point already.  However, I figure it'll take at least a year for it to really sink into people's heads what we have done by voting for Trump, voting for a third-party candidate, or in my case, not voting at all.  In the meantime, though, I expect Trump Nation, by and large, to give him a free pass.

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That tweet from Lynn went too far. These women have obviously been on the outs long before this whole event occurred.

Holliday has always been musical theater's version of a scenery chewer but she built a lot of goodwill from not only her performance in Dreamgirls but overcoming her struggles. This threatens to undo all of that.

As someone who has worked in theater, I am almost certain that this will affect her prospects in the theater community going forward.

Even in The Color Purple musical, she was far from standout compared to Cynthia Erivo, Danielle Brooks or even Jennifer Hudson, so she won't be able to cover this through her most recent Broadway performance. She should really think long and hard about that the next time she's trying to fill the Beacon Theater.


It's also been reported that Steve Harvey has been spotted going to see the orange faced menace at Trump Tower.  It could be a Miss Universe thing, I don't expect much from Steve Harvey anyway.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Twelve states to keep an eye on:

  • Arizona

  • Colorado

  • Florida

  • Maine

  • Michigan

  • Minnesota

  • Nevada

  • New Hampshire

  • North Carolina

  • Pennsylvania

  • Virginia

  • Wisconsin

These were all won with a percentage margin of 5% - these states can flip either way. Democrats need to start mobilizing now to make significant gains over the next 2-4 years. 147 electoral votes right here.

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