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Y&R: Week of September 22, 2008

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I think it is believed to be related to chronic fatigue syndrome can make it impossible for people to function and even get out of bed at times. It can also damage the heart and can cause other organs to swell. It is also transmitted through swapping spit, but Y&R will never acknowledge that.

Since this is no longer a spoiler, I'm removing the tags.

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I'm starting to find Holleen is preferable to this Eden. I just finished Y&R, Thursday US, and she seemed worse than before. I'm now starting to think about taping this show just to get her off my screen. Was this character even necessary to bring on?

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Loved the scenes with Victor and Nick today. Nick being torn between respecting his fathers wishes and feeling the need to help him....it was great to watch Eric and Joshua. I don't have a clue what happened in Mexico but whatever it is I've not seen Victor this down in ages. If ever. I also enjoyed seeing Raya today also. I miss her and the beauty she brought to the show.

I completely agree about the Eden chick. Anyone that thinks Noah's a loser doesn't deserve my time or my respect. Loved Noah's response though. :D

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Okay, I see your point (have now watched it).

But, with Eden, we're told she is "psycho bitch from hell" (Noah), "angry girl" (Michael), and "scared" (Lauren).

She is SUPPOSED to be nasty, and we're SUPPOSED to understand it as a defense. She is SUPPOSED to be dislikable.

Now, I'll buy what you say--it is true--I didn't perceive that vulnerability. If she NEVER comes down from this attitude, I will be with you. But I'm going to give the script a bit of a chance to let her show some range.

But I personally loved much of the rest of it. I'm loving Adam and Jack together like nobody's business...and I sure hope they retcon Adam into Jack's son :).

I also think this new Noah--whom I was prepared to hate, because I really liked Hunter Allan--is just ideal. Perfection as as a young teen with a bit of Nick's humorous attitude. He is a better actor than Joshua Morrow as at this age.

I had silly fun with Sharon and Phyllis. It was meant to be a fun scene illustrating the problems between the ladies...and it was also meant to sort of confirm Noah's perception that girls are crazy. It worked on both scores.

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I think your fantasy is a bit extreme and mean spirited for any holiday show especially for Michael who is a decent man, so I hope we don't see anything like that.

I don't get why people get so worked up about Gloria having scenes in the Abbott home. The fact is if this show bothered to give Gloria a real set instead of the absurd pool house we wouldn't be seeing her use the Abbott house. I get the anger when she was living there and trying to take the mansion from Jack. But what we are seeing now is caused by a ridiculous use of sets especially for the Baldwin-Fisher family. Kevin's apartment is merely Michael and Lauren's apt set reconfigured and hasn't been seen in months, Gloria is living in a pool house, Michael has lost his office and Lauren's boutique is rarely on. You can't have every Baldwin-Fisher scene in Lauren and Michael's apartment or at the Athletic Club or coffeehouse.

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I was fully prepared to despise the new Noah, Hunter Allen was a great little actor, but I'm pleasantly surprised. The Noah we have now has some of Sharon's sweetness and (for lack of better phrasing) what I'd imagine to be Nick's appreciation of bathroom humor. He's very natural and the writing he's been given makes him sound like a teen, not too young, not too old, just right. Well done MAB, HS and whoever hired him!

Now Eden on the other hand...What. A. Disaster. Hate the actress, hate the character, hate the storyline. HATE IT! Time to ship her off to the ashram!

I really like the Adam/Jack buddy buddy thing...historically Jack has been a pseudo father to many of Victor's children, so it's all just a case of history repeating.

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In Thursday's US episode, is it me or is the lighting at Crimson Lights and the hospital very Rauch-ish? Everything was so bright.

ETA: I went back to watch some hospital scenes from July and it definitely looks different!

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I figured it might make you cross. To be fair, though, she -- like you -- is expressing her opinion. And I noticed she was pretty much an equal opportunities offender. Daniel (or Porniel as she calls him) got it in the neck, as did Amber and Lily to a lesser extent.

Unfortunately, Tammin's performance is not winning over fans in the blogsphere. On the upside for you and other fans of TS, she has got everybody buzzing. TPTB are looking at all the threads about Colleen and rubbing their hands. Enraged viewer = engaged viewer and all that.

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