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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)

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It would have been funny if her step-brother replied, "One day I noticed that my mother's curtains needed mending, so I attached some fringe, and from that day on I called myself, Draper..."


But seriously, I also like that Raven had played with boys like Logan, Kevin, and Elliott, but it wasn't until she lost the support of Geraldine that she left Monticello.  

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I like the untold backstory that due to the mob ties in Monticello, and witness protection, everyone gave themselves a new nickname when they came to town.


"My ex-girlfriend wore too much make-up, and everyone always said that I sounded like Jim Bakker, so I decided to call myself, Preacher...."


"One day I was having my colors analyzed at the mall and I decided to call myself, Winter...."


"I began saying things at the same time as everyone else so I called myself, Jynx (buy me a coke), but the buy-me-a-coke was silent..."

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"One night, when I was at some disco, out of my mind on coke, someone said to me, 'Schuyler Whitney, you are SKY high!'.  The rest is history."

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I was reading the Wiki for Interiors, and saw this Woody Allen comment about his fears for the film. It just makes me laugh, because of all the soaps, Edge of Night is one of those that has aged the best, and talents like Irving Vendig and Henry Slesar will likely influence generations of writers if they take the time to sit and watch the episodes. Woody Allen movies, meanwhile, will always be suffocated by layers of extremely ugly baggage.  


Later, while watching the film with an acquaintance, Allen reportedly said "It's always been my fear. I think I'm writing Long Day's Journey into Night and it turns into Edge of Night."[11]

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I'm behind here, but love the "Draper" name origin.  


It's funny, but I first saw Edge when the Sky/Jeff Brown story kicked in and I was hooked - it was on late night after Nightline and I happened to tune in.  Once I had the opportunity to view the 1978-1980 episodes, I realized the show really got hit with the loss of Logan, Elliott, Draper and, even Steve - all were gone when I first started watching. And Raven sure managed hold her own against all of them. 

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I wonder how the story would have gone if Mr. Slesar had made Nicole a younger brother named Jody and Nancy a nephew named Kelly?


(I know that Kelly was originally supposed to be a more grown-up Timmy Ferriday.)


Also, if Lee Sheldon had made the character of Jeremy Rhodes as a more grown-up Timmy Ferriday that Kelly had been?

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This Sept episode is so memorable. I remember taping it on a cassette recorder when I realized Raven was leaving. I still have the tape.  This episode marks a difficult transition period for Slesar and the show.  The next year was tough with the focus on the Madisons and eventual departures of Deborah, Steve, the entire Madison family, Margo etc.  But set the stage for Sky, Jody, Gavin,  Gunther etc....Slesar's last great period on the show. My understanding from talking to Ernie Townsend in 1981 in NYC was that ABC was pressuring PG and Slesar when the other ABC soaps rebounded in 1980 to become more youthful, and romance focused.  Henry's difficulty (but was probably the source of so much creativity) is that he wrote all the long story, all the breakdowns and three scripts per week. He associate writer only wrote 2 scripts per week.  By the early 80s he was seen as too old fashioned and unable to write by committee.  Loved Henry and Edge!  Lee Sheldon sucked.  

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part one



Lila Ackerman    Jane House   1979  attorney, Eddie Vaughn

Steven Adler     Eugene Smith    1984  hated Standing Elk
Martin Ainsworth    ????   2/82   Raven's attorney
Mrs. Albertson      Joan Shea
Sarah Albright    Jenny Lyons    1979 maid,waitress +Eliot
Desmond Aldrich    James Douglas   1984   father, Mark
Mark Aldrich (Hamilton)  Chris Holder  1984 kidnapper, Raven; thought she was his late wife
Michelle ___ Aldrich    Never Seen; 1984  Mark's late wife
Hugh Alexander   Never Seen   Raven's late father
Miss Ames      Barbara Rodell     1971   Airline Desk Clerk
Lieutenant Andy Anderson   Roger Serbagi   1971
Bob Anderson      Bob Dixon
John Paul Anderson    Conard Fowkes   1963   ex, Beth Moon
Louise Anderson    Evalyn Baron    1979   maid, Nola, tried to kill Paige
Tom Andrews        Robert Elston       1971
Dick Appleman     Michael Strong   1959   engine designer
Mary ___ Appleman  Joan Copeland   1959  farmer
Trent Archer      Farley Granger   1979   star of Nola's movie
Gail Armstrong    Millette Alexander        1958-59   commercial artist
Graham Armstrong     Phillip English     1981
Lena __ Armstrong   Never Seen     Mother, Gail
Mrs. Armstrong     Selma Diamond   1976  Tracy's madam
                               Minerva Pious     1976
Robert Arnaud        David Garfield
Benny Arnold      John DiBenedetto    1981 son of Jody and Gavin's landlady
Mrs. Arnold      Janet Sarno    1981   Landlady, Jody and Gavin
Hester Atherton  Kim Hunter   1979 character played by Nola Madison
Winter Austin       Lori Cardille     1978-79   murder victim, former sex worker, + Logan Swift
                             Stephanie Braxton     1979
Nate Axelrod      Robert Mandan    1961    paint factory
Louie Baccoli           Louis Sorkin    1957   had Rose Bremen's baby
Teresa   ___   Baccoli    Lois Holmes   1957 "                    "
Mr. Bailey    Mark Alaimo        1972    
Mr. Bailey    Calvin Ander     1979     building superintendant
Lieutenant Sam Bailey   Stephen Pearlman   1973  tried to railroad Adam
Troy Bannister   Keith Grant   1982  Didi's brother, murdered, worked for Eddie Lorimer
Oliver Barbour         Michael Strong       partner of Sybil Gordon
                             Robert Dryden     1957-58
Nurse Carol  _____  Barclay    Polly Adams    1977 worked for Miles
Eve Barlick   Shirley Blanc       1973
Beth Moon Anderson Barnes   Nancy Pinkerton    1963-67 dated Lee, married John Paul and John
Dr. Barnes      Jonathon Farwell       1981
John Barnes    Barry Newman    1964-67   thug turned good, dated Gerry, married Beth
Pop Barnes     Will Hussung    1965   father John
Rachel Barnes  Kim Hunter      1979    homeless woman
Nurse Tina ____  Barnes   Bette Henritze    1978   Denise's nurse
Barbara ___  Barnett     Audra Lindley    1962    double agent
Captain Barnett    Humbert Allen Astredo     1974
Max Barrett     Arny Freeman     1975    mob travel agent
Eric Barrington      Leon Janney   1968  boss, Ron Christopher
Lieutenant Barry    William Mason    1970     cop
Ann __   Barton    Priscilla Gillette   1962   tried to discredit Mike Karr
Rosalind Bates       Annie Korzen   1980
Ella ___ Battle     Jackson Perkins    1956-57 mother Betty Jean
Wyn Battle    William Quinn   1956-57   father, Betty Jean
Dr. Bauer     Frieda Altman    1958
Jake Becker     Sam Gray    1962
Chip Beemer    Kipp Whitman    1978     thug
"Doc" Percy Beemer      John C. Beecher   1972
Gordy Bellen    ?????   1984   bought the Rock Garden from Mitzi
Willard Benner     Eugene Wood    1957   prisoner; gunsmith
Roy Benson    James Carew     1958   employee, Phillips
Dr. Berger     Will Jeffries        1980
Anita ___ Berkowitz     Alice Yourman      1957    child services
Edith ___  Gantry  Berman       Patricia Bright   1972  killed by Jake
Jake Berman     Ward Costello    1972  attorney, stalker of Nancy
Amy Berry        Beulah Garrick     1979   neighbor, Wade Meecham
Lila Berry       Lucy Landau   1979   neighbor, Wade Meecham
Deputy Lester Birdwell   Ben Slack   1979
Judge Hannoch Blackwell     Judson Laire   1973; 1975 presided over the Adam Drake trial
Lieutenant Jeff Blaine     Charles Weldon    1972    shooter of Frank Sloane
Richard Todhunter Blaine   Maurice Culpin   1984   attorney
Eric Blake    Richard Zobel     1983    assistant, Alicia Van Dyne
Sheriff Kenneth Bloom      Patrick Kilpatrick   1984
                                        J.T. Walsh     1984
Mr. Bogartis       Stefan Gierasch       1971 
Marilyn Bollon    Mary Alice Moore   1956    secretary, Harry Lane
Marie Bonaventure     ?????      1982   Eden storyline--? painting?
Dr. Ursula Bower     Rita Morley            1961
Camilla Devereaux Bowie    Mary Layne    1982-83  Ian's sister, affair with Spencer V.
John Bowie       Never Seen   1982-83   Camilla's late husband, employed Spencer Varney and Nora Fulton
Jack Boyd       John Allen Nelson    1984   frat  guy +Hollace Dineen
Leland Davis Breckenridge (aka R.Mosley Bradshaw)    Richard Kiley   1961    faux Justice of the Peace
Rose Marie Bremen   Jill Kraft     1957    baby was stolen, +Willie Bryan
Mrs. Brennan      Fran Brill     1978   abused wife, fell out a window
Mr. Brennan     ??????   1978      abusive husband  
Sid Brennan     Meg Myles   1981-83      owned Sid's Tavern dated Smiley Wilson and left town with lovable mobster Eddie Lorimar
Calvin Brenner   Scott Glenn         1969      assistant, Lydia
Max Breyer         Robert Patene        1958      motivational speaker
Mildred  Dykman Campbell  Breyer          Claudia Morgan     1958     sister of Hugh Campbell
Mrs. Briggs     Lynne Rogers           1975
Gillian Brill    Connie Clausen      1957         reporter
Sergeant Charley Brooks       Ian Martin    1956-57     detective, dated Grace O'Keefe
Mr. Brooks        Rex Everhart           1979
Betsy Brown           Carolyn Groves    1962        dated Lee Pollock
Davey Brown         John Dawson        1979
Jefferson Brown        Peter Alyea  (flashbacks, pre-surgery)    1981   faux Schuyler Whitney
                               Larkin Malloy       1980-82
Lorene Brownell       Ellen Muir           1977
Herr Bruhner        Stefan Schnabel      1982     Switzerland
Lieutenant Willie Bryan        Ed Holmes     1956-61       friend , Mike Karr, dated Rose Marie
District Attorney Nick Bryce     James Broderick         1964 
Mrs. Nick Bryce          Rosemary Rice           1964
Beth Rexford Bryson    Doris Belack       1981     tormented Nancy    wife, Kenneth
Dr. Kenneth Bryson      James Hawthorne     1981     plastic surgeon
Valerie Bryson    Leah Ayres       1981-83    daughter, Jim, dated Jefferson, Sky, Gavin, Jim D., Kelly
Lolly (Molly)  Buchanon       Marion Brash     1968     housed Julie Hillyer on the run
Sandy Buchanon         Michael Lombard       1968   "                                                  "
Dr. Buckley              Chevi Colton               1980
Joe Bulmer           Victor Arnold         1982      Eden, Killer Leonie Travis
"Lindbergh" Loretta Bundy       Jessica James     1984     owned a pawn shop
Nurse Celia   ____ Burns       Carol Teitel      1971-72   worked in sanitarium wife
Fred Burns     William Kiehl      1971-72      husband, Carol     mob boss
Jasper Burnside      Stuart Germain    1979     Justice of the Peace
Bobby Burroughs     David Purdham      1980     
Mrs. Burroughs      Sylvia Davis      1970
Maxine Burton         Amy Appleby      1984   Jody's dorm monitor, murdered
Dr. Calmette      Jacques Roux   1975     French doctor, Nicole
Abby ___   Cameron    Patricia Allison    1965-66   attempted suicide +Roy, +Phil, 
                                   Margaret DePriest  1966
Agent David Cameron    Norman Parker   1982-83   murderous CEA agent
Roy Cameron      Allen Nourse      1965-66    married to Abby
Ellis Campbell aka "Pietro"      Peter Webster   1982   kidnapper
Dr. Hugh Campbell    Wesley Addy    1958-59
Louise Grimsley Capice Capice  Lisa Howard    1956-57  daughter, Winston, married Phil, mother, Sara Louise 
                                   Mary K. Wells     1961-70
Phil Capice         Earl Hammond      1957      friend of Mike Karr, in law enforcement
                               Robert Webber    1957
                            Ray MacDonnell   1961-69
Sara Louise Capice       Mary Breen   1961-63   daughter
                                       Amy GIbson    1964
                                      Christopher Norris 1968-70
Sofia Capulet      ??????   1983      secretary, Gui Trevanier   murdered by Spencer
Lieutenant Paul  Carey     Mark Gordon    1966-68   investigated Rick Olliver's murder
Roxanne Carey    Martha Galphin      1968-69    dated Adam
Jennings Carlson     Jeff Harris   1960 criminal, murderer
Mrs. Carlson    Adele Ronson      1960
Victor Carlson   Charles Baxter      1960
                         Byron Sanders      1960-61
Dr. John Carpenter    Leon B. Stevens     1970
                         Fred J. Scollay    1969
Edna Mae ___ Carroll  Nancy Marchand   1962
Tracey Carroll    Kendall March   1970
Ernie Casper        Louis Zorich   1975     witness against the mob
Cecelia  Castermore   Minerva Pious   1972  landlady, Nicole
Roger Castermore    Roy London     1970   Cecelia's son, spied on Nicole through peepholes in her apartment
                            Lawrence Pressman    1969-70
Dr. Catalano       Martin wolfson       1963
Linda Catalano    Lila Messenger      1963
Adam (Drake, Jr. ) Cavanaugh   Timothy Geissler   1980-83  son of Nicole& Adam, adopted by Miles
April Cavanaugh    Never Seen   died as a child, replaced with April Huntington     grave seen 1979
Dr. Beth Correll Cavanaugh      Sandy Faison  1983-84  virgin psychiatrist, married Miles
Denise Norwood Cavanaugh    Holland Taylor   1977-78; 80  Miles' crazy first wife
Edmond Cavanaugh   Never Seen   abusive father 
Louise __ Cavanaugh   Judith Barcroft    Miles mother, adopted April  (flashbacks)   1979
Dr. Miles Cavanaugh    Joel Crothers   1977-84  hero doctor, frequently set up
                   (young)  Phil MacGregor     (flashback, 1979)
Muffin Cavanaugh    Muffin the Dog     1983
Nicole Travis Stewart Drake Cavanaugh     Maeve McGuire   1968-74; 1975-77
                   Jayne Bentzen    1978-81       television journalist
                   Lisa Sloan     1981-83
Maude Cavendish      Constance Carpenter    1975
Ada ___ Chandler    Billie Allen      1973-75   adoption agent
                            Micki Grant     1976-77  wife, Luke
Lieutenant Luke Chandler   Herb Davis   1973-78   police officer
Mr. Charles    Ed Penn       1975
Mrs. Cherney     Paula Trueman     1974
Elaine "Cookie" Pollock Thomas Christopher     June Carter   1962 Nancy's neurotic sister      married Malcolm and Ron
                                   Fran Sharon   1962-72
Ron Christopher         Burt Douglas    1968-72  financial manager and campaign manager    married to Cookie, cheated with Tiffany Whitney
Lilly ____ Clarke      Pat Hosley   1957   neighbor, Mike/Sara Karr
Mr. Clarke       ?????      1957       neighbor, Mike/Sara Karr
Scott Clarke     Mark Weston    1964
Val Cobb        Never Seen     1981   babysitter, Jamey
Dora Coburn        Rita Gam     1983
Catherine Coceck     Joan Christopher    1957
Robert Cole    John Swearington        1976
Joannie Collier     Eileen Finley     1978   poisoned Deborah Saxon, member of the Children of Earth
Al Collins    J.E. Freeman   1982    travel friend, Nora Fulton
Johnny Collins      Larry Hagman     1959
Peggy Collins    Olga Bellin    1958-59    lab assistant, Hugh; pushed off roof by Max Breyer
Father Connelly     Raleigh Bond      1975
Mr. Connolly        Edgar Stemli      1957
Sam Conrad        Jonathon Moore   1981
Harry Constable    Dolph Sweet      1967-68   thug, riverboat casino
Jane   ___ Conway    Barbara Joyce     1958     reporter
Lloyd Conway     Richard Janaver     
Mr. Conway        Karl Weber        1958
Assistant District Attorney Pete Conyers     ???????
Dr. Everett Cooper  Stephen Joyce     1982  Miles' patient's husband, Medical Review Board
Mrs. Cooper   ????   1982          patient, Miles, wife Everett
Raney Cooper    Kiel Martin      1977     thug,   +Deborah
Judge Copeland    Ed Lally   1983     
Clarence Corbly     Larry Hagman       1958
Martha Corey  Kim Hunter 1979   neighbor, Deborah (actually Nola Madison)
Liz Correll     Marcia Cross     1984     anthropologist, +Preacher
Dr. Bruce Corwin     Clifford David      1979  doctor, Margo H.
Clint Crawford       Ed Grover     1966-67    scientist
Marian ___ Crawford    Marion Brash 1967   fell down stairs 
Randy Crawford    Joey Baio      1966-67      son
                          Sheldon Golomb (Collins)  1966-67
Nat Crenshaw     Carmine Stipo        1972
Owen Crimmins    ??????   1978     donor (Claremont)
Benedict Croft     Thomas Schall   1984    trashe sculpture of Maria Hathaway
Henrietta ____ Cross    Marion Brash    1980    neighbor, Raven babysitter, Jamey
Mrs. Culb ertson      Joan Shea    1972
Jeanne Culpepper        Frances Chaney    50s-60s   secretay, Mike Karr
Dr. Curran      John McGovern      1961
Sergeant GIl Currie     Stan Lachow    1980
Judge Barbara Curtis    Nancy Marchand   1970   presided over Nicole's trial
Dorothy Curtis      Barbara Pavell    1958
John Victor Dallas        C.R. Gowan    1975-77   son, Johnny/Laurie Ann
Johnny Dallas      John LaGioia    1972-77   owned New Moon Cafe, sister was Tracey, married Laurie, free-lanced time to work for Mike Karr
Laurie Ann Karr Lamont Dallas  Victoria Larkin    60-61  daughter of Mike & Sara, married Vic Lamont and Johnny Dallas wound up in sanitarium 1978-84. Got out in time for finale
                                Kathleen Bracken     1962-64
                                Kathy Cody      1965-67
                                Emily Prager     1968-72
                                Jeanne Ruskin    1973-75
                              Linda Cook    1975-78; 1984
Assistant District Attorney Peter Dalton   George O. Petrie   197  Phillips' man in office 
                                     Stephen Elliott    1957-58
Virginia Porterfield Dalton     Catherine Cordell   1957-58
Victoria ___ Dana     Joanna Roos     1965-66   con woman worked with Phoebe Smith
Cathryn ____  Dane     Mary Denham    1977   (flashbacks) patient, Miles killed by Denise
Judge  Daniels   ??????  1972   presided over  the Kate Sloan tri\al
Gilbert Darcy (aka Claude Revenant)   Scott McKay   1976-77    fugitive, Limbo Island   wanted Nicole dead.
Evelyn Dark          Lesley Woods     1964
Miss Darwin       Kate Draper    1981
Mr. Davenport     ????  1982         actor    +Buffy Revere
Professor Neil Davenport     Earle Hyman    1970-71   Colin Whitney's campaign manager  
Davey Davidson   Joe Silver       1962
Warden Davies    Scottie Bloch   1978-79    warden at Warmdale
Judge Cameron Davis    Leon Morenzie     1974-75
Chummy Davis   Ron Karabotsos     1981-82   associate, Eddie
Marvin Davis    John Griggs      1959
Claire Daye     Cyd Quilling     1983      actress (Gunther hired)
                               Sean Murphy      1983
Lou Deacon   Kurt Garfield       1976
Mr. Deeley     Bob Levine       1983
Mrs. DeGroot    Elaine Stritch      1983    nanny, Jamey
Jock DeLucca   Ed Kovens    1980      factory supervisor
Kitty DeMarco    Claudia Crawford    1957   bratty girl, knew Bebe
                           Jacqueline Courtney     1958
Mrs. DeMarco    Katheriine Raht    1958    Kitty's mother
Terry DeMarco    Anna Minot   1959   assisstant, Hugh Campbell
Miss Dempsey    Ginger Gerlach       1960s
Joe Denison      ????     1972    client, Mike Karr
Kitty ____  DeSena    Valerie French      1964     ex, Malcolm Thomas
Ian Devereaux     Alan Coates    1982-83   spy +Raven
Patricia ____ Devereaux    Caroline Lagerfelt  1983, spy, ex-wife, Ian
Dr. Devlin     Dan Resin        1974
Carlton DeWitt     Leon B. Stevens    1973     ran against Adam      
Joey Dials        Joey Jerrome  1979  shot by Steve Guthrie 
Mickey Dials      Vasili Bogazianos     1979  gunrunner, ( worked forTobias)
Jim Diedrichson      David Allen Brooks     1981-82   director at theater, former patient at Bryson clinic, +Valerie Bryson
Packy Dietrich       Dennis Marino     1977      thug
Lord Humphrey Digby    Michael Egan   1983  guest of Jim and Dot Earle
Lady Jillian ___  Digby      Denise Cowerd   1983   guest of Jim and Dot Earle
Malcolm Dimes    Ralph Emhardt   1974    mobster from St. Anthony
Hollace Dineen  Deborah Goodrich    1984  college with Jody, dated Jack Boyd 
                          Kelly Patterson    1984
Johnny "Bud" Doble       Larry Robinson  1957    cab driver
Pat "Pet"  ____  Doble     Sue Ellen Blake   1957   Bud's wife
Officer Donnelly      James Shannon    1972
Eliot Dorn       Lee Godart    1978-80    +Sara, +Raven, married Margo, led cult, owned The Unicorn  killed by Moll7, the Puppet killer
Margo Huntington Dorn     Ann Williams 1978-80   April's real mother  owned tv station  murdered by Nola Madison
Noel Douglas        Thom Christopher   1974   ex, Brandy, seduced Tracy, married Tiffany    con man
                             Dick LaTessa   1974-76
Tiffany ____ Whitney Douglas     Lucy Martin   1970-71; 1973-76  widow of Colin Whitney,screwed Ron C., married Noel, pushed out a window
Adam Drake       Donald May  1967-77   good guy attorney loved and married Nicole, fathered Adam, dated Cookie, Roxanne, and Brandy while Nicole was believed dead
Dr. Gail Driscoll         Barbara Stanger        1975
Lieutenant Driscoll     Robert Burr        1966
Tammy ____  Dryden      Cheryl "Gates" McFadden   1982   Miles' ex girlfriend
"Big" Frank Dubeck      Michael Conrad    1959    ex-con
Reverend Dudley   William Griffis       1975
Officer Duncan    P.J. Benjamin      1983
Mrs. Duvall    ????      1971     grandmother, Suella
Henry Dwyer     Rick Maynard
Lieutenant Sam Dwyer   Lew Resseguie    1980   escorted Draper to jail
 Irene Eagan     Julie Christy    1957     accomplice, Clayton Pike
Dorothy "Dot" ____ Earle    Jane Cronin      1983-84    bought Whitney Mansion
Jim Earle          Arch Johnson    1983 bought Whitney mansion; tried to start a coup
                         Robert Nichols    1983-84
Susan __   Earle     Micki Grant    1967    secret agent
Hank Eastland     Gerald Gordon   1959
Bud Eaton      Stuart Moss       1964
Roy Eaton       Allen Nourse     1964
Moe Eberhart    Dick Cavett    1983     "stool pigeon"
Mr. Eccles     Leslie Barrett     1983
Judge Edison     Never Seen    1980    grandfather, Emily Michaels
Judge Edwards     Raymond E. Johnson    1961     judge that presided over Judy M's trial
Carolyn ___  Earle      Gretchen Walther   1984   mother, Chris
Detective Chris Egan  (Gantz)    Jennifer Taylor      1983-84
Mark Egan   Eberle Thomas    1984   farmer father of Chris    
Bernard Ehlers    Robert Carroll    1957    attorney, Cora Lane
                         Mandel Kramer      1957
Harold "JoJo" Eiler     Jack Bittner     1972-73    friend, Johnny Dallas
                             David Groh    1973
Dr. Elliott      Fran Carlon        1958  
Dr. Ellis     ?????????    1960    doctor, George Vetter
Mrs. Ellsworth    Dorothy Blackburn    1980   neighbor, Rachel Carson
Kirsten Elstrum    Jacqueline Bertrand    1965   
Del Emerson        Robert Gerringer   1983-84     father, Preacher, con artist, engaged to Geraldine Saxon
John "Preacher" Emerson    Charles Flohe (Grant)   ran video disco, sleuthed with the Whitneys, dated Jody, Liz
Ken Emerson       Alan Manson      1966-68    dated Cookie
Dwight Endicott      Alfred Drake    1982    art gallery owner
Grace Endicott       Carole Davis     1982     daughter in the mob
                          Ellen Tobie     1982 
Dr. Anton Engler (fake)   Otto Van Wernherr    1984   created formula
Carmen Engler      Julianne Moore    1984    held her father's formula
Sam English     Edward Moore         1972
Dick Entwhistle       David Bickford       1979
John Esterhazy     Never Seen 1982    found Leonie , from Eden
Randolph Esterhazy       ?????     1973    ballistics expert
Ben Everett      Mel Cobb     1978     boss Nicole
Jason Everett      Barry Ford        1971
Caroline Ewing   Never Seen     1978     murdered cult member
Paul Fairchild      Sam Schact    1974     crooked attorney
"Josie Faraday"     Louise Shaffer  1975   alter of Serena Faraday
Mark Faraday   Bernie McInerney   1975   husband, Serena, sued her for custody of Timmy. killed by "Josie" his wife's alter
Serena Travis Faraday  Louise Shaffer   1975-76   Nicole's cousin, killed husband, had Multiple personality disorder, alter was "Josie"
Timmy Faraday    Doug McKeon   1975-78   son of Serena/Mark, adopted by Mike and Nancy  went to camp and never returned
                  Andrew McMilian   (temp) 1978
Dr. Arnold Featherstone   Humphrey Davis   1981 colleague of Kenneth Bryson
Mrs. Fenner    Chevi Colton      1979
Danny Fenton    Joe Silver    1966
Toni Fescina   Kay Medford   1958    informant, Roy Benson
Dee Dee Fields    Never Seen    Jim's sister
Jason Fields    Robert John McLaughlin   1973-74   son, Jim/Liz
Dr. Jim Fields   Alan Feinstein  1969-75  psychiatrist
Liz Hillyer Prentiss Fields  Alberta Grant  1965-74  daughter, Orin, married Steve Prentiss and Jim Fields; friend of Phoebe Smith Marceau
Dr. William Finch     Dick Dowling    1980
Mr. Finchley    Gene Fanning1980
Mayor Finley    Humbert Allen Astredo   1972;1980
Charles Fisher   ??????? 1957       reporter, Peter
Sergeant Fisk     George O. Petrie   1957  fingerprinted Cora Lane
Ellie Fitzgibbons    Mary K. Wells    1957   reporter
Sergeant Fitzsimmons    Frank Sutton  1957  partner Helen Killbourn
Wlliam Herman "Fitzy" Fitzsimmons  Vic Thorley   1957    investor, Peter
Leroy Flagg     Paul Reed    1957    prison warden
Faith Fleming       ????   1957   campaign runner
Bart Fletcher    James Ray         1967-68   thug, Harry Constable, killed Lloyd Hubbard
George Foley   Michael M. Ryan    1982   had Whitney papers
Yvonne__ Foley    Beverly May    1982     wife, George
Dr. Forbes     Adam Kirk    1975
Susan Forbes   Gretchen Kanne     1969    Nicole's business partner, murder victim
                        Bibi Besch     1969-70
Al Ford      Warren Parker    1957   reporter
Allen Ford   ?????    1957    lookalike, Mac McGinnis
Ken Forrester     Ronan O'Casey    1984   owned hotel in woods
Madame Forrester   Taina Elg    1984    "                                     "
Mr. Forrester       Arthur Peterson 
Barclay Foster    ????    1982      art critic
Sergeant Betty "Carter" Foster     Elaine Hyman   1973    found Jake Berman's suicide note
Lieutenant Sam Fountain     Chandler Hill Harben    1975   
Shelley Franklyn     Pamela Shoemaker (Shaw Donnelly)  1983-84   actress, fell for Preacher E.
Judge Frye     Carl Lowe     1959
Nora Fulton (aka Roxanne Walker)   Catherine Bruno   1981-83   former Whitney maid, WMON employee murdered by David Cameron    overall nasty "b"
Eva Gabor       Eva Gabor     1983
Michael Gallagher      ????    1984    Calvin's partner
Joel Gantry    Paul Henry Itkin   1973   PI, son, Edith B., half-brother, Lucy Wilson, murdered Jake Berman
                       Nicholas Pryor    1973
Matthew Gantz       Randy Mullins    1983-84   son, Chris Egan and Walter G.
Walter Gantz       John Bedford-Lloyd      1983    PI, ex-husband, Chris Egan
Assistant District Attorney Reuben Gardner    Stan Watt   1974
Dr. Leo Gault    George D. Wallace  1980   father, Emily
Teresa Edison  Gault    Never Seen    1980   Emily's mother
Leon Gavril   Mitchell Gregg   1965-66   mobster
Frankie Gemini    ?/????   1978     stoolie, Steve G.
Johnny Gentry   Craig Augustine       1981-82    actor, gigolo +Buffy
Dr. David Gerard     Michael Ebert    1969       psychiatrist
                      Franklin Cover     1969-70
Eleanor Gibbons      Mary James     1957
Ed Gibson      Larry Hagman         1960-63       attorney
Judy Marceau Carlson  Gibson     Joan Harvey    1960-63   accused of killing Victor Carlson
Margie Gibson      Karen Thorsell      1961   sister, Ed
David Gideon    John Cullum    1966-67     tried to kill Orin
                      Byron Sanders      1967
Ira Gideon    Randy Phillips         1981   underworld crime lord
                      David Garrison      1981
Barry Gillette (aka Sully)      Michael Stark    actor, former cellmate, Del
Bobbie Girard    Mady Kaplan    1981-82     Matt Sharkey's ex, dated Gavin, murder victim
Dan Gleason    Robert Armstrong       1976      city official
Sheriff Glover      I.M. Hobson    1980
Goldie Golden     ????     1960     murder victim
Dr.Goldman       John Swearington     1975    
                          Cliff Carpenter     1976
Jake Golick        Ralph Dunn      1957      trucking company
Anna Goodhue      Jane Helmers     1970
Arlene Goodman     Micki Grant
Lillian (Eileen) ____  Goodman       Francine Beers    1978-81     Cavanaugh maid 
                                  Pat Stanley     1981-83
Joseph Gordon     Owen Jordan    1957    +Sybil
Mr. Gordon        Jay Barney       1962
Sybil Barton Gordon   Priscilla Gillette    1957    secretary/spy
Dr. Goren       ????    1973        doctor, Jake Berman
Sylvester Gowan    ????    1957     realtor
Dave Grace    Bill Tatum   1984      employee, Sky
Les Grafton   ????????    1984     spied for Alicia
Judge Grant    Hal Burdick   1962  
Ted Grant     Douglas Rodgers    1962   murder victim, Austin Johnson 
                            Paul Sparer    1962-63
Rosella Gray      Carol Richards     1970    Jim Fields' ex
Mr. Green    Irwin Charone       1957
Vincent Green   Ben Siegler     1982    Joe Bulmer's hired thief
Harriet ____ Greening   Allyce Beardsley     1973    neighbor, Jake Berman
Mark Greensfield    Baxter Harris     1981
Cynthia Gregory      Cynthia Gregory     1981     singer
Karen Gregory    ??????????
Kate ___ Griffin    Priscilla Gillette   1964-65    needy wife
Captain Lloyd Griffin    James Mitchell  1964-65   dirty cop   
Mrs. Grimes      Francine Beers    1974
Louise ____ Grimsley    Never Seen    first wife, Winston 
Mattie ____ Lane Grimsley    Betty Garde   1956  widow, George, Mother Jack and Sara, later married Winston
                                Peggy Allenby   1956-66
                                Joanna Roos    (temporary)   1968
                                    Ketherine Meskill   1966; 1969
Winston Grimsley        Walter Greaza     1956-72   accused of Lyn Wilkins Warren's murderer   Publisher, Financier
Jonathon Groves      John McKay    1982
Billy "Cutlass"   Gumbs        Al Fann      1976-77   servant, Claude R.
Alex Gura       Norman Rose     1967     agent
Mrs. Katherine  ___ Guthrie    Harriet MacGibbon    1957  wealthy woman    
Lieutenant Steve Guthrie      Denny (Chris) Albee  1976-80   +Deborah Saxon
Sheriff Hagen         Alan North     1978     Denise's murder
Lobo Haines     Fred J. Scollay     1972     hit man
Ruth Hakim      Anne Jones      1959    secretary
Ambrose Haller     Never Seen    1957   real family of Billy Harper
Ambrose Haller, Jr.    Never Seen    1957   "         "
Dorothy __ Haller    Never Seen    1957
Reverend Hamish      Russell Horton      1983
Robbie Hamlin    Willie Aames    1983   owned the Video Disco
Tony Hammersmith     Michael Martin    1981   bartender
Edward Hanley       ????     1974    National Committee Chairman, Adam
Davey Hansen       Ben Hayes   1964    thug
Charlie Harmon     Dick Bocelli      1980     bartender
Billy Harper    Billy Quinn      1956-57  adopted by Roger and Mary 
                Pud Flanagan   1957     child of the deceased Haller family
Josephine "Josie" Travis Harper    Judith McGilligan   1976-77   sister of Serena, married to Raymond, tried to kidnap Timmy
Mary ___ Harper     Anne Sargeant    1957    adopted Billy
Raymond Harper (aka Captain Blood)    Dick Callinan   1977  killed Beau R.   mobster
Roger Harper    Allen Nourse     1957      adopted Billy
Private Investigator Harrington     ??????    1957
Captain Harris      Karl Swenson    1957
Doll ___ Harris    Louise Troy     1958   (hit and run)
Don Harris      Harry Davis    1958   nephew Jim Mitchell and his employee 
Lieutenant Gerry Harrison    Bill Zuckert   1957
Doug Hastings   Hal Studer     1960s and 1970s occasional   Crime Commission Bigwig
Colonel Ben Hatcher   James Congdon     1967    good guy spy
Florence    ___ Hatcher    Billie Lou Watt    1967  kidnapped wife
Tommy Hatcher       Michael Maitland     1967   kidnapped son
Maria Hathaway  Never Seen but Sculpted  1984 friend Laurie Ann from the sanitarium, murdered
Mrs. Hathaway    Never Seen mother Laura and Julie. was told that Julie died in childbirth
Mr. Hathaway    Never Seen   father of Laura and Julie, sold Julie to the Jamisons
Stan Hathaway    Ronn Carroll    1983   director, Nicole at WMON
Sam Haven    Robert Dryden       1961-62 
Benny Hayes    Bennett Cooperman      1979     stalked Nancy Karr
Eddie Hayes     ??????
Olivia Brandeis "Brandy" Henderson   Dixie Carter     1974-76  assistant district attorney; sister Quentin, dated Adam and Draper
Dr. Quentin Henderson      Michael Stroka    1975-76   brother, Brandy; psychiatrist, killed by Clay Jordan
David Henson   Arnold Moss    1979    New York attorney; had affair with Margo Dorn
Francine ___ Henson  Lori March   1980  widow, David
Sam Henshaw     Chet Carlin    1978
Bill Hesse        Wendell Holmes    1957   insurance agent
Lieutenant Hewlot    David Pendleton   1974   detective in St. Anthony
Donald Hext     Ralph Byers      1983; 1984   managed the Isis Building
Leo Higdon   Jackson Beck       1963   PI that knew Sarah-Louise was illegally adopted
Louie Hill     Herman O. Arbeit         1980
Tom Hill        ?????     1957       cellmate, Martin Spode
Angela Morgan Hillyer    Valerie French   1972-73; 1974  Adam's secretary, Orin's wife
Elizabeth   ___   Hillyer   Never Seen   Orin's first wife; died when daughter Liz was young
Julie Jamison Hubbard Hillyer   Millette Alexander   1967-68  twin sister, Laura; married Lloyd Hubbard and Orin Hillyer
Laura Hathaway Hillyer    Millette Alexander   1966-67; 1968  affair with Rick Olliver,, killed R.O. and died in a car accident; twin sister, Julie, appeared in 68 in visions Orin had
Orin Hillyer    Lester Rawlins     1965-68; 1972-73    father of Liz; widower of Laura and Julie, married Angela---wealthy businessman, owned mansion, Claybank
Dr. Hobler      Douglas Rutherford    1957    doctor of Roger Harper
Mrs. Hoffman       Florence Anglin    1973    Adam's neighbor
Mr. Hoffman       Lee Steele    1980    jeweler, Sky's watch
George Holman     Gene Peterson     1962     
Eddie Holland   Victor Thorley     1957     disbarred attorney
Nurse Lydia Holliday    Jane White   1968-69
Rhoda Holliday   Never Seen    sister, Lydia
Son Holliday      Never Seen       son, Lydia
Larry Hooten     Ron Faber           1983
Kate Hopkins      Doris Belack    1958    roommate, Gail Armstrong
Francis Houghton     ????    1959       harassed Gail Armstrong, stole bracelet from mother to frame Gail
Mrs. Kingston _____  Houghton    ????    1959   art patron  hired Gail to paint
Lloyd Hubbard       Donald Crabtree    1967-68    ex-husband Julie
Margaret  Hubbell   Dorothy Blackburn    1964
Nurse Ernestine Hubbell      Francine Beers      1972    Orin's nurse
Warren Hubbell     Dan Resin     1976     divorce attorney
Mrs. Hull     Lois De Banzie     1976    
Mr. Hull    William Post, Jr.     1964
Gloria "Tango" Humphreys      Dorrie Kavanaugh    1970   Laurie's roommate  into drugs and Jonah Lockwood (Keith Whitney)
                                            Lynn Ann Leveridge    1970-71
Mrs. Ingersoll    ?????      1982      landlady Leonie
Dr. Ives       John Wardwell        1975
Edited by slick jones
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APRIL 2, 1956-NOVEMBER 28, 1975   CBS

DECEMBER 1, 1975-DECEMBER 28, 1984    ABC






Ken Jackson           Robert Trumbull       1983
Mrs. Jackson           Doris Belack       1978   widow, Morris
Morris Jackson       ????     1978   Saxon crony; murdered
Nurse Jackson      Anne Hughes     1979
Otis Jackson         Peter DeMaio      1975      Morlock's thug
Donny Jacobson     ?????????    1984    hit man, Standing Elk
Richard Jaffe      Tom Keena    1975   attorney, Mark Faraday
Elly Jo Jamison   Dorothy Lyman   1972-73      tried to kill Liz Hillyer, wanted Orin, affair with Lenny Small
"Big" Jim Jamison    Never Seen  father of Elly Jo and Kevin  possibly Julie's adoptive brother
Kevin Jamison       Richard Shoberg   1972-75    PI turned reporter turned politician; married Phoeba and Raven
                            John Driver    1975-78
Phoebe Smith (Marceau) Jamison    Heidi Vaughan    1966-67   orphan; ran scams with Victoria Dana; adopted by the Marceaus; married Kevin
                            Renne Jarrett     1967-68
                           Laurie Kennedy     1972
                           Johanna Leister      1972-76
Tank Jarvis       Michael Longfield      1978-79   worked in porn, then WMON; accused of killing boss, Wade Meecham, both he and Wade killed by Winter Austin
Governor Jeffries      Richard Higgs     1976
Mayor Hugh Jensen     Thomas Ruisinger    1979
Joanne Jensen    ??????????????    1978   murdered cult member
Mrs. Jensen      ??????     1978   Joanne's mother
Simon Jessup     Hugh Reilly   1971-73     faux psychic
Alan Johnson    ?????     1959    co-worker, Jack Lane, Ruth Hakim
District Attorney Austin Johnson    Lawrence Weber  1961-63
Constance ___ Johnson   Elizabeth Lawrence   1961-63
Harry Johnson    Joe Mason    1974    Detroit thug
Inez Johnson     Gwynn Press    1977    call girl
Poppy Maxwell Johnson    Karen Needle    1982-83   secretary Eddie, sister Al ,  dated Damian
Walter Johnson       Mark Rydell     1956     thug; friend, Jack
Nurse Jones     ????    1979    prison nurse, April
Dr. Clay Jordan    Niles McMasters   1975-77   killed Quentin, Phoebe, and Van, kidnapped Nicole after helping with her amnesia, worked for Claude R.
Ewell Jorgenson     Bryan Gordon     1975     hit man
Mrs. Jorgenson       Natalie Norwick     1982
Dave Kaplan      John Kellogg   1975
District Attorney Mike Karr     series leading man
                         John Larkin     1956-61
                        Laurence Hugo    1961-71
                         Jeffrey Lynn    1971    (temporary)
                         Forrest Compton    1971-84
Nancy Pollock Karr      Ann Flood    1962-84     reporter
                            Frances Helm    1962; 1966 (temporary)
                        Susan Brown    (temporary)   early 1960s
Sara Lane Karr      Teal Ames    1956-61    first wife of Mike; mother of Laurie Ann; hit by car saving L-A.
Rose Kaufman     Monica Moran    1976   Hubbell's secretary
Patricia ___ Wilton Kayle   Never Seen, 1984   divorced Lane to marry mobster Vincent Kayle
Vincent Kayle        Paul Savior    1984    mob boss
Dr. Lucien Kee      Aki Aleong     1983     hypnotist
Ann ____ Kelly     Madeline Sherwood   1964  set up Gerry and Davey 
                            Kipp McArdle      1964-65
Governor Kelly     Paul McGrath     1966   granted Julie Jamison a stay of execution   from Redstone Prison
George Kelso        Dick LaTessa       1974     mobster
Stacey Kendall      Patricia Earnest      1970     Keith Whitney's fiance
                             Jackie Elliott      1971
Sergeant Kendrick     John Randolph     1966
Barbi Kennilwortj   Rita Jenrette    1982    Eddie L.'s secretary
Mrs. Kerwin        Pat Meikle      1957      Bebe's teacher
Mr.  Keyes         Edgar Stemli   1964
Mr. Keyes        Will Hussung        1982
Sergeant Helen Killbourn    Mary K. Wells     1957   cop
Schofield Killbourn       Logan Ramsey     1961-62     killed John Lambert
Gerald Kincaed    Allan Mixon   1975     mobster +"Josie"
Larry King        Larry King      1982      reporter
Mr. King     ????    1957      Sara's boss at the flower shop
Dr. Knapp     James Secrest    
 Paul Koslo      Roy Poole    1967       agent
Mickey Kotka   ?????      1959       thug
Carol Kramer       Elizabeth Hubbard     1963     +Emory Warren
Heinrich Kraus      Gunther Meisner     1983   murder victim (Spencer V. at the Earle mansion)
 Ludwig Krich    Otto Von Wehrnerr      1984    assistant Anton Engler
Julian "Julie" Kurtz     Phil Proctor     1962     hood killed by Ted Grant
Dr. Hugh Lacey      Brooks Rogers     1969-78    town doctor
Phil Lacey     ??????????  1956
Mr. Lamarti     James Gallery   1971
John Lambert    Ray MacDonnell    1962     impostor Phil Capice 
Kaye LePage Reynolds Lamont       Elizabeth Farley   1973-75
Officer Lamont     ????      1980
Vic Lamont       Ted Tinling    1968-75    attorney, married Kaye and Laurie Ann
Betty Jean Battle Lane    Mary Moor    1956-60  Jack's wife, Bud's mom
Bud Lane     ?????    1958   son, Betty Jean and Jack
Cora ___  Lane      Sarah Burton   1956-57    Harry's wife, alcoholic
George Lane   Never Seen       Mattie's lat\e husband; Jack and Sara's father
Uncle Harry Lane  Lauren Gilbert     1956-57, owned Lane trucking  murdered Marilyn Bollon
Jack Lane     Don Hastings   1956-60   worked for Harry, then Winston
Buck Lange   Leon B. Stevens   1964    father, Joannie
Joannie Lange    Astride Lance   1964   teen
Arnold Larrabee     Leslie Barrett       1979
Rose LaTour      Henrietta Moore      1956   +Larry White
Harry Lavender    Peter Michael Goetz  1983   spy
Emma ____ Lawrence    Sara Cunningham   1972
Mr. Lawton    Phil Robinson   1957
Andre Lazar   Val Dufour      1965-66    mobster that found Eve Morris
James Ledgard     John Fiedler     1983
Assistant District Attorney Ben Lee    Al Freeman, Jr.  1965-66    prosecuted Martha for Rick Olliver's murder
Dr. Brian Lee    Jon Lee     1971       Cookie's psychiatrist
George Leeds    Gilbert Green    1972  Jake Berman's partner
                     Stan Watt     1972
Dr. Herbert Broderick Lennox    Clifford  David     1979  
Walter LePage     William Post, Jr.   1973-75    mob boss
Judge Aaron Lewis    Paul Sparer   1980
Mrs. Lewis     Alice Yourman     1958
Muriel Lewis       Susie Martin    1962
Joyce Little     Bibi Osterwald   1957  secretary, Bart Thompson
Reverend James Lloyd    Reverend James Lloyd    1975
"Jonah Lockwood"  Bruce Martin   1970-71  murderous alter-ego
of Keith Whitney
Dr. Logan    ?????    1958   Betty-Jean's doctor   
Frank Loomis       Jim Dukas   1968     ran the Riverboat once HC died
Detective Ted Loomis   Stephen Markle   1982  crooked cop shot by Troy Bannister
Eddie Lorimar   Raymond Serra     1981-82    mobster, left town wth Sid
Mr. Lorimer     Jim Mapes      1976
Dr. Katherine Lovell      Mary Fickett      1967-68 Orin's psychiatrist
Francesca Lowery       Freddi Chandler     1958     reporter
Matilda Lukes     Vera Moore      1971    Suella's friend
Mrs. Lupesco   ?????   1979   psychic friend,  Louise Cavanaugh
Ron Lydecker    Bruce Holman      1973
Dr. MacBeth       Paul Hecht       1970
Brian Madison     Steven McNaughton   1979  Owen's son married step-sister  Paige
Nola Patterson Madison    Kim Hunter   1979    actress, killed Margo
Owen Madison    Bruce Gray   1979    movie producer, Nola's husband, cared for Deborah Saxon
Paige Madison Madison   Margaret Colin    1979  revolutionary; actress; married Brian
Gigi  ____  Magagnoli     Chevi Colton     1962
Leo Magagnoli     Frank Campanellla       1962
Charles Main      David Lipman      1984
Police Chief Derek Mallory   Dennis Parker (Wade Nichols)    1979-84
Ivy Townsend Mallory  Never Seen    1979    Derek's first wife  
Jinx AveryMallory (aka Dorothy Suncliffe)     Kate Capshaw  1981   actress, faked her murder with Smiley Wilson, died of terminal illness
                       Susan MacDonald    1981-82
Duke Manson      Bernard Grant    1957   +Marilyn Bollon; gambler
Police Chief  Bill Marceau    Carl Frank   1957-59 
                                     Mandel Kramer    1959-79
                               Frank Campanella    1968 (temporary)
Jennifer Simms Marceau    Jennifer Leigh Jennings    1974-75  daughter, Taffy; illegally adopted by Martha and Bill
Martha Spears Marceau    Teri Keane  1963-75   secretary and later wife of Bill Marceau   slightly crazy, accused of murder more than once
Prison Matron Eleanor Marcheck   Anne Whiteside    1968
Evelyn Marcheck     ????   1973    secretary, Jake Berman
Steve Markham   Frederic Coffin    1983   Prison buddy of Sully kidnapper; assassin
Lieutenant Marks      Robert Kaye     1969-70
Judge Markus      Frank Hamilton   
Dr. Herb Marriott    Bill Winkler     1980
Toby Marshall       Rita Lloyd    1962-63
Warden Marshall    Albert Lindman      1972
Debbie Martin    Ellen Hansen     1969-70   troubled child
Karen Martin   Never Seen    murdered in a car bomb
Mitzi Martin    Lela Ivey  1981-84  Waitress turned owner of Sid's-then Rock Garden; actress    +Cliff Nelson, +Gunther Wagner
Stephanie ____ Martin   Alice Hirson     1969-70  hated Nicole; murdered by Pamela --mother of Debbie
Willard Masefield      Robert Emhardt    1979
Duly Masterson    Never Seen    1957  Betty-Jean's friend
Mr. Masterson  ???  1957 father, Duly    
Al Maxwell   Never Seen   1982    brother, Poppy, Partner, Eddie L.
Ms. Maxwell    ????    1983    secretary, James Ledgard
Alf Mayhew   John Clarksson  1983    tried to buy WMON
Tess McAdams    Kerry Armstrong  1984   roommate, Jody at college
Dr. McAndrews     Edmon Ryan       1957
Helen McCabe        Marion Brash    1961    held Morrissey family hostage
Reverend Dr. Bob McDougall   Rod Colbin      1973   
Ford "Mac" MacGinnis     Leon B. Stevens   1957    reporter
Elizabeth "Liz"  ____ McGrath   Ludi Claire  1964-66   Gerry's mother owned a store 
\                                            Nancy Coleman   1967
Kelly McGrath    Joey Allen Phipps       1980  Nancy's nephew; puppeteer; +Jody; +Valerie; murder suspect  
                             Allen Fawcett     1980-82
Holly Meach    Patti Karr    1983  lied about Mike Karr
Rick Meade      Geoffrey Horne    1984     Alicia Van Dyne's pilot
Wade Meecham    Dan Hamilton   1978-79    pornographer, worked for Margo Dorn; killed by blackmail victim, Winter Austin
Lucille Meeker    ??????   1971     key shop customer
Timothy Mellis   Don Fischer   1984   orderly, destroyed Liz's sculpture of Maria Hathaway
Judge Harry Mendelsohn   ????    1977   presided over Beau Richardson murder trial
Babs Werner Micelli     Leslie Ann Ray   1973-74   waitress\; married Danny
Danny Micelli    Lou Criscuolo   1973-77    Johnny Dallas' rght hand man   married Babs and Tracy
                         James Catusi     1973
                          MacIntyre Dixon  1973
Tracy Dallas Micelli     Patricia Conwell    1974-77  Johnny's sister; Danny's wife; Noel's mistress; former hooker
Emily Gault Michaels    Margo McKenna     1980-81 kidnapped Draper believing he was her deceased husband, Kirk
Kirk Michaels   Philip MacGregor   1980 Emily's husband, thug; deceased (flashback)
"Kirk Michaels"    Tony Craig   1980    Draper Scott with amnesia
Oscar Miller      Kennealy Noble    1980-84 occasional, doorman, Margo/Cavanaugh Penthouse
Sergeant Mills    McIntyre Dixon        1973
Ron Mims        Kim Hubbard     1983   Bartender at the Video Disco
Jim Mitchell      Tom Gorman   1957   car dealership owner
Zelda _____  Moffett    Elizabeth Parrish   1981   psychic  
Barbara Montgomery      Elizabeth Sanders    1982   nurse, Miles; knew "Preacher" ; beaten into coma via Nora
                             Susan Bigelowe   1982-83
William J. Moore   Sam Gray      1959    strong armer; framed Dick Appleman
Eric Morgan      John Lehne     1972
Eve  ____  Morris    Constance Ford    1964-65    tried to kill Cookie
Betty Morrissey     Janet Margolin   1961  teenager, held hostage by Speed Taft with her parents in her home
Daniel Morrissey    Lewis Standley  1961   father  "                         "
                             Victor Thorley      1961   
Jean ___ Morrissey    Henrietta Moore   1961   mother   "             "
Dr. Morse     Raleigh Bond     1976
Mr. Mortimer     Ted Beniades    1982
Mr. Moss     Carl Thoma   1973      prison inmate
Hermione Motherwell   Fran Stevens     1981
Hank Muller    Richard MacMurray     1957   co-worker, Hester   
Sheriff Mungard   Lanny Flaherty     1984
Brian Murdock    Philip Casnoff     1984    Raven's attorney
George Murray, Jr.    Charles Taylor     1956
Dennis Nagy        Tom Urich    1984
Dr. Chris Neeley     Doug Warner      1976-77   Phoebe's mentor
Cliff Nelson       Ernie Townsend     1978-84   attorney, partner Didi, dated Mitzi
 Frieda Neuman      Edith King   1957  wife, Ralph
Judge Ralph Neuman      Charles Egleston     1957 
Peter Nevins     David Snell    1983-84     newscaster   WMON
Julius Newcombe     David Pendleton      1981   dated Didi
Judge Herbert Newhouse    Charles White   1980   
Winifred ____ Newhouse    Maggie Task    1980    Herbert's wife
Commissioner Wheeler Nicholson   Daniel Reed   1958    city commissioner 
Al Nillson   ????    1957 emcee at election rally 
Harold Nivens     ????     1977   witness in the Saxon case
Dr. Gus Norwood    Wyman Pendleton    1977-79   father of Denise Cavanaugh
Davey Oakes    Steve Flynn  1983   received subliminal messages  
Mrs. Oakes     Lois Smith    1983    Davey's mother
Russell O'Brien    ?????    1957   attorney, Haller family
Molly O'Connell     Helena Carroll   1976-77   waitress/cop
Grace O'Leary    Maxine Stuart 1956-57   public stenographer dated Charley Brooks and Paul Roberts
Judge Martin Oliveri    Ralph Camargo   1979-80  presided over Winter and Draper's trials
Rick Olliver      Keith Charles     1965-66    disc jockey, murder victim, 
+Laura and +Phoebe
Reverend Osgood       Frederick O'Neal      1980
Mr. Otani       Yoshitaro Otari    1975     karate master
Eddie Packard        Ed Marinaro     1977   red herring in the Adam Drake murder case
Franki Palmer     Shirley Stoler   1980    kidnapper
Mr. Palmer       Arthur Seelen      1980    attorney
Assistant District Attorney Ed Parmalee     Les Damon   1957-58   worked under Bruce Thompson in the Cora Lane trial
                              Ernest Graves
Mildred __ Parmalee    ????     1957-58    Sara's friend
Robert Parrish     Joe Hamer   1982   kidnapped Valerie; took Derek's car
Mr. Pascal    Dutch Miller    1982    spy (Ian)
Cody Patrick    David Garrison     1978-79    cult; murderer
Ralph Patrick   Michael Amber      1972
Judge Howard Patterson ????   1978    judge that presided over Denise Cavanaugh murder trial
District Attorney Ira Paulson  Bernard Barrow  1974-75   was DA until 1978 off screen
Mrs. Peabody      Elizabeth Otto    1980    wife
Mr. Peabody    Dillon Evans    1980    Nadine's attorney 
Sheriff Penbrook    ???    1971
Mrs. Perkins     Kate Wilkinson      1966
Grady Perrett     Pierrino Mascarino      1970
Dr. Alison Perry       Laurinda Barrett    1980    classmate, Miles
                             Donna Wandrey     1980
Sara Peterson   ?????     1978     young forger
Ralph Pettibone    Frankie Faison    1983    hotel manager
John H. Phillips    Grant Gordon    1957   "Mr. Big" of his day
                             House Jameson    1957-58
John Phillips, Jr.   Don Fellows   1957      Jack's partner
Clayton Pike        Leon Janney    1957 (not really Clayton), baby trafficker; killer
Elizabeth "Liz" Pike       Ann Loring   1957   cuckolded wife of faux Clayton
Nurse Pike     Catherine Charles     1976
Alexandra Mansfield  Pollock     Fran Sharon   1971   (dream) great grandmother, Cookie 
Gerry McGrath  Pollock      Penny Fuller    1964 dated Bill, Davey, John Barnes; married Lee   mother, Kelly
                                          Joanna Miles    1964-66
                                         Millee Taggart   1966-67; 1968
Jeremy Pollock   Never Seen    1971    great grandfather, Cookie
Joseph "Joe" Pollock   John Gibson      1962-71 husband Rose,father Nancy, Lee, Cookie,   publisher   
                                    Allen Nourse     1972-79
Lee Pollock        Ronnie Welsh  1962-64   dated Beth, married Gerry, father Kelly
                           Sam Groom      1964
                           Tony Roberts     1964-67
Rose ____ Pollock      Ruth Matteson   1962-64    mother Nancy, Cookie, Lee   wife,Joe
                                   Frances Reid   1964
                                  Kay Campbell   1964-68
                                  Virginia Kaye     1973-79
E.J. Pond               James Greene   1983   murdered thug
Floyd Porter         James Ray     1974      mobster
Mrs. Porterfield     ???    1957-58   mother, Virginia Dalton and Nathan
Nathan Porterfield     Martin Andrews        1957-58
Russ Powell   J. Kenneth Campbell    1984   undercover agent; posed as dishwasher
Dr. Eleanor ___ Prentice   Judith Barcroft  1984; Laurie Ann's psychiatrist, killed Maria Hathaway
Steve Prentiss      Conard Fowkes  1967-68   +Liz Hillyer; library clerk
Miranda Price     Lucy Lee Flippin     1976     
Ted Price    Joe Silver   1958
Vic Price     James Noble     1964
                     Alan Manson (temporary)) 1964
                  Robert Blackburn       1964-65
Mrs. Proudy        Sara Cunningham    1973
Frank Pryor       Allan Miller    1967
Poko Puppets       Larry Engler     1980-81
Cynthia Purcell       Doe Lang     1960-61
Bill Quinn  Al Hodge    1958
Elaine ___ Quinn    Elaine Edwards    1958
District Attorney Peter Quinn    George O. Petrie   1963-74
Chris Rafferty     Paul Falzone     1979   co-star; Mansion of the Damned
Judge Nelson Ramsey   Kermit Murdock   1965-68 presided over trials of Cookie,Phil, Julie and Martha
Mr. Randolph    Jim Paul Ailers   1981
Joe Randy   Chris Wallace    1976 hit man that killed Tiffany
Mr. Rankin   Willy Hancock   1961
Vic Ratner     Philip Sterling    1958
Dr. Kevin Reed     Stanley Grover   1971   Cookie's psychiatrist
Jason Reinhart   Harry Goz     1979      film director
Tomikan Renaldo     Lawrence Weber   1982 Eden's minister of public relations  
Casey Reno   Richard MacMurray  1961   heroin dealer
Claude Revenant     see Gilbert Darcy
Buffy ____  Revere     Elizabeth Parrish    1982  wealthy widow paid for Jim D. and Johnny's attention
"Patience Revere" Margaret Colin   1979  character Paige portrayed
  Ashley Reynolds    Paul Vincent   1972-73   ex-husband Kaye, affair with Phoebe
Oakley Reynolds   Ben Hammer   1961-62    PI used by Mike Karr
Jeremy Rhodes    Michael Conforti    1983-84   photographer, worked with Nancy, liked Jody
Lieutenant Vic Rhodes    John Raby    1956-57    "Rocco"
Vern Rice      Jim Dukas     1976
Carol ___ Rich   Jan Miner 1958   friend Mike and Sara
Lee Rich      Skip Homeier     1958    friend Mike and Sara
Beau Richardson    David Gale  1976-77    Saxon employee; had a thing for Nancy
Charlie Richmond    Charles Welsh   1978     orderly, victim, Denise Cavanaugh
Nurse Anne ___  Riley     Michelle LaMothe     1977-79
Jim Riley    ????     1984      Whitney employee
Paul Roberts     Hal Cooper     1956-57    Grace O's ex boyfriend; had two kids (Never Seen)
John Rogers    John Seymour         1957     ?pharmacist???
Benny Roman    Sam Levene      1976
Dr. David Roper     Herb Downer     1977    Miles' friend
Mr. Roth     Dan Resin        1974   Laundromat owner
Erica Russell   Patricia Bright    1969-70 
Jason Rutledge      Eric Conger    1980    Raven's attorney
Judge P.K. Ryan   Maurice Copeland 1976   presided over the Serena/Josie trial
Van Rydell     Paul Thomas   1976  hit man for Claude Revenant after Nicole killed by Clay Jordan   
Vinnie Ryerson       Peter Gatto     1978    Block Street killer
  Added (Tupper) to Rose Marie Bremen
Edited by slick jones
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During which murder trial was Al Freeman, Jr. playing the assistant district attorney?   I had been thinking that it was Cookie's trial.  Yet, I sometimes see his time listed on the show as later, so I think that maybe it was Martha's trial.  Which is correct (if either?)?

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