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Cain and Charity were lovers when they were teenagers. Cain never knew he had a daughter until Debbie, who'd arrived in the village at about 13 as a foster child to Paddy and his wife at the time, put it together and realized Cain and Charity were her parents. 


Ross lied to Debbie over and over. The last straw was when she learned Ross and her ex Andy (father of her kids) had shot Robert and kept her in the dark about the whole thing, leading to Robert holding Ross at gunpoint in their home. 

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I was horrified with the sudden turn the episode took regarding Aaron's abuse -- now they are genuinely trying to create doubt about Aaron's story. At the beginning, when Robert was confused, I thought (and hoped) that I had just misinterpreted, but the way the acting and writing around Gordon comes off, it's telling me they're genuinely trying to make it into a "did he or didn't he?". I suppose it could work out if they drop it quickly, have Robert support Aaron unconditionally, and it all culminates into the reveal that this is all part of Gordon's manipulation (if he's not guilty, why is he suddenly running), but Aaron doubting himself rubbed me the wrong way.


Everything with Nikhil/Leyla and Jacob was so much fun. Nikhil and Leyla's chemistry is FIRE.


I want Cain to die.


I hope the wine business doesn't come back to bite Carly and Tracy in the arse...

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January 26, 2016


I wasn't expecting Laurel to be pregnant and I'm not too crazy about the "I have to have an abortion!" scenario, because it almost always ends with the woman changing her mind and keeping the baby or her losing it as punishment. I hope they didn't bother with this unless they plan to have Laurel go through with it or at least write her change of mind really well to justify it.



That's a great way of putting it. The show certainly doesn't lack for male hotness....

Edited by YRBB
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Yesterday again underscored the difference between telling a story for "issues" or to get praise from the media, and telling it because you believe in it.


The writing for Aaron's abuse story has been consistently clumsy and poor, as has all the writing for Aaron and Chas since his affair with Robert began. Characters react in brain-dead ways to amp up the melodrama, without any seeming awareness that this type of writing severely undercuts any dramatic power. Robert believes, after one conversation with Gordon, that Aaron is making up being raped throughout his childhood, but hey, who cares, because they got a "hook" out of it (Is Aaron making up his abuse? Tune in tomorrow...) and Robert said sorry. Why should I believe that Robert cares so much when it took about 2 minutes for him to assume Aaron has completely deluded himself about years of rape?


Chas, who has always loved her son even when she hurt him and behaved selfishly, repeatedly takes cheap digs at him and freezes him out when he's clearly, clearly suffering...all because her dream prince (a man she left and a man who recently confessed to her that he brutally beat Aaron) left her? Who cares, because this just means it will be more powerful when she learns the truth. Well, not really - it just makes me not feel anything other than anger at the hack writing, because if she is so petty now, when any idiot could see that he needs a lot of help (only last week he was about to keel over while talking to her, flinching in pain when she got near, and he then vanishes for days - and her only reaction is to think he's having some type of ribald sexathon with Robert?), am I supposed to feel for her when it takes learning that her son was raped by her latest love of her life for her to give a damn? Chas would never treat her son like this. She would never be such a petty, passive-aggressive child.


I've heard people say that Danny Miller isn't talented enough to carry the story, or that Aaron has had too many tragedies for viewers to care, and I can understand why people feel this way, but he is actually the ONLY part of this story so far that has helped make it less ridiculous and offensive for me.


On the other hand, while I do not like the idea of Laurel being pregnant on top of Ashley's dementia, and while some of the writing has felt rushed, the show has still taken pains to show a variety of utterly believable reactions, has taken pains to ground the melodrama, and most of all, to try to write those involved in character.


The contrast between these stories as they air in the same episodes this week has been somewhat striking. That one scene of Nicola and Laurel talking about abortion, or Doug making Ashley see his selfishness, had more impact than anything with Aaron's abuse story so far.


Why is Kate Oates so oddly cavalier and sensationalistic about sexual abuse? Why does she consistently do such a poor job with sexual abuse stories? If she treats them so cavalierly, why does ITV keep letting her do them?


Given that Corrie had a terribly done, offensive rape story only a few years ago with Carla, I shudder to think of what is on the way with Oates at the helm.


And I know they don't have the budget to have a ton of people around outside but did no one in the village even notice or care that pigs were roaming the streets, tearing up lawns and destroying property?

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I think the initial reveal for Aaron's story was wonderful -- it all quickly fell apart once they had Robert question what Aaron said, even if he later regretted it. Chas is being HIGHLY annoying. Like, she almost pisses me off as much as Cain, and that's saying something. When Cain is capable of showing more compassion and kindness that Aaron's own mother, that's the point when I'm done. I do hope this is not how the rest of the story is going to go, because then it has all been a waste. This should be SO much more than what it is.


The Laurel story is moving ridiculously fast -- it's only been two episodes but it feels like they've gone through three weeks worth of material. That's probably a consequence of the fact that, other than Aaron's story, the show doesn't seem to have any other major, dramatic story to provide cliffhangers and drama. In any case, the scenes you mentioned Carl with Laurel and Nicola and Doug and Ashley were superb, even if the whole thing just sort of bores me. That being said, I like that Laurel stood her ground and that it seems she may go through with it.

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I've been sick as of late so I feel behind on ED episodes. I did catch up tonight and I agree. Laurel's miscarriage moved too fast. That is a story that could've went on for weeks. I do think that tonight's episode was another powerful Laurel and Ashley scene. Just heartbreaking to see Ashley slip a bit and question his faith. Glad that Laurel was there to console him. 


That Emma is a hoot. She will do whatever to ensure that Ross keeps Moses and I cannot blame her at all. 


I am not thrilled about them tossing Charity and Cain back in the same orbit. It is obvious that they are about to sever Moira and Cain in exchange for them. Only thing that saddened me about the whole situation was Noah learning the truth about Charity trying to sell him. 


I guess Tess is about to become a bunny boiler. It's written all over her face. 



Emmerdale | Episode 29th January 2015 [HD] by hotdailyvedios--

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God, the show is on baby overkill right now. I don't think there was a single scene in all of Friday's episode that didn't feature, was about or mention one or more babies and it's almost been like that for a week now. WAY too many babies around.


Just like I thought, Laurel miscarries and then blames herself. Big surprise there. Although I suppose in 10 days they could pull off a twist and we learn Laurel's still pregnant after all. Laurel and Ashley in the church was a fantastic scene, although it pisses me off so much what great writing they're giving them while abused and raped Aaron is nowhere to be found.




Yes, please. Kill them. Kill them both.



That's what I thought when they had that shot of Tess sitting at the bar while Paddy and Rhona left the hotel. It's sorta hilarious how Tess keeps popping up on Paddy. But I am bored to tears by the story.

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Oh Emma! She is a scheming little minx. Using Noah to get her hands on Moses is genius; however, did she fail to realize that feeding Charity to Cain will result in John (or Pete) gravitating towards Moira? She's actually gonna bring end up bringing Moira closer into her circle than she wants. 


I am growing to like Kerry and Dan. I enjoy their little pairing and understand why Dan wants some alone time. What I didn't get was why he didn't try propositioning Kerry in the salon. Might as well get it on there while no one else is there. 


At this point, Aaron needs to sit back and allow Chas to crash and burn like she always does. It'll happen. It always does. 

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Not to be prissy but the gorgeous John is dead - Emma's partner is dreary James. I still refuse to believe they are related or that he is Adam's father...

I'll be somewhat surprised if Laurel doesn't learn she's still pregnant. That felt telegraphed. I'm not sure how I feel about it - it's well and good to talk about a legacy and a miracle, but tell that to a woman raising a baby, a kid who has been in more homes than I can count, and caring for a frail old man and a husband with dementia. 


With that said, the scenes surrounding the story were superb last week, and I'm so glad they remembered Bernice's miscarriage while married to Ashley (which destroyed their marriage). 


I surprised myself by enjoying Paddy and Tess at the hotel, at least once he dumped her. I actually loved seeing her screw with him in front of Rhona. A lot of fun, especially the, "I have a secret," and then the poisonous, "I didn't DO IT FOR YOU." And I almost felt sorry for Paddy when his conscience belatedly caught up with him and he choked up on the phone call from Rhona. Almost. 

Edited by DRW50
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Just a guess, but it wouldn't surprise me that Laurel's miscarriage is being written just so they can give Gabby a teen pregnancy storyline down the line. Why else would they recast the role? Seemingly they're preparing to make Gabby more prominent this year, and I can't rule out a teen pregnancy storyline especially since they now have Laurel harboring regret for not wanting the baby.  

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