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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I am just loving Jack and Sharon although I am surprised that she slept with him so quickly. He obviously already has it bad for her which I like.

Ian is such a mess, but I don't know why he signed over his businesses to Lucy who will no doubt lose everything in a blink of an eye.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I'm enjoying the show at the moment. I didn't care for Sharon's over the top return but other than that, I think that they are assimilating her back into the cast very well; however, I can tell that they are going to find some kind of way to clump her in with the Brannings seeing as she's been interacting with Jack and Max and Tanya (today). I'm also enjoying Ian's breakdown even though I want someone to slap the taste out of Lucy's mouth. While are part of me feels her pain, I do think that she is taking it overboard in punishing her father. Plus, the Heather murder is finally coming to end with Linda Henry (Shirley) giving stellar performance after stellar performance. Other than that, there is Janine suffering from postpartum (or at least I think she is), Kim & Ray's romance, Joey feuding with his father, Derek, Masood wanting to go back to school (along with the short arrival of his brother, AJ), and the HUGE dud story, "Who is Kat screwing this time?" But I think you should give it chance. And don't worry, the Moons (besides Michael and Alfie) have been background characters for the most part. I think Anthony leaves the show this upcoming week or the next.

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I think the term docusoap (or reality soap) is used for shows like, Made In Chelsea or The Real Housewives franchise, where the people are actually real people playing an exaggerated form of their lives. EE has moved away from what it was originally conceived as and has evolved into a regular soap opera.

I get where Lucy is coming from - she's hurt and in vengeful mode; she's also had an ego boost running the businesses pretty successfully, too. Ian is vulnerable, and doesn't really know what he's agreeing to, so that makes sense, even though with his current mental state, those contracts aren't worth the paper they're printed on. I don't think Lucy will go bankrupt, as she's done a pretty decent job so far, and realistically, they should never have been loosing money to begin with, as they are always full with paying customers, and that's not going to change. What I hate about this story is that Ian has clearly had a mental break, and no-one cares to get him checked out at a hospital! Max & Tanya were so slack and stupid with not taking him to hospital straight away; how is Ian supposed to get better without seeing a medical expert?

I hate Jack & Sharon already. It's too rushed for me. Why did Sharon have to sleep with him so soon? She'll be like Kat in no time.

I loved the Shirley/Jay scenes - they were awesome, and way better than her scenes with Ben, which felt lacklustre and poorly scripted. Love how Denise & Kim have been in the middle of the murder drama courtesy of their photo.

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Gawd, I hope not. I am enjoying Jack and Sharon for the moment, but they turn her into disgusting Kat, I am done.

ITA. I think the actor who plays Jay is the best young actor on EE. He is amazingly talented and he was outstanding in those scenes with Linda Henry. When Jay said that he wanted his father, my heart broke into pieces for him and I have never felt that way about Ben.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I have been adoring everything about EastEnders this week (and, really, since I 1st began watching at the beginning of July). Linda Henry simply has me in total awe with each and every episode and I couldn't agree more about Jay.

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Yesterday's ep was so good. Jay continues to shine; it was so sad seeing him breakdown on the bench where his dad's name is carved. His scenes with Billy were awesome, and even though Billy being a coward is in character, I really wanted him to step up at that point, and show that he's developed beyond that. I also loved his scene with Patrick, who is the best older character on the show.

Sharon's scenes w/ Lucy and Ian were good, but I wish Sharon had returned with more of a purpose, instead of floating around aimlessly. I think they could have made her loneliness and her lost love for Dennis more of a reason for her to return, instead of it being so random.

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I loved Patrick taking in Jay. Rudolph Walker is a fine actor who shines in every performance. I also liked the gossiping around the community which felt very real and harkened back to the early EE years.

But I would find it difficult to believe that Sharon would willingly return to Walford after everything that happened with Dennis. It is far more believe that circumstances forced her return. I don't mind her floating around aimlessly. I think that writers are trying to show how lost and lonely Sharon has become. We see still moments of the old Sharon like when she insists on selling the ring to Jack, sells her wedding dress to make her way, sharply comments on the gossip, and sings to little Dennis. The writers are taking their time setting up the story which I also like. However, her meeting with Janine was odd and I want Sharon to interact with more people. Dot's absence glaring. She adored Dennis and felt his loss almost as much as Sharon. It would be good for her to be there to support Sharon. Anyway, as long as Sharon does not turn into Kat or does not get romantically involved with Phil, I am willing to go along for the ride.

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I am pretty sure that Sharon used to babysit Janine when she was a little girl as well. Sharon and Janine know each other very well, even though they were never close. Whoever wrote that scene was clueless about Sharon's background.

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Guess they're shooting new promo shots. But why is it the same old cast that get new shots done, like, every 4 months? When was the last time Patrick, Denise, Kim, the Masoods, Chryed (the latter two groups have outdated photos)... basically anyone who isn't a Branning, had new photos taken?

This is true. I guess I'm disappointed with Sharon's return, and I think they could've done a lot better.

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Started watching August. I really like EastEnders. I think it's got an interesting cast and I love the interaction and community feel and how everyone interacts.

I love British soaps for the fact that they just seem more real. I totally believe I could run into these people and I love the natural dialogue. Again like real people.

I am of course starting with a fresh perspective. I'm around the point of the community cook off and Ian's return.

I like the dynamic between Janine and Michael, however, Janine is really annoying. I want to like her. I've read on here she's a bitch. Where is that? Why are we getting this exasperated mother act? I'm not loving it. Not a great introduction for me to the character.

The Masoods seem boring and fluff characters. They really dominated the show at one point? Oy.

I like what little I saw of Christian and Sayed. Thank god they are pretty (Sayed's hot as hell) but they sure are wooden actors. Wow, they're bad.

I like Kim and Denise. Ray is ehh to me. He seems like a jerk to Kim, who really comes off a tad desperate and tempermental. But I like her. I do hope there's more to Kim/Denise than Kim yelling at Denise for being a sourpuss and Denise huffing and puffing and sighing about Kim.

I like Kat. However, it sounds like she's a whore. I take it she and Michael hook up? Or have? Her and Alfie are really boring together. Why is she with him? He adds nothing. He's an OK supporting character but man they use him a LOT.

Shirley must be a love/hate character. I like that she's different and somewhat crass with an attitude. Is she leaving?

Can anyone do a brief update for me on like the last month so I feel kinda caught up? Or I can read up more now that I'm into it.

I take it this particular time isn't that rough for the show? I think it has a lot of dead weight but the Brit soaps seem to have large casts with all of them serving as supporting at one time or another. I like storyline rotation.

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Janine is a superbitch, but always with a heart. At least when Santer isn't producing the show.

Linda Henry (Shirley) is taking a break.

I haven't seen the British soaps as seeming real in a long time, but Eastenders comes the closest. Here is her blood feud with one of Y&RWT's favorites, Laura.





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