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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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Watching regularly now ...


I have to admit, the UK soaps and their pandemic protocols remind me of a budget strapped US soap LOL. Hardly any extras, a bit lethargic ... I will say, it's nice to see a Street that isn't ugly and toxic and dark. I will say they're also hurting not being able to use the vets as much. The Cobbles feel a bit empty.


I also can't say anything is setting the world on fire storywise but it's watchable and I'm simply jumping in (so I'm not up on everything and the details)


Jenny catching onto Sharon was fun. I like that she was forced to spill to Johnny about her dalliance with Ronnie. I like Daisy. I'm glad we got to see Rita in the Sharon face off.


Everyone else seems to be spinning their wheels, no?




David/Shona have no story


Emma and Curtis could be cute


Steve feels tired and the grimace thing Gregson does is a bit annoying ... lol


Carla feels beaten down and "downtrodden" (as a UK article called her). It was fun seeing her rip into pathetic Sarah. Sarah looks like she's playing dress up in the factory LOL

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I agree.


itv3 is currently airing 1998 episodes (watching through an APP on my TV).


Not to mention loads of classic episodes are on YouTube.


And I have a link to a blog that posts the episodes everyday, you can watch or download. I think they go back pretty far.


Personally, I'd argue the decline started in 2001 (Amanda Barrie/Alma didn't like the direction of the writing), but became EmmerdaleEnders around 2010.


Today's a bit of a hollow show but there are still a ton of familiar faces so it's watchable to me. COVID protocols have hampened the feel a bit.

Edited by KMan101
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I liked James coming out in the interview and the street cheering him and Danny on. That was sweet. Tim and Steve were actually cute trying to befriend James and have him come out to play. LOL. "Is it weird?" "Yeah!" *smiles as the door opens* 


Gail having a mild heart attack due to her ungrateful brats felt a bit non-eventful. It was really nice seeing Audrey. She never changes and I love her for it (Shona's a pork pie short of a picnic or something she said). LOL. I liked their talk and a reminder that Audrey was definitely 'hands-off'. I'd argue Gail wasn't always the most interested in being a mother, but she became consumed by her kids and their lives she stopped living her own. 


If I were in charge I'd bring Martin back for Gail and reunite them. 


Can we dump Nick (he's SO awful to Gail), David (I did lol at him scheming and using a water gun to make Gail think there was a leak) and Sarah (who's very grating) and just keep Sam? LOL


I'm ready for Jenny and Ronnie to get together, but it was nice seeing Johnny and Jenny just having fun together (was also nice seeing Carla supporting a clearly 'lost' Johnny). And whoo boy Daisy is a mess and I'm here for it LOL. Sean needs a slap from Eileen. Can we end the Covid protocols? LOL


I appreciate what the show is trying to be again. The original tone is long gone but there seems to be an effort to make it familiar. 

Edited by KMan101
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I just need for James and the entire Bailey family to get more stories when their racial identity or sexual orientation isn't used as to teach viewers a lesson or be given. Let members of the family get more adapt in the street as well. 


We waited for sixty years to have a black family on this show. I want to see more from them and not be so islanded on their own other than Uncle Ronnie. 

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Absolutely agreed. I noticed they weren't on at all until the storyline aired. I like all of them and need more.


But the cast usage has been strange overall to me. Everyone has felt a bit islanded which I guess makes sense because of their covid protocols/bubbles. I do think the protocols are dampening the feel of the show but I appreciate their safety.

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