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Yes, it was slightly ridiculous that they tried to sell Kirby and Adam as an end game couple in The Reunion, even Kathleen Beller wondered during an interview for the reunion why the hell Kirby would be friendly with her rapist (while Heather Locklear mused about how Sammy Jo's behavior made it seem like she was on drugs).

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Wow, Season 7 really is all over the place. It's like they couldn't get an idea to stick for more than a couple of episodes. I'm 19 episodes in, and we have barely finished with the oil leases and Blake's amnesia when suddenly Kristina got ill and Adam (who barely had a story) is now being blackmailed by that senator. I could go on for quite awhile about what I think is wrong with the season, but I think I'll just finish the season as soon as possible.


Hopefully season 8 is better.

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The last half of season 7 is really the low-point for the show - apparently the rise of the family comedies like Cosby made the Shapiro's and Pollocks try to focus on "family values" and the end result is horrible. Season 8 does improve slightly as they actually try to have an over-arching story for the season and doesn't change direction in every other episode, although season 9 is really the true renaissance of the show.

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The last season felt like Season 1 but by that time it was too late ratings wise. The show truly ended with Krystal was no longer part of the cast. The same goes for Dallas..once VP left the remaining seasons weren't the same. The final nail on Dallas was when Linda Gray left…JR with no Pam or Sue Ellen to spare with...

Edited by Soapsuds
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A few bits from a Jack Coleman interview about halfway through this Showbiz Today - the topic is gay characters and straight actors.


The guy from Brothers response to the stupid "do you try to act more macho in real life?" question is hilarious.



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Thanks for sharing that, Carl. His reaction is hilarious. Now that I'm in the midst of watching how Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman told a story with gay characters in spring/summer 1976, it's getting increasingly irritating to see Jodie from "Soap" get so much credit. MHMH is severely underrated in all aspects, but the fact that they get no recognition for the near-perfect way they told this story kills me.

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Makes sense. I wonder what the actual words are in his contract, considering it was VHS back in the 80's and releasing TV shows on VHS wasn't a thing back then. 

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This cover is atrocious, BTW. Linda looks old and Joan looks like she's either holding in gas or smelling someone else's. 

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