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Y&R Discussion: Week of May 14th

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To add onto my WOW! statement earlier, I will just agree with several of the other posters that said this was the best show this year, and there have been some really good shows this year, but this one topped all of them by miles. The acting was outstanding, also the writing was fantastic, I can't wait to see the fallout from this for the rest of this week and beyond, I just hope there is some follow through, and it is not just dropped like Dru's storyline basically ended with her.

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At this point, Just put Sharon and Brad together and be done with it. We already know that Jack will never, ever stop loving Phyllis; and it's clear as mud that Sharon wants to be with Brad, but just is settling for Jack.

The final scene where Noah was standing by Summer broke me... because we all know that it will be more emotions when they have to sit down and tell him that his father isn't coming back....

Blame goes all the way around....I knew Nikki would lay the blame all on Victor.....

Ryan is dead on in saying that Peter Bergman acted his butt off... Excellent scenes for him....He truly knows how to bring out things in his scenes; and so does Michelle Stafford.

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OK wow...I just stumbled onto this thread and now I'm watching the scenes on Youtube. MS really has me in tears over here. Same for EB and MTS. Such a great episode. I really hope Nick isn't truly "dead". As for Nick's death being more important than Dru's all I'll say is that hes a Newman thus more important to the show IMO. Not to mention his death wasn't some silly trip off a cliff of his own doing. This was an unavoidable random accident. I just feel so bad for Phyllis and Summer right now.
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QUOTE(Chris B @ May 14 2007, 03:54 PM)
Her biggest failures are Y&R and Port Charles which didn't feature her husband as a co-headwriter. Instead they featured the hack Scott Hamner who has a history of suck. Basically Bernie Lechowick is clearly the reason for her success.

Now I hate to ruin the party, but I'm not going to be so quick to praise this. Latham has always done good episodes, lets see how this entire storyline plays out. There is such a major disconnect these days.

Something else pissing me off is that you KNOW Nick Newman's death will be a major story featured until Joshua Morrow returns and long after that. But DRUCILLA WINTERS has been forgotten and she just died last month! We haven't been able to see Neil or Devon grieve because that doesn't fit into any of Latham's plots. Lily has a story, but even she seems to have forgotten her mother.

More on the positive, I did think that overall that was a good episode. But like I said, an episode does not change my opinion that Lynn Latham has ruined Y&R and needs to go. I'll at least see how the entire week plays out before she gets any credit from me.

I loved Melody Thomas Scott, Sharon Case, Peter Bergman and Eric Braeden, but I wasn't too impressed with Amelia Heinle who I've been a big supporter of her. Even as Snorboria she can't bring it. Michelle Stafford also was another who wasn't working for me. I know I'm the only one, but she didn't seem genuine to me. Just chewing that scenery.


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I had mixed emotions when I started watching. The long scenes were such a contrast, but the deeper we got into the epi, the more I got sucked in. (It really reminded me of the KL episode where the main characters were grieving for Laura. The actors actually came up with the dialogue for that epi and it was very raw.) The scene where Victor ran and hugged Sharon was outstanding because you know assumed that Nick was right behind. Truly heartbreaking. I wasn't keen on the Vicky scenes until she told off Brad. After all she's lost in two days, that had to be the last straw. She wanted her husband to comfort her during these two tragedies, but it was clear the moment Sharon walked in that he would never truly be there for her. PB has acted his a** off the past two epi -- as a usual Jack hater -- PB always reminds me why he is so darn great in this role. If I hadn't seen a promo on ATWT that showed Sharon, I would've been surprised at her reappearance so soon. I didn't expect this story and this reminds me why I enjoy being spoiler free. (And I have to be restrained from cheating because my best friend always wants me to tell him what's going to happen!)

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This is one of the best episodes of a soap that I have seen in a very, VERY long time! Sharon just walking into the ranch was great and at a perfect time I thought!!! I loved it!! Going to have to tape it and save it on my soap tape!! Emmy worthy right there baby!

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I knew this episode would be good, discerning from the posts. I didn't think I would cry though, but I'm teary eyed. It's obvious when a writer cares about a storyline because Nick's "death" has just gutted the entire canvas as oppossed to Dru's forgetten death. Regardless of the eventul fallout, the start has really pulls at your heartstrings.

Michelle Stafford blew me away; she got the tears welling up. For once, I actually feel sorry for Phyllis.

Eric Bradeen has kept up his performance from Friday; TGVN can't manueuver himself out of this situation. It's very powerful to see him so vulnerable.

I'm tempted to say that Victoria is pathetic, but what she said made sense. Brad still had hope; she didn't. She's more jealous and defeated. Brad still had the person he loved. But her brother's death should take predecence. The window scene between JT/Victoria worked just fine for me. Not everything needs to be said, but you could take away the emotion.

It was typical of Nikki to just bypass Sharon, but I'm glad Victor/brad showed some concern for Sharon's well being as well.

Nikki is a bitch. Victor is grieving too! She's angry at herself since the last time she saw Nick, they had angry words.

I think there just may be hope for a Jack/Sharon romance. He cares for her even though they love other people.

Poor Noah. Poor, poor kid.

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I think they will need to get Noah a padded room soon. That kid has been through so much in the past two years. And the way he was talkign about "I'm gonna tell my dad this and that when he gets home" was so sad because his dad is "gone". :(

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Oh God I felt so bad for Noah when he walked in the door. And Phyllis' sobbing on Michael's shoulder when she thought that both Sharon and Nick had died about telling Noah really broke me down. I mean really I just didn't know what else to do. This poor innocent boy just lost his sister and now hes about to lose his father and mother. Anything would have been more acceptable than THIS. God I just don't know if I can watch tomorrow. MS is one of a few actors and actresses that can make me cry without any self control. I really liked that Summer was crying as she dealt with the horrific news. Added to the feeling of chaos, etc.

Nikki blaming Victor didn't really surprise me. Shes in shock, pain, and denial. The poor woman is lashing out at anyone who can even remotely be blamed for this tragic incident. In some ways I kinda agreed with her. Sad I know but Nick's death is really hard to accept. Especially since I really didn't see it coming. I thought it was going to be something else. I liked Victor's response however. Typical Victor...lol.

Victoria...I like AH's version of Victoria but I would have rather just had them focus on NICK today. I don't give a crap about George and The Slut Who Lived. They could have dealt with that at Nick's funeral (perferably afterwards?). I just think it was stupid and out of place to have Vikki worrying about such a trivial manner when her brother just DIED

Lol...you guys know I'm not a fan of Sharon but Jack & Sharon almost make me want to smile. PB was really working it today. Especially when he saw Sharon. God I about died in that scene. So yeah I could definitely get invested in Jack and Sharon. While I might not like Sharon I LOATHE Brad/George and not even her deserves to be saddled with The Reliquiary....lol.

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I loved today's eppy. I was bored with both AMC AND Y&R for awhile but this made me interested again in Y&R. I felt the most for Victoria's reaction and think Amelia nailed it. I didn't need dialogue I liked how you could see her hardly walk and then all the emotions come to the surface. Without sound it IMO was even more effective. It was very chilling and real to me.

I also didn't mind her talking about Sharon with Brad because she was not forgetting Nick IMO. What she was doing was saying she noted how he lit up with Sharon came in as did everyone and then everyone was devastated all over again except HIM because he got his miracle while everyone else just got kicked in the gut all over. I am glad she let him know it wasn't lost on her. Great work by everyone today I think.

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QUOTE(Chris B @ May 14 2007, 02:38 PM)
I'm a bit surprised at the Victoria hate. I don't think she was forgetting Nick, but Brad's reaction to Sharon just sealed the deal on her marriage. She must already be numb when you consider she just lost a baby the day before. We even saw how Brad reacted when he heard Sharon was in a plane crash, he wasn't concerned about Nick or Victoria. I hope she can grieve with her family that loves her and not that money hungry creep.

I completely agree. When Brad first came in I actually expected Victoria to either scream at him to get out or haul off and slap him. That would have been my instinct. She hugged him instead and it wasn't until she saw his reaction to Sharon that she basically told him enough. I think when a person is devestated like that there's just no room for having people around who've betrayed you. You want them gone NOW. I actually have to give DD some credit because when Sharon walked in you really could see that he was all about her. That scene was much better than his pathetic attempt at tears, imo.

Peter Bergman was amazing. I agree with whoever said he's one of the biggest bastards on the show but can make you sympathize with him anyway. My only critisism of that scene is that it's hard for me to believe he loves Sharon enough to have that kind of reaction. If the romance had been built up more it would have made a lot more sense. Oh well, PB and SC still were great. I wish the show would give this couple a chance.

I thought when Nikki went off on Victor that was well acted. Not fair of her, but I think she showed some raw emotion.

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I can see that. I took it as a man who had regrets that someone he cared about was gone and he had enormous regrets because he really wants to love Sharon. I think he knows she's been his only friend the past year, and when she reappeared, it was like he had a second chance at redemption, especially with what all is going on with he and Victor. But then again, I'm someone who likes Jack and Sharon together, so maybe my words come with a grain of salt. :D

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I know Im the only one, but I felt bad for Brad there, not being able to grieve for Sharon. When he heard the news, he had to keep it to himself and then go cry privately. It must suck, not being able to express your emotions and then when he saw her alive, he couldnt be happy

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Latham's biggest problem is that she can focus on only one thing, this is a great example of that. I'd love if they had contrasted Nick's troubles with something lighter. Had Dru's death been handled correctly Neil and Devon could be at a turning point and they could tie the light at the end of the tunnel in. Or one of the romantic couples like Paul/Maggie, Adrian/Colleen, Jill/Ji Min, etc.

And the biggest continuity slip was Victoria saying she'd call Hope, Neil "and maybe Nick has some friends from college." What about his fricking only AUNT CASEY?! This is the only extended Newman family member that I can think of. Victor doesn't have any siblings, Victor and Nikki don't have parents (or positive relationships with them), so Casey is it. Just a few months ago Noah went on vacation to Casey's house, but now she doesn't exist?

I bet if Latham were the sole headwriter for John's death, Billy and Traci wouldn't be there because the woman does no do her research. How the hell could she ignore Casey when she just mentioned her a few months back? I'd even argue that she should've made an appearance as well.

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