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AMC: Monday

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Oh Im not saying that Ryan isnt a hypocrite at all, bc really everyone can be,, but he is not as far as this situation goes. People called him out on being a hypocrite for lashing out at Kendall for not telling him and then he didnt tell Annie first chance he got. Well he did tell her. He just needed a few hours to process the info.

oh I hate her now as well and will call her out whe she needs to. I dont think this was one of the times though. Too bad she couldnt encourage her own mother to eat the pancakes. How's that for some ironic drama. With the way the show loves to prop up Babe, why not have her carry the weight of "killing" her own mother. That would milk tons of sympathy for Babe and Krystal's funeral could be all about Babe and her pain. Why couldnt MMT and co do that instead?

Her exit 5 years ago was horrible. They completely ruined her character and made her into a cold, unforgiving hypocritical b-tch. That Dixie was the precursor to the twit that MMT was writing this past year. Dixie divorced Tad for the dumbest reason and left to keep him from his kid. She broke his heart and spit on their relationship only to up and decide she wanted to start over but then she dies. And she was killed off screen which is one of the worsts ways a longterm character can go. Culliton killed her off bc Cady up and signed with ATWT instead of sticking around with AMC on recurring basis as planned. Fans got screwed then as he killed Dixie off and the only TnD baby in hte process. I didnt see anything respectful about her exit back then
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I didn't see it that way at all. It WAS character driven, on Tad and Dixie's part (I mean if you had to write an exit). I understood why they were doing what they were doing in a way. I don't understand why Tad killed Madden, I don't understand why Dixie gave away his kid to a stranger, I don't understand why she acted the way she did when she returned. I don't understand jack crap insofar as McTravesty's been writing these characters at all...until the recent, very recent glimmers of reunion and hope.

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Okay okay Culliton is not liked here, I get it.

But at least her death the last time was about her and her loved ones, and we got great emotional character material out of it.

Today was so plot driven it was disgusting. "Krystal's baby is Tad's" F*ck that...those are her last words to JR?

Tad & JR's scene being all the about will JR spill the beans? plot plot plot

It's incredibly disrespectful.

I can't wait to see who Dixie's funeral is all about, it won't be Dixie that's for sure...if she gets one.

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I think killing Dixie off this way is a travesty. It is not quite the Maureen Bauer tragedy yet (that was at least wrapped around a great story about infidelity and guilt, and all the actors had EXCELLENT material before and just after the death). The writing is not that strong here.

I'm also a little pissed that a character like Dixie was killed by mistake in Zach's story. Yuck.

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I just want to invite everyone to a chat tonight in the wiggle room (the Tad & Dixie fans chat room). Visit us on my board (link below). It will be from like 10pm EST to midnight. Let's give Dixie a whiz bang wake.


You must have java enabled, and make sure your java is up to date. There's no password needed.

I am apalled that the death of a character that's been on for nearly 20 years took about 5 minutes of show time today. That was truly disgusting. Tad's speech had me blubbering so much I missed some of it because I was hiccuping through tears and snot. And when Dixie took of the mask to say Together forever... I swear she looked so young and beautiful... it only made it EVEN WORSE watching her die.

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ICAM. I thought her death was going to be all about Zach and Babe, which would have been bad enough, but it was mainly about Krystal. It was another slap in the face that her last words to JR were about Tad's baby with Krystal when I wanted a Tad and Dixie baby for two decades. And because of this damn baby, we can't even have a deathbed conversation. Just one word and then Dixie flatlines. UGH! Last year, Jennifer's death on ATWT was so touching and heartbreaking as she married the love of her life and said goodbye to her loved ones over the course of several days. Dixie's scenes got maybe five minutes of the show today. The Serial Killer story is taking over the ENTIRE show. Even the Zarf/Zoe transgender story has turned into his/her being the number one suspect. They should have had Tad and Dixie reuniting with each other and eventually Kate as a separate story just to have some variety and a little bit of happiness in all this misery. Instead they kill any happiness and just add despair for all. :(

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I have to completely disagree with whoever said Culliton was a bad writer and destroyed Dixie in 2002. That was character-driven writing as Dixie wanted more than anything to give Tad a child and Tad couldn't let her risk her own life for that reason. Dixie was being a selfless heroine.

This current death is being terribly handled. How pathetic was it that Dixie's last words to JR were about Krystal's unborn child? Not "I've always loved you" or "I'm sorry for putting Kate's needs above yours." This is pure plot-driven crap.

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I am going to be the unpopular voice in this thread....I wasn't really moved by the Dixie scenes yesterday. Maybe today will be different. *shrug*

Emma, Kathy and Miranda's going off holding hands was too cute.

And Zach and Kendall were sweet 'Yo Slater!'

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So Babe not wanting to eat pancakes is what killed Dixie? Not the serial killer stalker injecting v-tack into the peanut butter or him trying to posion them by using one of their favortie entree's but Babe not wanting to eat the pancakes is what killed Dixe. :rolleyes:

As to her saying no to Zach (Which I don't even remember happening) it wouldn't of mattered anyway the killer could have easily posioned something that Zach's people made and could have easily intercepted the package and posioned some food that way.

Word Cheap.

I don't remember this happening. I don't remember Babe forcing the pancakes down Dixie's throat. She asked her if she wanted soem and said she didn't want them to go to waste and Dixie then took a bite. If anything Dixie was trying to get Babe to eat them. But bottom line it's not Babe nor Dixie's fault. It's the serial killer's.

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