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AMC: Huge uncasting Scoop!

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I think that part of the reason she was let go/left is the Julia Barr situation. Cady was vocal about her dissatisfaction regarding the way Julia was treated and written off. Maybe she decided she couldn't work there after that incident, or TPTB got rid of her because they disliked the fact that she voiced her opinion.

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This is exactly what I was thinking...she was VERY vocal about being upset over Julia Barr being let go the way she was...and didn't seem happy with the state of daytime in any regard for the last couple of months.

I really want to know if she was fired or quit - if she quit, then I totally know why.

Anyway I'm still sick over this - I'm really upset.

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Oh. My. God.

I'm far, far, far, from a Dixie or Cady fan, but holy f*cking [!@#$%^&*]. THey're killing Dixie? Before she gets Kate? That's so insane, and just plain cruel. OMG. Wow.

This is the end of AMC, folks. We're watching our show die in front of our eyes.

T&D fans, OMG, my heart is with you guys. I know it's just a soap, but OMG. I know how passionately you all loved them.

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I think this is one of the following things:

A) It's a publicity stunt. By saying they're "killing" off Dixie, it'll make (at least they hope) viewers return to the show, only for it to be a gigantic red herring. OLTL did the same thing last year with Trevor St. John. He had his "exit" interview with the magazines, they reported him as "out" and he did a goodbye interview type thing on the ABC Hotsheet.....they did it to protect their storyline.

B) Cady asked to be let go due to her unhappiness with the show. She specifically stated she did not want to be "the old" Dixie and was told that Dixie wouldn't be written the way she was. Maybe she saw the writing on the wall and asked to be let go.

C) They fired her due to her comments in her blog about Julia Barr.

D) They decided they'd get a big ratings boost if they killed someone like Dixie off.

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I was just thinking-Cady had to be the one to back out. AMC just put into gear the Kathy/Kate story and it was only a few weeks ago, McT was saying how great the reveal would be for Tad, Julia, Jamie and Dixie. You don't kill off an integral player to story unless the actress is leaving because she's got that itch again.

And she's wearing extensions again? C'mon. She's totally going back to ATWT.

I doubt it's for publicity since she does this every year.

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Oh Please! The only ones that hated Dixie were the fans of ONE fanbase who felt she was a threat to their couple. So they trashed her, wrote in and campaigned against her, and insulted her at fan events! How long would any of you stick around if you were faced with that situation at your job?

I can't blame her for not wanting to come back and play the same old Dixie, I looked forward to the new Dixie and liked her and her faults as did others. I am so sad that they have chosen to get rid of Dixie and I hope that Cady finds a new home on screen soon. AMC did NOT do her justice at all with this, just like they ruined Tad in the same way.

And as for the comments some have made on her cutting and running, I don't think it's cool to trash and actress like that. Ignorance stems from opening your mouth without knowing the facts of the situation. I don't know, nor do I attempt to state that I know why she is being let go, but I will NOT use slander on a public message board to trash a real person.

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This is no shock to me. Cady is an intelligent woman and probably grew to hate working on a show where its audience are treated like idiots. I bet she regrets coming back to the McTrashed AMC. The show is as good as dead. I remember she expressed great admiration for Ellen Wheeler & GL in a blog - i think she'd make an interesting Cassie.

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Isn't Cassie still too nice? I get the feeling she'd want to be the vixen, but I would love to see her go toe to toe with Zimmer.

She'd be great on BB, but Bill Bell only caters to KKL. Jenneifer Gareis is a fine example. She was good at first, but Donna has disaapeared. Lesli Kay had her moment and it's long since passed.

I didn't give consideration that her exit may be the result of her blog entries. I admire her willingness to be honest with her fans, but the soap opera world is a business. You don't discredit your boss and proceed to insult fans because you're feeling the heat. She is a professional actress in a public meduim. Critisicm is the trade off for adulation.

Granted, I didn't like her recent incarnation of Dixie and felt badly that she received threats, but Cady simply can't opt to leave with each whim. I'm sorry if that upsets some of her most ardent fans, but her previous exits are grounds to speculate as to why she is leaving yet again.

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