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Tumbling Down

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Nearly 10 Years Later

I actually started writing this blog when I was in high school. Then I got focused on college and wasn't able to prioritize it anymore. It's disappointing because I had planned to finish the story that year (December of 2012) and had the final 12 months of stories pretty much planned out. Part of me wants to go back and finish it just for the heck of it and to see how much my writing has changed since I was a teenager.  If I do, it'll pick up where we left off in early 2012 and the finale w


JAYJAY in Updates

FTL: Tumbling Down Continues!

We left on a huge hiatus but now it's time to come back to the light. Finding the Light only has one season left, and the first chapter is almost over. I will soon be posting the second half of Tumbling Down which consists of 8 more episodes and ends on the date of February 29th 2012 at the Masquerade Ball where everything will come Tumbling Down! Previously on Finding the Light: Tumbling Down Annie has been manipulating everyone around her. Reva is being pulled away from her rel



S4 Episode 8

Life changing moments happen in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: The whole family is now together. Mallet and Dinah stand in the living room. Belinda and RJ stand in the middle. Cyrus and Marina are walking inside. Belinda looks at her mother, "No. Stop it. This isn't funny." Dinah sighs, "I know." Cyrus looks at Belinda, "I've waited so long to talk to you abo



S4 Episode 7

HUGE shocks and surprises are in store for Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: RJ and Belinda walk up to the front door. Belinda looks at him, "It's so sweet of you to walk me to the door." He sighs, "Actually is it okay if I come in?" She stares, "Okay... sure." She can tell he's acting weird. Belinda opens the door. The two walk inside. Dinah and Mallet are sitting in the living room. Belinda looks at them, "What's up?" Mallet stands, "Hey



S4 Episode 6

Bad behavior catches up with people in Springfield... Cedars: Ashlee is lying on a hospital bed. Lillian is with her. Ashlee opens her eyes, "What is going on?" Lillian looks at her, "You okay? You took a hard hit to your head after you fainted?" Ashlee stares, "Fainted?" Lillian sits by her, "What do you remember sweetheart?" Ashlee sits up, "I was scrubbing in to go into surgery. I was standing next to Dr. Bauer and it was freezing. I started to get a l



S4 Episode 5

People make risky decisions in Springfield... Cedars: Inside the stall of the restroom, Ashlee is purging. The flushes and walks out with her hair up. She wipes her face and washes her hands. She throws in a breath mint as she walks to the staff changing room. Ashlee walks over to her locker. She stares at herself in the mirror. She's a bit light headed but just drinks her water. As she stares at her face, she wonders if she'll ever be as thin as she w



S4 Episode 4

People end up in compromising positions in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: Mallet, Dinah, Cyrus and Marina walk into the living room. Cyrus looks at Dinah, "Okay, what is going on?" Dinah sighs, "Annie Dutton is behind bars. And now she's lashing out at anyone who's ever pissed her off or anyone who she's ever been close to, which is usually the same." He stares, "So your little friend is coming after our daughter?" Dinah looks at him, "My daughter. An



S4 Episode 3

Nothing and no one is perfect in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: Mallet and Dinah sit in their living room. They are going over wedding plans. She looks at him, "I just don't know. I mean technically this is our 3rd wedding. Our first was spur of the moment. But our second was a real wedding." Mallet looks at her, "Yeah but now your Dad is here. You always wanted him to walk you down the aisle." She sighs, "I know..." He rubs her back, "Don't feel guil



S4 Episode 2

The beginning of the new year continues in Springfield... Police Station: Annie sits in her cell. She looks around. Annie shouts, "I'm going crazy in here!" Edmund and Marah walk in. Edmund smiles, "You passed crazy a long time ago Annie." She stares, "Well look who it is." Marah stares back at her. Annie smirks, "You here to confess? They'll go easier if you turn yourself in but either way you're still going down Marah. We're about to trade spots."



S4 Episode 1

The new year has begun in Springfield... Lewis Enterprises: Edmund is moving his stuff into the CEO office. Marah follows him. He smiles, "Can you believe it Marah? Things are finally looking up for us." She shakes her head, "I don't know about that." He stares, "Are you still bitter that we had to knock your family down a peg? I really thought you would be over that by now. I sure am." She turns to him, "Did you see the looks on their faces when I voted for you? The



Finding the Light: Tumbling Down

The first chapter of the final year of FTL is coming. Someone will break down A few will fall down One will be thrown down Some will be turned down Others will begin to crack down The population will go down And one of Springfield's biggest events will go into lockdown... The coldest winter in Springfield, “Revenge is a dish best served cold” Finding the Light: Tumbling Down



S3 Episode 102

The 2011 year concludes in Springfield... Beacon: All of Lewis Enterprises is celebrating New Year. Edmund stands with his new fiance Marah. All eyes are on them. Josh stands with Vanessa and Billy. Reva stands with Shayne and Ava. Edmund looks around, "This company has been building and thriving for three years now thanks to the Lewis family. Lewis Enterprises has given Spaulding Enterprises a huge competition for success here in the Midwest. The real heart



S3 Episode 101

New Years Eve is celebrated in Springfield... Beacon: Lewis Enterprises is hosting their company New Years Eve party. Josh stands with Billy and Vanessa. He nods, "Tonight I will be announcing that I'm handing over the CEO spot. I will also finally be announcing my illness officially. So I'm incredibly nervous." Billy looks at him, "We are going to be with you every step of the way." Vanessa nods, "These people have been working with us since the beginning of Lewi



S3 Episode 100

Christmas continues in Springfield... Bauer Home: Mel and Rick sit in the living room. There is a knock at the door. Mel walks over and opens the door. Clayton and Felicia walk in. Mel smiles, "Merry Christmas!" Clayton hugs his daughter, "Merry Christmas Baby." Felicia smiles, "Merry Christmas Melissande." They take off their coats. Rick stands, "Good to see you guys." Mel rubs her Mom's back, "You okay?" Felicia sighs, "I'm dealing. Christmas w



S3 Episode 99

It's Christmas in Springfield... Bauer Home: The Bauers are all together. Ed sits in his chair. Everyone is dressed nice. Rick is trying to figure out his new video camera. Mel sits next to him, "Honey just let me give you a hand with it." He shakes his head, "No. I can figure it out. Just be patient." Everyone laughs. Ed looks around, "Some things never change." Leah is texting on the couch. Mel looks at her, "Young lady. It's a holiday." She nods



S3 Episode 98

People face their consequences in Springfield... Towers: Edmund is holding Marah up against the wall. He smirks, "Look at you. You look frightened." She shakes her head, "I didn't do anything Edmund." He laughs, "Oh no. Let's not begin lying again Marah. That will only make me even more furious then I already am. And I know you don't want that?" She sighs, "What do you want?" He looks at her, "Just admit what you did." She nods, "Really? That's what you want to



S3 Episode 97

The results of people's actions erupt in Springfield... Towers: Marah is in Edmund's room. She is sipping champagne. He walks in. She smiles, "Finally. I was wondering what was taking you so long." He grins, "I have been anxious to see you. I just had to take care of a few things before." She walks over to him, "I haven't seen you in over a week. My trip was fun but I missed having you there with me. What all did you do while I was gone?" He smiles, "Oh I



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P4

Welcome to New York... Marti's Bedroom: An emotional Leah goes into the bedroom. The teens follow her. She is crying, "I'm so tired of this!" Marti sighs, "I'm sorry Leah." Leah shakes her head, "They aren't kids anymore. My parents can't just keep fighting and breaking up and getting back together over and over again. It's so messed up." Zach nods, "I know how you feel. I had no memories of my parents ever liking each other. I never understood how they could h



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P3

Welcome to New York... Streets: Beth and Phillip approach the runaway teens. Phillip shakes his head, "What the hell?" Zach sighs, "Dad..." Phillip looks at them, "What the hell do you four think you're doing?" Zach looks at him, "I'm 18! You have no right to be angry with me!" Phillip nods, "You stole the Spaulding Jet. That right there gives everyone a right to be angry with you. You can't just take it off to kidnap your girlfriend." Marti stares, "No h



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P2

Welcome to New York... Outside the Building: The teens all stand outside. Marti is with Zach. Leah stands with James. Marti shakes her head, "What?" Zach looks at them, "What the hell are you two doing here?" Leah sighs, "We came to make things right!" Marti shakes her head, "This is insane." James nods, "Just listen please." Zach pushes James, "You two need to get out of here. You're not keeping us a part anymore." Leah looks at Marti, "I just need



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P1

Welcome to New York... Time moves faster in New York. The streets and sidewalks are filled. Tourist go crazy trying to keep up in all the commotion while sight seeing. Up in the high pent house. Curtains are pulled open. Fashion's little queen bee Mindy Lewis stands in her robe holding her coffee looking down on her playground. Mindy's Penthouse: Mindy looks out her window. She smiles. Another morning where she appreciates her dreams coming true. Most



S3 Episode 96

The fall ends and Springfield is rocked... Police Station: Annie remains behind the bars. Edmund looks at her, "What did you say?" Annie nods, "Marah is the one who set this whole thing in motion. She had Ava kidnapped to keep her away from Shayne. Then she ran to me to clean up the mess but I'm the one who walked away with my hands dirty. I did everything to cover up her mess and in the end she screwed me over." Edmund shakes his head, "Please. I knew you'd say anyt



S3 Episode 95

As the fall ends secrets slip in Springfield... Police Station: Annie sits in her cell She lays on her bed and stares at the ceiling. She slowly breathes in and out to relax herself. The guard hollers, "Dutton, visitor." Annie slowly sits up. Edmund walks in. Annie slowly turns, "Edmund Winslow." He nods, "Hello Annie." She sighs, "Is this another round of let's come and pour our guilt on Annie. Because I was thinking of taking the night off for tha



FTL Second Movie Coming Soon

"The Four Musketeers are reunited" "I wish I could trust you" "You're just a pathetic little virgin" "I need to remember who I am" "It's a Kardashian!!!" "Do you ever wonder about what might have been?" "Reality TV huh?" "Get off my husband!" "I'm done feeling like a consolation prize" "I can't go through this again" "Marry me" "I'm not coming back to Springfield" "I love you" "Blue skies and palomino ponies!" Coming soon...



S3 Episode 94

Thanksgiving continues in Springfield... Bauer Home: The Bauer family is together. J is helping Michelle set the table. She smiles, "You are the guest. You shouldn't be helping." He laughs, "It's fine. It makes me feel like I'm contributing. Besides everyone knows doctors have the cleanest hands or at least they should." Michelle nods, "You won't get an argument out of anyone here." He looks at her, "In all seriousness, thank you for inviting me. I do think I woul



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