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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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Just today she kinda blurted out that she was sorry at which point Dani cut her saying something witty.  Usually though like Nina on GH she goes on & on about what she did not intend. B*tch, your intentions don't mean squat. Have you never heard that famous expression about good intentions?!! Where have you been? Under a rock?

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She actually has. In episode 2, she says to Nicole: " I’ve tried apologizing to Dani, but she just can’t get past her anger. "

Seeing how Dani is, I can see her not accepting said apology when Hayley came to her. Totally justified as she doesnt have to forgive her. I do think they write Hayley as being remorseful and that bothers me! I wish she was more of an unapologetic bish and owned her ish. I thought the naive act was an act but she really is like this. I need her to have more fire and become someone to love to hate

Edited by Cheap21
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She doesn’t have to be over it, but at this point, she’s the aggressor. Everything else so far has been brought to her - Hayley having the affair with Bill, Bill and Hayley getting married at the country club, Bill and Hayley moving into the neighborhood, Hayley attempting to win Nicole over, the Dupree parents forcing her to attend the wedding, etc. It would be different if Dani had never had a chance to react and confront over those events, but she has had the chance and she’s taken it every time. Showing up to their house today was just messy bc it wasn’t in reaction to anything. If it’s just bc of general anger over the situation then, once again, btch needs therapy and she needs it bad. Every time she pulls a big gesture meant to intimidate or embarrass Hayley, Hayley still goes to bed with Bill, still marries Bill, and still moves into the neighborhood with Bill. Meanwhile, Dani secretly has meaningless sex with her sister’s nephew then gets drunk by herself and cries.

She is nottttttt that girl at all.

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Found the comment you referenced.

It was during the created flashback scene when Dani was reminiscing about coming home with Bill after their daughter Naomi's wedding. 

They talk about how Dani gave up everything for Bill and then ...

Bill:  I tell you what -- if Jacob were to ask Naomi for half the things I asked of you, they'd never find that boy's body.

Dani:  Because, in Bill Hamilton's plan for his progeny: Naomi is to become President, followed immediately by her appointment to the Supreme Court.

Bill:  Yeah, you're damn right.  She's got that kind of promise.

Dani:  She does.

Bill:  Yeah.

From this scene:


Edited by janea4old
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This felt more like filler but had some nice moments. As I pay attention to the script writer/breakdown writers it's interesting to see the differences. This felt like the weakest breakdown we got but I felt like we got some good scenes out of it. Something about the inclusion of Nicole and Ted felt incomplete for me. I could've used another scene with them to tie things up better.

I loved the scenes with Haley and Dani and it's nice seeing Karla Mosley settle into the role. I think it was a big mistake not giving Bill or Haley any family so they have an outlet to their feelings. They run the risk of becoming too isolated without a solid talk-to. I know Haley has Caroline but she needs someone they're willing to give screentime to. Maybe if Ashley was friends with Haley instead of Naomi that would've worked better but then again I love Naomi with Ashley so maybe not.

Another character that needs an outlet is Smitty. Might've been a good idea to make Cady's character his mother. I will say, I'm enjoying Martin and Smitty more and more each episode. I get the complaints about the lack of affection but we know this is a risky new soap launch and CBS Daytime is conservative. Hopefully in time they can be more affectionate as the show is successful they may be willing to take more chances. From a story standpoint it works for now so I'm not too bothered by it. I'm just happy the actors are getting more comfortable. Martin is building himself up so much that I see his downfall being delicious once we get to it. 



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