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DAYS: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Oh I am not saying it isn't stupid.  It definitely gives vibes of a 90's JER contrivance where a character sees something, asks zero questions, and runs off and does something idiotic.   I just don't know where they are going with this.  Johnny's going to yell at Chanel and she'll be furious that he didn't trust her?  Then Chanel will sleep with Alex for real?  When the show just put effort in to re-starting Stephanie/Alex?  It just doesn't make sense to me.  None of this is very coherently soapy.  Just a serious of events happening with little motivation

Edited by carolineg
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Why does this have me close to tearing up? (Cause I'm part water sign) 

One of the best things of the last decade or so has been her heightened presence. It'll be bittersweet to watch her and all the returnees for Doug's memorial, but hopefully this means she'll continue to a constant for the next regime, too.

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I liked the way Eric was used today. He’s one of the few things that’s actually saving the Sarah paralysis storyline, because Sarah lying, and just Kristen in general have really messed it up. And the fact that Sarah recanted her statement today shows how stupid it was for her to lie.

Jamey’s crap being corrected by a real writer

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I hope Eric continues to investigate though. And hopefully, Holly’s part in this storyline continues as well, even though I’m also glad that she’s going to Paris to visit Nicole.

And I’m still liking the way that EJ/Gabi/Stefan is being built up, even though I don’t agree with EJ being written as so campy and bitchy. He should be playing it a lot more villainously, rather than treating it like a big joke. 

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BB isn't exactly my type, but I think he's a good looking man.  The styling for Stefan isn't great though, but that extends to at least 80% of the Days cast lol.

I agree with @AbcNbc247 that Eric is being used well.  Even though this part of the story was for John it works almost seamlessly with Eric too.  One of the things I have always liked about the show is that Eric and Brady truly consider themselves brothers (I believe Sami considers Brady her brother as well).  I love the blend of Roman/John/Marlena's family working together.  It helps give Days a grounded family feeling especially when we have to watch Body & Soul crap two or three days a week. 

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It is nuts how inconsistent the quality of episodes has become.

Do I wish that they had played out the drama of Sarah adapting to her paralysis for a bit longer than two weeks?  Yes.  But that interaction between Fiona and Sarah was so lovely, natural, and well played, that it was worth it.  I am surprised by how much I am taken by Fiona.  Her arc has been so quick, but she's charming, and I can see the change that she has gone through in getting to know Sarah.

I also really liked the spark between Kristen and Fiona. Classic daytime clash of the titans (excuse the pun). Considering that Susan and Fiona have sons the same age, I wonder if they are supposed to be the same age too?

Also, cheers to nu-Gabi.  I don't like the hair, makeup, or wardrobe, but I enjoyed the goodbye scene with Stefan.  It is an odd conflict that they both want to move on, but feel like they can't forgive each other.  Especially, given that Gabi was in love with Jake while Stefan was presumed dead, but he moved past that.  And Stefan professed that Chloe was his one true love when he came back from the dead.  But, at least it isn't some ridiculous business decision that is tearing them apart. 

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