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Y&R/DAYS: Steve Kent is repordedly OUT from Sony Pictures Television

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I hope that isn't the reason (Sony losing interest), but then you'd think they would have moved to save Y&R or DAYS earlier on. Maybe this is just him finally losing the wrong person behind the scenes. 

I think beyond the reasons you've mentioned, this is also a byproduct of the powers that be going back to relying on older viewers as the fantasy of a mega-rich 16 year old who is there for them to try to revolve their whole schedule around fades.

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For many years the thought process among executives was that you had to pivot to programming catered to their idea of a young person because young people would grow up to be rich and would then rely on all the products they saw advertised from that early age. That isn't as important to the powers that be now, because they know that isn't how things worked out (thanks to the crippling economy, many young people are lucky if they even have their own place to live). 

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Question: In the past two decades, how often has a change in network or production executive resulted in staffing changes on soaps?  Like when Angelica McDaniel left CBS, was there an immediate change in writers or producers?  I know her role was eliminated, but I am just using her as an example.

Edited by j swift
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Gotcha. And that makes sense (as to why that's wrong). There is this belief, too, that old people don't experiment with different brands. As someone whose circle of friends mostly consisted of boomers and their parents I can verify that isn't true. Especially now. They are far more conscience of the various toxic chemicals in cleaning products and have switched brands. And most can afford to buy more expensive brands that are better than you.


I'm 32 and most people I know my age, or younger, who live where I do (Chicago) can't afford to go to the grocery store and buy the name brand of everything they want/need to get. I listened to a report on WGN Radio that the pandemic and the various economic issues within the last few years caused the generic brands to have an increase in sales.

I would love to see multi-generational dynamics in which we have a younger character whose single pipe dreaming about the day in which she can FINALLY be like young people of yesterday who didn't have to constantly buy from thrift stores and buy from discount grocery stores like Dollar Tree (like I have to do) and had a huge credit card debt. Then she is hired by an older women to be her personal companion who manages to pay her a salary with a live-in position that would guarantee her a life where she can live modestly. She doesn't really want to be rich but comfortable. But then she meets the older woman's husband and (you can infer the rest! Ha!).

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I don't think so - Sony distributes and owns the distribution rights for DAYS, but Corday Productions is the owner and the official production company.

Y&R is considered a "co-production" between Sony and the Bell Dramatic Serial Company, with Sony owning the majority share. Sony also controls the distribution rights for Y&R.

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