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DAYS: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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I have to agree about the whole radiation story.  They made a weekly promo about it and Deidre Hall gasped, "Paulina's radioactive" in the most dramatic way and everyone's healthy, Chanel was missing for an hour or two and got a sprained ankle, and it's all fine and good.  Even Julie being there at the cabin was weird.  She served no real purpose.  The entire thing could have been done without her.  The most pointless plot point ever and that's saying a lot on Days.

@j swiftI am pretty sure Ava was only the manager of the Bistro.  She didn't own any part of it.

Edited by carolineg
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Too soon to judge about new teen character Sophia, but I’m so glad that Holly and Tate are gonna have friends. That was the one thing that their storyline was missing. I just hope it’s taken seriously and not written like a big joke. 

The Eric/Sloan fight was good too. And even though Sloan didn’t mean it, I’m glad she brought up Eric not having a job. They should run with that somehow. It could play into the storyline about Baby Jude and make it even messier.

And I’m glad that they remembered the Alex/Kristen “relationship” I still don’t ship them but I do ship Kristen finally getting over Brady for good. That obsession is literally handcuffing her. And Brady too, actually. 

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It's been awhile since I have been in high school clearly, but how can Holly wear half a top to class?  Nicole was okay with that outfit?  Her entire stomach was showing.  You'd immediately get sent to the office and have to wear your gym shirt if you showed up to school like that and I just went to a regular public high school in this century lol.  Maybe times have changed.  I like Sophia so far, but I hate when the sidekick is played as the slightly dumb one like Mimi and that's how she felt in this episode.

Oh, Eric. He thinks Sloan has a gambling addiction.  Lol.  Shopping addiction, substance abuse, an affair, and honestly blackmail are places I would go first before even considering GAMBLING!  I honestly can see why Sloan thinking she doctored the numbers and Eric wouldn't notice.  And, seriously, at the end of the day, is it that bad Sloan tried to help Eric get a job?  He isn't making money.  While I might be a bit peeved my significant other called a friend on my behalf the intentions aren't bad. 

And, uh, is Alex making reference to Dickens work with his Konstantin reference?  He knows that and expects Theresa to know that too?  Like, neither of seem that well read.  And Theresa there's a gym practically in your living room so it's funny she's going to an actual gym.

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In the name of gender equatable progress, many schools have dropped their dress code policies because they were mostly coded toward girls, and often enforced by men.  That being said, Holly is dressed by a costume department who would be wise to make better choices than try to exploit the body of a character who is meant to be underage.

Edited by j swift
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I mean, she looked great and it was a cute outfit, but in all interest of Nicole trying to reign Holly in for bad behavior, I can't see any mother being okay with that outfit.  It's just a minor thing and wardrobe often lacks to make sense.  But also Tate and Holly are just re-starting the school year in late April, also makes 0 sense for them to complete the year lol.  With Tate being pulled out of boarding school and in rehab and Holly being in a coma for months that seems implausible.

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