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Y&R: March 2024 Discussion Thread


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Reminder: Y&R and B&B (either or both depending on your location)
will be disrupted by European football(soccer)
-- for CBS broadcasts in western timezones
Tuesday March 5 and Wednesday March 6. You may need to watch at another time of day/night, on another channel, or online.
It's not an official preemption because the episodes air in full in Eastern and Central timezones.
Details here:

Edited by janea4old
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I thought the same at first. But in the previews, I think Seth is acting like he wants to set up a meeting with "Isabella" and her supposed old drinking buddy/AA friend Nikki. It must be a plan he hatched with Nikki (off screen).

When Larry the bodyguard was coming in the door at CL, I did a complete WHOA. He looks like Billy Miller, only different body type (much taller and thinner). There were a few angles where he looked like BM. It was a bit unsettling.

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It was strange to me, that Nikki didn't call her bodyguard over to hear what Seth was saying, as she was figuring things out.  If Nikki now knows that Jordan is in town and has a physical description of her current appearance, I'd think she'd want her bodyguard to know it asap, so he could use that information to protect her.  It seems like Nikki is hatching a plan to catch Jordan without including her bodyguard.  That's nuts.  

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I was surprised that Nikki took her own sweet time to tell Victor and all at the ranch when she got back with that information. She should have marched in screaming that she thinks she knows where Jordan is (or immediately called Victor on the phone). But no, she calmly said to them "I think I know how to get her" or something like that. 

Not sure how long this Jordan s/l is going to go, but I'm ready for it to be over. That actress looks like my deceased mother and it's a bit jarring every time I see her on screen.

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I know they're trying to send a message of hope to all people who struggle, but come on. Connor has EVERY single symptom and anxiety associated with OCD. It was a bit of an overkill.

He's supposed to be away at a boarding school who treats kids with anxiety disorders or something. Yet it took months for them to notify the parents? Naw. Did they just make all of this up so this kid actor could get some scenes? (Btw, I love this young actor. Judas "something").

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Complete overkill -- which will most likely be over in a week.

I saw posts on Facebook commenting about how glorious this episode was -- how much it taught us, how real it was, how good the acting was. All exaggerations, as far as I'm concerned.

The entire buildup to this was offscreen (like so many Y&R stories). I cannot care about Connor's OCD if I see none of it until he plays with a toy on the psychiatrist's coffee table.

The entire scene with the therapist sounded like Chat GPT wrote it. Full of therapy-speak with simple answers from Connor that led her right to the next question. Judah Mackey was OK as Connor, not great. He was passable.

Once again, Josh Griffith wrote an Emmy bait episode, and I'm not here for it. If you want to know the future for Connor, study the past. In short order, JG will forget about Connor and his OCD will be dropped into a few scripts after that, until we don't hear about it any more.

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