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Y&R: February 2024 Discussion Thread


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Well, I see my player is at it again. Lord, CBS, get your s*t together. Lord Baby Jesus!


That said...thank you, @Antoyne for the tip. I was at least able to watch that brief Ashley/Audra scene. In fact, rewatching all of those scenes with Ashley/Tucker/Audra/Nate as I type. 'Little Girl' took me out. LOL!!! First SLC and now Y&R hehe. I said their first scene Ashley won. This one...hmmm a draw. Though Ashley wins in the end by Tucker lying to Audra. 


And also like you...I don't want to like this story, but those Tucker v Ashley scenes in his hotel room were GOOD. Since I'm missing episodes, I missed that Ashley broke into Tucker's room. So THAT was jarring. BUT it was just the chemistry. The sparring between the two of them. Just ED's demeanor. It's Ashley's calm and collected, but she's playing so subtly off. It is piquing my curiosity as much as Tucker's. She IS saying all the right things, but the body language is OFF. But SUBTLY off. I don't feel I am articulating it well. Like the inflection when Ashley talks about their breakup...there's a subtext in that moment where she does not sound like Ashley at all...she sounds like someone ELSE. ED is putting out these clues. Meanwhile, Tucker hit it straight on with him bringing up how Ashley brought into his room...which as he kept bringing up in dialogue I went...now that I think of it...Ashley isn't the type to break into someone's room. Perhaps a lover she hasn't broke up with. So I admit that in spite of myself, I'm getting intrigued with where this is going. 


If it DOES turn out to be a split personality, they are already setting Audra up for a fall. I've already mentioned how she has a throughline already of being 'Hot for Teacher' with so many men in her life outside of Kyle, so her scenes with Nate only reinforced that. And he's at least being a good friend. Because it's clear as day that the only weakness Tucker has...even through bad writing...has been his love for Devon/Dominic and his love for Ashley. And it seems the writers are already setting Tucker up to be Ashley's knight in shining armor by him continuing to not tell Audra about every time he runs into Ashley. Hopefully, she lands on her feet. And Ashley WAS kinda creepy at the end of that scene. 


Well it was nice to see Seth and Nikki together. And the Jordan storyline lives on. 


And while I enjoyed CH showing a little of the Sally Spectra I'm used to from B&B, I do feel I'm over her and Adam. I mean Nick knew to let her be her when it came to her business. But to be fair, I'm over the Nick/Sally/Adam triangle and have been since the baby drama. Which is a shame because at first it had potential even though I didn't like that, either. 


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While B&B is busy imploding and inspiring righteous indignation, I see it Y&R was just listless as ever today

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Chance as an instant businessman doesn’t not work and it’s fairly awkward to watch. FAIL. Tessa giving up her singing career to manage Society and have goofy moments with Mariah? FAIL. Abby on a board of directors while still being at Society…? FAIL. 

Esther snooping and eavesdropping around Chancellor Winters could be interesting but wasting it on a faux “drama” moment between Deven and Billy just wasn’t interesting at all. 


@Taoboiand @Antoyne I never finished up Thursday and Friday so I’m definitely going back to see this Ashley/Audra scene. Because the only bright spot in today’s show (2/26) was the ending scene. 

Edited by soapfan770
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I am such a sucker for Eileen Davidson and anything Abbott so you would be right. 


Yeah outside of odds, ends, and MTS's acting, I would say the only good thing going on right now is Ashley/Tucker/Audra with some Nate on the side. 


The scene we are talking about was near the end of the 2/20 episode and it was REALLY good between Ashley/Audra in another episode I want to say 2/16. 

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OMG! You all were not kidding about that nothing-burger of a OCD story. Just ugh.


That said...there was nothing much to this episode really except for Nate vs Tucker as they had a peeing contest over Audra, the Victor/Claire alliance, and more of the Ashley mystery.


So I wonder if it's safe to say that Nate will save Audra in the end.


There's nothing like seeing Victor in manipulating more. There's also nothing like seeing Victor with the younger generation. So I actually liked him and Claire bonding. It made me think of back when Abby was a kid and her with Victor. It's also nice to just see Victor with an adversary in Jordan played by someone who is not playing games.


I continue to be intrigued by ED's acting choices. I cannot decide if I feel she was playing the scenes with Traci straight or not. It doesn't help that I cannot trust the writing though. Today's clue of her talking to a therapist friend in Paris. Is the friend real or just lazy writing to resolve this whole Tucker/Ashley mess so we can get into a Ashley/Tucker/Audra triangle?


Time will tell. 


I AM happy to see this week starting is full of the storylines (except for Heather/Daniel/Lily and Giggly Heffa vs the Bug) that I actually want to see...more Ashley vs Audra, more Mamie, and the Victor/Claire alliance. 

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Okay today’s 2/27’s episode had a fantastic additional confrontation between Audra and Ashley. Not spoil it too much but this was probably the nastiest we’ve seen Audra yet.

No doubt at all now that Ashley is loony and I like ED is clearly giving us exaggerated mannerisms to show us something is not right with Ashley. 

Good to see Mamie again.

Good to see MM again but did I hear right? Naya has passed away? Good god renewal or not Josh Griffith can go [!@#$%^&*] himself for wasting all the potential of Ptosha Storey and the character just like that.

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I guess that shows how excellent an actress she is and how well we know Ashley to be able to feel that way. I can't make heads or tails of it, but it DEFINITELY has my attention. Just acting little'bread crumbs' all over the place. 


I guess that shows how excellent an actress she is and how well we know Ashley to be able to feel that way. I can't make heads or tails of it, but it DEFINITELY has my attention. Just acting little'bread crumbs' all over the place. 

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Other than her managing to mend the rift between Devon, Nate, and Lily and some great Jill v Mamie scenes once they all found out she was the secret investor, I would say no. 


It was someone nicely paced for a while there, but Mamie has upped and vanised over the last month or two, having very little scenes. I would say the momentum was lost right before the Claire stuff started outside of Jill wanting Billy to rejoin the business so not everyone is Team Mamie. And he's already slowly causing drama cuz he's being typical Billy and making it all about him and not the company. 


They are just now looping back to the storyline this current week though. 

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So true, and aside from Keemo I remember the show just casually mentioning David Sherman (Mitchell’s gay son introduced back in 2013) and Lydia Summers were dead too.


Onto today 2/28….. 

It’s official, Ashley has slide into Tricia Dennison territory type of crazy. Not crazy enough that everyone can pick up on it, but crazy enough we know she’s crazy. Actually   Ashley breaking down and kissing Tucker in front of Audra  gave me vibes of Tricia breaking down and kissing Tony on New Year’s Eve 1999.


JG did a pretty bad job of Billy’s DID story  a few years back so I don’t really want to see another split personality story at all especially with Ashley, I don’t need to see another “Night Hope” story on daytime ever again, but if Tucker has gaslighted Ashley to the point she’s crazy you know what I wouldn’t mind that kind of old school story telling but only if Tucker got a major comeuppance afterwards. 


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Haha I know you’re behind so I didn’t want to spoil too much but for three days in a row now Ashley/Tucker/Audra has been the highlight.

Actually something I wanted to applaud was Hayley Erin’s Grace actually having rare raw emotional moments with Cole and Victoria, which was a nice change of pace. However…

……knowing JG though I already have the sense Claire  is going to get lumped into the same category as Chelsea, Chloe, and Sally. Major yikes!!!

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