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Y&R: January 2024 Discussion Thread


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Really liked that the Nate and Victoria relationship wasn’t forgotten. His reaction though couldn’t have been more blah and a sign of the times that characters no longer have the time to react to major news before having to move on to the next plot point.

I did also really enjoy having vet character run into wasted Nikki. I know SOAPS need the future and young characters but I love vets in scenes together especially when they’re not in the same orbit regularly.

Adam and Sally and Nick is so ridiculous. I was actually an Adam and Sally supporter. But she seriously spent the last year telling everyone how much she hated Adam and suddenly loved his brother. Now it’s awkward when she runs into Nick with Adam when Nick came after his brother’s ex in the first place

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It's just so trampy every time Sally and Adam run into Nick. She's right back in the other brother's bed. It was the same every time Adam used to run into Sally with Nick. All I see is a bed hopper with Sally. They have ruined her and I wish she would go away. Not even back to BB, just be gone. Can't she wear anything other than animal prints? Geez.

The brothers are also just as sleezy when they meet up (when Sally is there). It's like Adam has the sex grin now and Nick has the smug grimace of knowing exactly what Adam is getting when he hops in the sack with Sally. It grosses me out.

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Nice to see Lauren involved with Nikki and Jack for a change. But my God, why dress her like that? I know, at least her cleavage wasn't hanging out up in our faces. But that blouse/sweater sort of made her look like a couple of cantaloupes, or sacks of sand hanging from her chest. It was very distracting.

And ITA with @dragonflies above, end this Danny crap. Get rid of Cricket. And send Nina off with them as well. I hate the way they are writing my girl Phyllis. Maybe MS enjoys playing this outrageous character all the time, but it is SO tiresome to watch her constantly look like a loser now.

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Yeah Phyllis was so pathetic and annoyingly desperate LOL. Danny and Christine only went on a couple dates and she couldn’t contain her jealousy. Just pitiful.

Jack’s addiction was something that was swept under the rug for years now….I remember for a few years Jack was Neil’s sober and teetotaler friend, but that changed when Jack had his affair with Gloria and ever since then Jack drinks. Jack mentioned to Diane about his 2012 gun shot wound, but I don’t recall Diane learning about Patty’s antics at all unless I missed something. 

The Nikki and Audra scenes today in the 1/18 episode were very nice. Audra surprisingly again came as Nikki’s confidant. Ah finally we get a glimpse into Audra’s past with the mention of her father.

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Yes, that was the second mention of Audra's father. Many have wanted Audra to get a backstory, so I wonder if they are toying with the idea of bringing on some family for her. Roger Howarth would be old enough to be her father. 

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They haven't made it clear if her father is alive or not, just that he was an alcoholic throughout her childhood. I think her words were something like "he lost his battle" with alcohol.

Man, that backless dress was something, eh? 

As we all posted back then, Jack shouldn't even really be partaking in alcohol. That romp in the sack with Gloria was totally bourbon-induced. LOL

Edited by Beachstorm
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Haha yeah and ever since then Jack had been shown to indulge himself with the occasional champagne, wine, hard liquor etc. on a show that use to make sure we saw Nikki and Katherine drinking club soda In champagne glasses for special occasions. Yeesh.

I don’t know, but the Abbott men have been treated differently from others in their addictions. It use to bother me for the longest Billy was often in trouble for being big time alcoholic and gambler but everyone was always laughed “Oh that’s our Billy!” and turned a blind eye. 

I joked about Fen and his sponsor earlier but it is interesting they also brought that up to involve Lauren in this. If I recall right Fen’s addiction mainly happened offscreen between ZT’s two stints in 2019 and was mainly used as a plot point for Adam to blackmail Michael. 

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I don't like Seth. Something about him is irritating. Maybe it's his constant smiling while talking. He seems so pushy with Nikki, and his first meeting with Victor was non-stop talking by Seth.

Where are they going with this guy? I've seen talk of him being part of the Crazy Jordan s/l, but that doesn't seem feasible. He ain't no Bobby Warner anymore. lol

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I like Seth. But I can't imagine if there's to be more. Now that he can't be Nikki's sponsor, how would he fit in.

I couldn't believe that Lauren talked about Nikki's drinking to Jack & then that Nikki wasn't furious about it. Was it odd that Jack was just now telling Diane about his history with painkillers?!  

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What are they doing with Ashley? Good grief, she looked like a fool today just standing there staring off into space at the Abbott manse. Then blubbering to Jack about Tucker. Then the idiocy of searching out Tucker at the AC to talk to him once again. Tucker says (over and over) that she cannot commit to a relationship because of her family. WE KNOW! End them now please. It's so dumb.

Is ED about to leave again? It would be better than witnessing this drivel week after week. And now next week Tracy gets in on the Ashley/Tucker argument. To what end? Going to Paris and checking the restaurant video footage? (if there even is any)

Why does this show beat a dead horse so often? Move on with the storyline.

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Is it wrong that I've disappointed at how I was excited for a second in the cleverness of roping Lauren into Nikki's drinking...only to be reminded the next episode Nikki has New Guy Oscar. Lol. I was already spending storyline possibilities in my head. smh. I should have known better.


Overall, I thought this was a pretty decent week. I agree with who said it a page or so back about how Nate still is connected to Victoria somewhat (...but where have the Winters gone?). Not an easy feat given that Cole is back in town. Which speaking of Cole...I loved he had a scene with Ashley. Because refresh my memory...wasn't Cole leaving just as ED reclaimed her role of Ashley from SS? 


Speaking of Ashley, why are they wrecking her for Tucker? At least they are getting into the possibility of reconciliation between her and Tucker. At least they are talking...well arguing. But this 'is Ashley losing her mind or is Tucker gaslighting?' arc is making me feel this is just...foul.


Sadly, I'm not feeling Sally/Adam anymore. And poor Nick. 


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