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Y&R: January 2024 Discussion Thread


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These posts, I am here for! Seriously, I dropped Y&R from my viewing schedule when “Jordan” was hauled away but these posts are keeping informed and entertained. Although, I could have sworn that Morrow did an interview in the very recent past where he tried to clean up his past remarks about Case, acknowledging that Nick and Sharon were likely endgame but Y&R being a continuing drama, they had to be kept apart for the foreseeable future. Bonus points if someone could find that interview, I am thinking that it was done during the pandemic.

Also, maybe this is my writer’s brain thinking but since when do the actors determine story? This is where Y&R took its inexorable march down the cliff imo. To paraphrase Yoda “either do or not do”. And imo, to “not do” means letting the role go to someone who “can do” and will do. In the real world outside of soaps, 30 years is a great run and longevity is not guaranteed in any industry.

*Also, am I the only one curious about the origin of Morrow’s remarks? Sharon never said anything even remotely negative about Morrow (at least not publicly). Did Sharon break his heart or reject him in the early days? What’s up with that?!

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Probably the time has come to reunite Nick and Sharon. Really any other romances for them at this time aren't working-they should have evolved somewhat beyond falling in love repeatedly.

Now I know putting them together supposedly means less exciting stories but really, have either of them had much excitement over the past few years?

I'm thinking the breast cancer story, Cameron's return could have played out with them married.

They could still be active in the story if Mariah, Noah and Faith had more prominence.

Then we have the oft requested search for Sharon's father. That could provide airtime and possible angst. Sharon discovering a shady half brother could shake things up.

Desperatedly searching around for new love interests for them is no longer cutting it.

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The interview I read was from a couple of years ago when JM/Nick and CH/Sally were interviewed together (at the beginning of the horrid Nick/Sally sex takeover). JoshM called "Sally" the hot chick that he wanted to have a s/l with. It was mentioned that he was done with any storyline that had him back paired with Sharon. It read quite insulting to SC/Sharon.

I've never read anything negative from Sharon Case about any of her storylines. She seems more professional about things, and I bet she's been put through the ringer over the years.

Not sure why folks think Sharon and Nick will get back together or be "end game". Seems like that ship has sailed, and I don't see anything other than friends with them in scenes. At this point it would be totally forced and we would all see that. There is no more romantic love between them at all.

Edited by Beachstorm
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It is insanity to believe there's no story for Sharon and Nick if they're married. If they get together and there's no story, that's strictly the fault of writers.

I do not believe that ANYONE at Y&R -- including Eric Braeden -- any longer has veto power over story. Can actors give interviews and say what they'd like? Of course. That doesn't mean they can go to Josh Griffith and say "Don't put me with Sharon."

Josh Morrow left social media a good while ago, pretty much because of the negativity. Anything he said was constantly distorted and stretched -- and still is. He NEVER criticized Sharon Case, but you'd never know that from people's comments. He said something about working with other actors a dozen years ago, so today people write "JM wants all hot babes and doesn't want to get back with SC."

Josh Morrow is 49. Sharon Case is 52. If they're endgame -- and almost everyone believes they are -- it's time to get there. I don't want a Nick and Sharon reunion during the last month before the show is canceled.

While I still believe Sharon's dream episode was written solely to quickly break up Sharon and Chance without sullying ANY character (Chance, Summer, or Sharon), I'll be dumbfounded if the Nick/Sharon relationship mentions mean nothing going forward.

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I just have to say that Amelia is looking GREAT in that outfit and shaking her head. I now want to watch Victoria getting down in the club one night with her girlfriends, which means she'd have to have friends.

Speaking of which, that's what's missing on the soaps. Girlfriends and the bros. No character seems to have any true friends on any soap.

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When is the last time there was a story where we saw a close friendship at play? The last time I saw Lauren, she and Michael were discussing Phyllis as if she were their problem child. The last time Victoria had any friends, I think Heather Tom was in the role. The friendship between Dru and Sharon was so organic, they’ve never filled that void for Sharon.

After the breakup of one of Victoria’s many relationships, they could have had her have some time at the club. It needn’t be anything serious, but of course it would concern Victor who wonders if Victoria’s new activity will take energy away from Newman, to which Victoria replies that it’s no different than Victor and his boxing.

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Amelia Heinle and Michelle Stafford periodically do IG videos of themselves dancing together in a silly way.  They are both mothers of young teenage or preteen girls, and they jokingly say they are dancing in their uncool way in order to embarrass their daughters.  The vids are fun and silly.   This is the first time I've seen her do a video with EB. That was great.

Amelia really does have a fun side, it's just that Y&R doesn't give that to Victoria. 

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