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Storylines and periods in a show that made you STOP watching

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I am sorry if a thread like this exist... I was wondering... What are the periods of a show that made you stop watching it. Maybe for a month... or two... a year or you stopped watching forever.

For me.

The Bold And The Beautiful

- Stopped watching back in the day when Sheila shot and killed Taylor. 

Did not watch for maybe half a year.

- Stopped watching in 2007 when Taylor was pregnant by Brooke and her egg. It was so absurd.

I did not watch for 3 whole YEARS and resumed in 2010 when Brooke banged Oliver.

- Stopped watching in 2013 when Hope, Liam and Steffy triangle became UNBEARABLE.

Did not watch for nearly 6 years...  

Returned when Denise Richards was on the show.

- Again stopped watching regularly in 2021 because the show was BORING as hell.


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I completely lost interest and haven’t returned for more than a week or two in years after they wrote out the Avants and killed off Aly. I was hoping to get back into the show when Sheila returned in 2017 but there is clearly no vision to invest my time in. 


Chuck Pratt completely drove me away in 2009, I watched on and off until the cancellation and watched through the end. Didn’t really enjoy the snow again until the reboot actually. 


When JFP changed the background scores and look of the show, idk it became tremendously boring. I liked the reboot if you will where several younger talent were introduced (Ana, Fen, Mariah, Hillary) to the forefront but once they wiped the slate clean, I haven’t been back. 

I’ll have to think on OLTL, DAYS and GH but I can’t invest in a cardboard stage, bad dialogue, no vision and no diversity. 

Edited by soapfave06
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I've always paused The Bold and the Beautiful when I found it boring and quite stale (which is usual). I tuned out at the end of 2019, and have not gone back since.

I paused The Young and the Restless around the same time; tuned back in when Susan Walters came back. Left again soon after and returned [again] for the anniversary episodes. I'm off again.

Stopped watching Days of Our Lives when it went to Peacock, purely because the platform did not work on my streaming device. I've slowly begun going back in, but it's really boring to watch.

Am presently on a break from Hollyoaks, as I find it a bit too dark and depressing; plan on going back once the new regime is in-charge.

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Garden of Eden Murders once it was revealed that Ben was a serial killer, and Marty West's Shayne got with Marina. 

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 I was already half there with Alex being turned into a drugging, gaslighting, stalking, mustache twirling villain, that just sealed the deal for me. Thank you ConWest. 

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ATWT: pretty much every storyline in 2009.

Brad’s death, James being Henry’s father, Henry’s random mother killing James, Luke/Noah and the twin thing, the Mick Dante stuff, Lily getting back with Damian, Meg going batshit, and Janet and Liberty/Parker in general

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With AMC stopped watching when they hired Megan McTavish back…and when they brought her to OLTL stopped watching that and was able to watch AMC again… and then only went back regularly to OLTL about 7 or more years later as every time I thought to watch again they did something I didn’t like.

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General Hospital-

I quit the first time after Laura entered into her catatonic state and Rick Webber was killed. Brenda’s return lured me back until they killed off Alan Quartermaine. I have never watched consistently, day in and out for years again. There were periods of time I didn’t even check in for years at a time.

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Interesting topic. For many shows I was a lastgasper, a bitterender, among those AW, GL, AMC. Now, ATWT, from around the time Goutman kicked Martha to the curb I dropped in & out, watched the finale. And, DAYS, well, I'd been a daily viewer for so long but at some point I started taking breaks from the show & coming back later. By intent I missed a lot of the mask business. I wasn't watching for John's near execution or Sami's near execution. I had so many friends who left & never looked back with OG demonic possession. Also many friends lost at AW once they kiiled Frankie so gruesome, etc. 

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The only time I remember a single event causing me to stop watching was when DAYS killed Renee back in the day. I immediately stopped watching and have never really tuned into DAYS on a regular basis since. Only occasionally watching here and there for a couple weeks at a time. 

All the shows that I was invested in, I watched until the end. AW, TX, OLTL, SFT (once on NBC).

Most other shows I've tuned in and out of at times over the year depending on stories/actors that were on except ATWT and have only watched AMC very little. 

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Things that made me quit a soap altogether:

The Ejami rapemance on Days.  I stopped watching for years.
I began peeking in at Days when Chandler Massey's storyline ramped up but I couldn't watch fully until a couple years later when EJ was "killed off".

Making Sonny the mobster a lead on GH.
I went many many years without watching "General Mob-it-all".

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