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Days: June 2023 Discussion Thread

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That would work. And it would make a lot more sense then the two of them just being nasty to each other. 

They’re practically in the same position with their siblings. Them finding common ground with each other would be a like natural progression 

There was more than that though

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Edited by AbcNbc247
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I was hoping for a friendship between Jada and Stephanie. Stephanie doesn't have any friends either. We need more friendship scenes with people other than Leo & Gwen (I can't stand either one) and family interactions other than the DiMera's (whom I can't stand either!)

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They could bond over Eric and Nicole too.   They actually have a lot in common being career driven women in the law as well.

Honestly, there is no reason they can't all be friends like Jen/Billie/Kristen in the 90's.  People on Days (except vets and Gwen/Leo

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) always seem to live on an island with their current love interests.  Chloe and Nicole get a scene every now and again, but when's the last time Belle talked to her Bff Chloe? 

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Slightly OT, but Johnny is another character that desperately needs friends.  His only friend is his ex-wife.  Johnny is actually a character just struggling right now.  He has no job, no friends, and nothing going on besides him trying to woo Wendy.  With a character related to so many he never really interacts with his family.  He lives at the Dimera mansion but isn't involved in any of the shenanigans with DE so they aren't utilizing that side of the family.  At the same time he is never involved in the Evans/Black side of his family either.  It's very strange how much they have dropped the ball with his character.

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I was thinking the same thing the other day when they had the cocktail party to welcome Megan and Johnny wasn't even home.  He has referenced his new cousins, but they haven't interacted.  Dimitri is twice his age, but they both have an affection for European culture, and it would be nice if Johnny could show him around. I don't think Dimitri has left the mansion since he moved to the US.

However, I don't mind Johnny not being involved in the family business similarly to Tony.  I enjoy a rich soap playboy, you don't see it that often anymore, and I can't think of anything dreamier this summer than lounging in a mansion with an eternally filled ice bucket, pool, wine cellar, and a mad scientist laboratory in the basement.

I'd also like to see more Anna and Johnny scenes, they are both always looking for surrogate family relationships, and she could be a good confidant (even though she did once kidnap his sister....)

Edited by j swift
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You would assume there was a reason he moved into the Dimera mansion, but there isn't lol.  He barely interacts with his own father.   And he never interacts with the Brady's.  I can't remember a single scene with him and Eric or Brady alone and you would also assume he's known his uncles his entire life and close to them.  I pretty much knew no one cared about Johnny backstage when Allie didn't even say goodbye to him and Chanel had to tell him she was gone.  Johnny almost feels like a character tied to no one because I can't think of a single person I would consider him close with. 

Edited by carolineg
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A twink that does nothing. He's not even used as one. That has gone to Tripp. 

Why not pair Johnny with Leo? The show is a train wreck. It really couldn't get worse.

Johnny really isn't needed. He could leave the show and wouldn't be missed.

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I'm willing to wait and see how the summer plays out because I disagree that Johnny is either undervalued, unimportant, or unnecessary. 

I feel like we need some strongholds in the 20something generation because the current cast skews so old.  We all agree that the optics of Nicole playing a mistaken pregnancy storyline is ridiculous given the age of the actress.  So, we need characters like Johnny, even if they are marooned storyline-wise, in order to maintain plot potential.  

My only wish is that they would reference history like Anna kidnapping his sister, or Stephanie's relationship with the family, rather than only using the past for humor.

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I think I would consider Johnny underutilized more than undervalued or unimportant.  I don't think CB is a good actor, but he's fine and he does get a lot of airtime.  It's just not anything of substance.  It seems like a waste of a legacy child whose Grandmother, grandfathers, and mother carried the show for years.  His introduction reminds me a lot of JA's Eric.  It started with so much promise, but his Eric just went around doing a whole lot of nothing before exiting. 

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How many legacy offspring are actually on the canvas or carrying a story? The canvas is full of Dimeras who are fighting over a company that's never seen. No one works there and no business stories are told at the offices. Why should anyone be invested in it?

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They should make Johnny a kind of Brooklyn Beckham type. A jack of all trades, and master of none. (Yes, I'm aware of the full quote) His aimlessness can be directly part of his character. Essentially, a rich boy who got everything handed him, whose confidence is unearned until he finds himself with nothing to show for it. Only achieving, in his multiple pursuits, nothing but mediocrity and failure. They could connect this to EJ's failings as well, jumping from race car driver, to lawyer, to literally having a business created for him out of thin air.

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