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Days: May 2023 Discussion Thread

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To quote the lyrical genius Smashmouth, "he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" - I mean he hallucinated that a banana was a camera...

On the other hand, why would the CEO of Price Slice (who was recently jailed) accept the job as police commissioner of Salem?  And why does the DA get to tell the mayor who should be hired in that position?

Imagine any other town (fictional or actual), where the mayor could fire the Police Commissioner, (who was involved in a scandal regarding sexual harassment), and replace him with his wife.

Edited by j swift
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Also, given that she said he was a toddler when she was in High School and their parents moved to England, does that mean Sloan is at least ten years older than him?  Bo should've tried to clone whatever night cream she's using to look so young...

And, I didn't get if that meant that Sloan's family moved, but she stayed in the States and never saw them again, or she went along to England.

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Sloan said her parents moved to London and Colin grew up in the England.  She stayed in the states to go to college.  I would guess she's supposed to be about 15 years older than Colin.  Idk, that puts her in her late 30's, which she doesn't look, but that's how I took it from the story.

Edited by carolineg
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It's a real which came first the chicken or the egg phenomenon.  Did DAYS cast Colin with an actor who has a British accent and then write dialogue to explain his non-accented sister, or, (given that the death was already written to have occurred in the UK), did they err in hiring an American actress to play Sloan, or was it just kismet?

This brings to mind soap pet peeve #14 - characters like Alex, Johnny, and Hope who went to foreign boarding schools but don't seem to be influenced at all by their time abroad.  Alex has the vocabulary of Rocky Balboa, Hope speaks as if she grew up next to Snooki on the Jersey shore, and Johnny's plaid flannels weren't purchased at Harvey Nichols.

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Considering the fake name that Colin used and Eric and Belle’s petty bitchfight, I think today was a Jamey episode.

Belle’s crazy hatred of Sloan and hard on for Paulina and Chanel will never make any sense. If she was more subtle about it, it would be understandable but they write it as so over the top. You know what would be a good reason for Belle’s hatred of Sloan: if she had slept with Shawn while they were on the outs over Belle’s affair with EJ

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I don’t really get Marlena’s dislike of Sloan either. 

And, is it just me or has this whole storyline kind of changed Abe? He seems to have been written out of character a lot.

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I'm not an expert in the subject, but if we follow the timeline of Sweet Bits closure, Nicole's been pregnant for less than a month.  And she hasn't even missed her first period.  So, why is she experiencing morning sickness and taking prenatal vitamins?

And, how does Sloan recognize prenatal vitamins (it's not like that is the name on the prescription)?

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Why shouldn't Belle hate Sloan?  She has known Paulina and Chanel a bit, Paulina is married to Abe,who's always been like family to Marlena and John and the Bradys.   Marlena probably hates Sloan because of what she's done to Paulina, etc.  And yeah Sloan would likely sleep with Shawn, since she's been shown to be pretty much a slut, Alex, Eric, etc.

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I just feel like it’s too much sometimes and that it was never properly established as to why Belle’s hatred is so deep. Just because of Paulina and Chanel doesn’t feel like a good enough explanation. But if Sloan had slept with Shawn, I would understand it

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But that’s just my fanfiction. 

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I didn't get the vibe that Marlena actually hates Sloan.  Just weary of her.  I know she said she disliked her, but it seemed like she was willing to go to dinner with her.  The fact that Marlena likes Nicole so much better is a stretch considering everything ever including stealing Sami's child, so I am sure she can come around to Sloan.

As far as Belle, she's seen so infrequently we actually don't get clear view points from her.   I kind of chock it up to Belle always being judgey.

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True, Belle is judgey. 

But I wish they would establish it more as to why she is the way that she is/why she does the things that she does. The way they write for her so weird; like they want her to drive story but then they don’t. It doesn’t even feel like it has to do with MM’s availability. 

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I think a huge issue is that they're writing her one way, but at the same time MM plays it a whole other way - she's comes across very "cold" when she acts and I suspect they're writing her to be "warmer" than MM is. I just wish they'd either lean into MM's acting style when writing for her or just re-cast.

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