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Days: March 2023 Discussion Thread


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Ha! Nicole telling Sloane that she invented "the slap" or something to that nature. Bitch, please. Sit down. I said sit your ass down. 

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 And go brush your hair.

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I don't get Li and his obsession with Gabi. I like Gabi. She's cool, but time to move forward. All they did was have conversations in a hotel room. And sex here and there which was about as dull as Dawn dishwater. Oh yeah, they were in Hong Kong too in a hotel room. Having a conversation and boring sex that it really makes you want an escort service.

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I'm all international, but yeah. I love me some "bad boy" Latinos for sure. It's my mission to conquer Columbia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and any other country in South America. Haha! 

You make a very good point. Yeah, it's diffucult, Li. The struggle is real.

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Re: Li and his Dad: This is speculation, but I can’t help but see a “Father having a heart attack/child withholding the medication or not calling for help” scenario coming up in the future for the Shins 

I think I’d keep him, but definitely get him away from Gabi. 

I’d write out Rolf and the unholy trio of Alex, Leo and Gwen

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If it was someone I didn’t trust, I’d probably be suspicious immediately

Look who wrote that breakdown

I’m sure when he came up with that scene, his first thought was ‘Oooo just like Real Housewives’ instead of ‘This could be an interesting dynamic for the show’ *rolls eyes*

Same thing with Sloan. They missed a really important beat by not having her be genuinely hurt and upset that Eric betrayed her. It would have made her more sympathetic. 

I wouldn’t mind her as a heroine. She could still keep her edge like Nicole does. And part of me doesn’t agree with her being the villain in Paulina’s story. She has a pretty good reason for the lawsuit 

Funnier because she belittled Nicole for being old, but is sleeping with a guy who’s just as old as Nicole

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Lol!  I think the actress just missed the mark at being hurt by Eric.  I think she was supposed to be hurt or maybe she was hurt but hiding it.  I think Sloan can be sympathetic.  Her story is tragic and Chanel and Paulina were wrong, but her refusal to see her father is a total creep is weird.  Her mother was a victim of all of them and I don't get the feeling Chanel or Paulina feel all that bad about it.   And my apologies to Jessica Serfaty, who I thought was nearing 40 but is only in her early 30's.  She doesn't look old, but she certainly reads older than that lol.  And Greg Vaughn definitely looks older than both Nicole and Sloane.  Still smoking hot, but not young lol.

And regarding Li, I do think Gabi is gorgeous and hot, but I have no idea what Li is getting out of this arrangement.  He gets the honor of spending time with Gabi?  I know it's a classic Days thing to do anything to keep someone who doesn't want you, but even going back to OG Kristen/John/Marlena I have never understood it.  Why do you want someone that loves someone else more? 

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I'm such a goofball today. I totally own it. 

But here's the thing that gets me as it's so overt. Did Stefan like ... always make E.J. his signature gimlets before? Meanwhile, home slice over here wants to make me a drink for like the fourth time. Does he expect me to ask for the gimlet recipe or something? Because I'm not going to ask. Stefan needs to chill his intervals with all that sh*t. Makin' it way too obvious. Amateur. 

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I really need RH to stop smirking at the weirdest times. He really is bad and I keep waiting for him to improve or become more natural, but I fear it will never happen.

GV doesn't look bad he's just not trying to look younger or dye his hair or anything.  I like the more natural look (side eyeing Drake and Mo Bernard for dying their hair for way too long), but AZ looks younger even though she's really not.

Also, when Nicole said she used to wonder how awesome it was to have Marlena as a mom to Eric  I was like same, girl, same.  I often wonder how awesome it would be to have Marlena as my mom.

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Edited by carolineg
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Yeah Eric and Sami are supposed to be quite a bit older than Brady and Belle. (I mean, teenaged Sami kidnapped baby Belle and tried to sell her, LOL).  They overSORASed Belle and Brady years ago.  But now it seems to have been adjusted since they've now properly SORASed Eric, so I don't mind him being a little grayish.  GV's still hot in my opinion.   But if Sweeney ever comes back, they'll probably continue to make Sami look younger than her SORASed age should be.

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Haha I was just as surprised when she said she was born in 1991. 

I just wish they’d give her more then the same stuff she’s been doing since she debuted, especially if she’s sticking around. Let the character grow a little bit. And maybe it is finally time that the director or the acting coach helps her out a little

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Lol!  That's the actress real age too.  I remember her from Top Model, but I just assumed it was an early season and she was older.  I am legitimately the worst at ages though.  I can't tell how old anyone is.  I certainly think Sloan has more potential than Li Shin, but they need to give her friends or depth or something.   JS is rough, but she doesn't make goofy facial expressions in serious scenes so there is some hope.

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