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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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I don't want her gray or redeemed by way of amnesia. She has to get it back and then go down. She can come in and out for stints like Heather does and like Obrecht should be doing.

I don't think Cody would be a serious thing for Liz, but it could run for a bit. I would sooner bring hot daddy Zander back from the dead since Chad Brannon looks amazing now to stir up more drama, and work up to bringing back a Lucky for the real deal for Liz. If JJ is willing to work a deal as he's sometimes hinted at, great; if not, recast finally. 

I wished Heather would've brought up some of the old days with Rick and Lesley and the Webbers and the supposed 'perfect family.' Of course, if Ron had done it (and he would've) it would've been in the most obvious fan service-y way possible vs. an organic discussion. I wish Laura would've made some mention of Heather being a nightmare since those early days with Jeff, how her mother had taken her in, etc.

He doesn't need to be anyone from the past IMO. I would be fine with them saying he's Mac's but not Dominique's, have him recount most of his scurvy ways and focus on being the somewhat duplicitous stable boy and leave it there.

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But...story that Liz will have.


Just a lame attempt to have them bond as they gear up (or stall) for the climax of the settlement story. Like Joss now having more and more scenes with Michael out of the blue. 

I said that as well. re: potential for Dex. The actor has been selling all that you mentioned, but it is just the getting together with Joss...well, the writing of it...that has let him down.


The anvils of Laura redeeming Esme has been clear since Esme showed up in front of Sprina with no memory. It fell to the wayside for a month, but has been increased greatly over the last month and a half. And now Heather has Laura in her sights for perceived slights, too? It definitely makes sense. All of it now that Esme's reveal of paternity. I'm honestly surprised at the history and tension between all involved and legacy characters at that. And also excited.

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I cannot believe they have roped Mayor Laura into gaslighting her own deputy for this goofy 'James Patrick Stuart's awkward recurring retainer' storyline. Anna, Billy Joel Cassadine and Lucy hanging out in Wherever is not as kludged together as the OLTL 2.0 deal I mentioned where most of Todd's convoluted evil cartel story arc happened in one hotel room while they tried to work Roger Howarth around the clock with his limited availability, but it's getting there. I could not give two [!@#$%^&*] about anything happening there and I still wish Valentin would die immediately.

Camryn Grimes is doing absolutely nothing at Y&R. I would try to poach her for GH as Christina Baldwin. Why not? This show needs stronger young female leads and most of these chicks are not cutting it. Speaking of wasted talent, the younger Davis girls have been consistently slept on. I would really give HP a shot at the title as ADA Molly, I love that role for her. If she comes off silly or too young and can't sell a real story then back on the shelf she can go, but why not try? Is it going to cut into time for Willow, Sasha or Cyborg Jordan? Lexi Ainsworth is still beautiful and somehow looks younger than Hailey Pullos now, but Kristina is stale and I can't see a story for her right now though logically I know you can and should write for her. These characters have had nothing to do for years but still feel played out (then again, so much of the cast is played out but in different ways). It's sad.

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Did it ever occur to Brooklyn that maybe Chase is hanging around Sasha cause she is supportive of him & his career as a cop? Where else Brook is a unsupportive childish [!@#$%^&*] who only cares about her ridiculous ass music career. This story is trash.

Chase needs to [!@#$%^&*] or get off the pot. If she won't support you wanting to be a cop and not a musician then leave her for good.

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