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GENERAL HOSPITAL June 2022 Discussion Thread

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I really miss how the show used to have Bobbie and Laura at odds sometimes because they have the history and they are very different people.  Labine and even Guza (a little) kept this thread alive in an adult way.  Bobbie didn’t agree with how Laura was raising Lucky.  And she would lay into Laura when she kicked Luke out.  There used to be some semblance of depth to these relationships.  Instead we get Sonny playing softball with the rest of the town.  The benevolent godfather (who may or may not make his money running guns, drugs outside PC, and women).

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Exactly. All these recent friendships of old, old feuds make no sense. I get some of the characters evolving past their beef or maturing for the sake of the kids or family they share, sure; I accepted it when Sam and Carly got somewhat closer after Jason's first death. But like BFF nights out for them or Elizabeth? I dunno!

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It’s so shortsighted-  think how many times over 20 years Bill Bell and then Alden were able to reignite Jill/Katherine and have it help galvanize the show.  The same could be said of Dorian and Viki.

There are some relationships that never should have been repaired on GH- Carly is at the center of many of them.  At least Robin and Carly never started having ladies nights together.

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They gave Ms. Wu a henchman??? YASSSSSSSSS!!!! Boss Bitca!!! And she played that scene to the hilt. Just in case, anyone thought she was getting soft by how she interacted with Sonny...uh NOPE. This scene with Cody was just what the doctor ordered to remind everyone that Ms. Wu IS a MOB BOSS. 


Another thing I liked so far this week...Felicia vs Esme and Ryan. The writers are at least working overtime to find things for Kristian Wagner to do...something that I was at least worried about post-Peter's death but they keep having her pop up with things. And I liked they played the history between her and Ryan. Wise words Esme should probably listen to given how impatient Ryan is getting per that fantasy of his going off on Mac and tearing his noses off. 


Love Trina being pro-active about busting Esme. Though her and Joss should have chased that guy down.


Speaking of Chase...mmmmmmm chest hair and beard back. And I was not hating on his bubble either.

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Can we keep Robert Adamson as Michael. He has the right vibe and he's easy on the eyes. 


Why do I feel that is not the end of Marshall's story. Schizophrenia? Not sure if I believe it. And if true, kinda anticlimactic. 


Ugh. Here I was excited for Liz. And I should have known better. And STILL this doctor has hijacked her story AND HER KIDS. And while I'm happy to see Wyatt (okay, the actor who is growing into a pretty decent actor from his OLTL days)...BOY, BYE. Can't Liz's story be about...LIZ? Or better yet...let it be about Laura and Liz. There is so much to mine there.


And just NO to Carly and Jake. Though CM looks fit AF coming out of that pool, wet and all. All he was missing was his beard. 


Is Spinnili really going through all this trouble to pull a Cyrano on Britt or is he even Spin? Starting to wonder if this is a double story at this point. 


I am looking forward to the ELQ board meeting. It's gotten juicier as time has gone on. And I really want to see if Ned is going to wipe that smirk off Michael's face. Also liked Lucy was not forgotten. 

Hmmm...I at least feel Carly and Liz have gone the distance enough that I can believe in them burying the hatchet just due to being parents and their kids dating. However, I do wish they would not forget their history at times since Jason's spectre should make it easy for those two to get to feuding again like was mentioned above with how easy the writers on Y&R and OLTL always were ready to resurrect Jill/Kay, Dorian/Viki after periods where they were civil to each other. 


I cannot speak for Carly's friendships with Sam or even Olivia. Sam especially was pretty vicious so to see them as talk-tos will always be jarring for me. 

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1. The only value Frank sees in her is propping his friends with her longevity.

2. He keeps her because he is in fear of her fanbase.

3. Elizabeth never gets a story that highlights her. They SHOULD BE and under any reasonable EP they would be. Hell, her rapist getting out of jail wasn't even about her.

Rebecca Herbst has always (until #firefrank)  played a strong woman that makes mistakes. Elizabeth always faced whatever came down the path.  

Random characters get parents all of the time, but not Elizabeth.  I half expect it to be revealed within the year that Morgan Fairchild's random Home and Health character or "Laura Templeton" will be Cody's mother, while Elizabeth continues to not get a face to face with Jeff and Caroline.


Herbst and Easton have a chemistry--- sibling chemistry. That's all. Their romantic scenes get cringe-y, and I know I'm not alone in that.


I also don't understand all the worrying about RH's status. With a cast this bloated and Herbst always being an afterthought in her own stories, this is just status quo for #firefrank.



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I admit that I was wondering why there are articles about RH's status all of a sudden. She was having story and it was trucking along. Now that I got to last week...I can see why. The abruptness of Finn all up in her story was the very definition of putting circle in a square peg and it showed. 

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Can Wallow just drop dead already?  (Looking at you and the horrible track record of your love life, Michael Quartermaine-Corinthos... trips to the florist before heading to the cemetery must cost him a fortune!)   She could  go into one of those 20 year comas like her mother...

Maybe Finn can take a break from usurping Elizabeth's role as parent to the boys and-- I don't know-- be a doctor?

Looking forward to Carly losing her money and having to really work, as well as

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