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REPORT: B&B: Star Out!

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I gave up the show years ago because I was tired of Dollar Bill and the boring repetitive triangle of Steffy, Liam and Hope from hell.

Now it looks like they're doing it again. So many characters have been wasted and let go because of it.

Edited by Soapsuds
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I am sorry but Finn hasn't done ANYTHING in the show. He's been used from the begining as a prop and nothing more. Ok, in the beginning there was potential, but the last 8 months... he's been having 1-2 scenes a month. I mean... people being sad about missing him... Well when did you see him in the show? I didnt. For the past 6 months I've been watching Brooke crying, Sheila messing with wine bottles, Steffy bullying Ridge and Deacon's bad haircut. That's all. So... Finn dying is NOTHING in the long run. Steffy would have just left him for Liam sooner or later. RIDGE should have been killed. The character hasnt worked in decades. 

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Male characters (and male actors) on B&B are like subway trains: if you miss one, stick around for a few minutes, because you're bound to meet another.

Edited by Khan
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Oh, lord. I can just see Robert Scott Wilson coaching Tanner Novlan on how to make his signature puppy dog face if he was Ben's fraternal twin brother, lol!  And if that were to happen, my head is going through drywall.

Edited by Noel
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Maybe Aly is alive and with "the help of a corpse from the morgue" (courtesy Y&R) Thorne spirited her away from the consequences of her actions into a mental health facility out of guilt for how she turned out because of Darla dying etc.

I hate back-from-the-dead stories but if I had a get-out-of-jail free card, that's the one I'd take it for on B&B.

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I'm still waiting to see something that will change the show forever.

Arrogant Ridge glued to mewling, air headed Taylor is not new.  Steffy browbeating anyone who gets in her way is certainly nothing new.  Sheila shooting two people at once-again not new.  Waffle Jr. Liam bouncing back to poor wounded Steffy has been repeated too many times.

At this point, I think there are no surprises-just disappointments once again.  I miss Bill Bell.

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