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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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Once this is over it'd be cool if the devil became a recurring character who occasionally jumps in to wreak havoc and promote... evil? But next time it needs to be someone other than Marlena and it needs to be taken semi-seriously.

I understand why they went with Marlena because it was a callback to the original story and they wanted some of the original buzz but Deidre's more nambi-pambi than she used to be and she doesn't sell villain at all. It always comes across as Hattie.

I do like the serious tone it's taken in recent weeks (see Ron?) but I agree this part of the story has gone too quickly. Not enough drama or emotional investment after the whole thing was played as a MADtv skit for 4 months.

Edited by KLN
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I agree Marlena comes off like Hattie, but I actually don't think that's Deidre's fault.  The Devil was written like Hattie with glowing eyes and a deep voice.   I agree Deidre acting has regressed and become more silly and campy as the years have gone on, but it's honestly hard for me to compare the acting.   The whole premise/vibe of the previous Possession was so different.  Marlena spent less time torturing the town and most of the time trying to seduce Father John and I think that type of story works a little better for Deidre.  Not the seductress part lol, but the love story part.

Anyway, I did like today's episode and I am glad people (at least Marlena's family) are taking it seriously.  It's a true pacing issue if this is the end, but again, I knew this was going to be awful so I can appreciate the few things I did like.

Edited by carolineg
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I'm sorry but these Eileen cameos are completely pointless. They literally are just having her appear for the sake of having her appear. The scenes add nothing to the episode. I'm not going to pretend that it's good just because it's Eileen. There was zero reason to randomly bring up Eric and Kristen's history, especially when they won't actually say the word rape. Can we not act like Eric is even a little bit tempted by Kristen? These scenes were so stupid. 

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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I respectfully, disagree, I enjoyed the cameo from Eileen. I did not get the impression that Eric was at all tempted by her, but she highlights Eric's struggle with being a priest and a sexual person.

The exorcism was too fast, and they could have incorporated some Latin and a bit more of that wind machine, it could have been bigger. Props to Drake for continuing to play this dead seriously. 

Question: when did DAYS repaint the Horton House set and Marlena's apartment to that same violet/grey tone? It's really odd against the lighting. 

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Kristen has evolved for me. She's not just J&M's foil anymore.

Stacy has committed everything to the show and the character and still got tossed for Peacock and Carlivati's ego.

If they insist on using Eileen at least do 'A Tale of Two Kristen's.' Say this Kristen is an imposter who, for whatever reason, took over Kristen's life because she was desperate for her own love and got wrapped up in everything. Made herself believe she was Kristen and suppressed her old identity.

They can say everyone assumed reconstructive surgery after Kristen crashed through the window, it's easy. Keep Stacy as her own character, call her Christene and let Eileen do the popping in and out she likes to do. It would also cross her with Abby in interesting ways, though I never need to see Abby's DID again.

I'd rather keep Stacy as Kristen though. She's a force. They should do something with her and ED on Peacock.

Edited by KLN
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I strongly dislike Hattie and always have except when Andrea Hall played her.   The work I have seen from DH in the 70's/80's was fantastic!  I was actually shocked how good she was.  I wonder if not even getting a emmy nominee for the first Possession just took the wind out of her sails.  I think after that she just fell into this cheesy, comfortable thing with Drake and just went with what was easy and her fans liked.

Unfortunately, this all could have been avoided had they said Stacy's Kristen was Kristen with plastic surgery to begin with.  Then, at least on the main show, Kristen appearing to these people as ED's Kristen makes sense because that was her appearance at the time.

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That's valid but I don't think Eric being raped is the most effective way to highlight his struggle with being a priest and a man of the flesh.

It's a valid piece of history. Kristen was in revenge mode and it affected the trajectory of story with ED leaving and Eric in the place he was. But now? It's not where any of the characters are and it seems even more cheap than it was before by correlating rape with temptation, twice now with ED's Kristen in barely a month. 

I enjoy the nostalgia though I guess.

Edited by KLN
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I mean, it's not Eileen's fault this is how the show is using her. They want to keep using her without having to make any concrete choice between the two actors so instead this is the stupid shít they do. It's also not Eileen's fault that the show clearly has realized the recast and the writing for the recast hasn't worked and is doing this insulting stuff that just makes Stacy Haiduk look like an afterthought, which she is, with Eileen the heavily promoted main event in these dumb cameos. What they need to do is make a decision and cut SH loose, but they have never wanted to accept that ED doesn't want to be there nonstop or that Kristen doesn't need to be. So, here we are.

Edited by Vee
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I don't think the show not cutting Stacy means she hasn't worked, I think it means she's a success and they want the best of both worlds, which I get.

I also don't think places like Twitter, etc. accurately reflect the general audience. They do to a degree, but a lot of what I see on Twitter is older fans seeking confirmation bias tied up in nostalgia. They're the same ones cheering for this dumb possession story.


That's what I thought too. That would've been great.

Edited by KLN
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