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The Limit | General Hospital promo (week of September 7, 2021)

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She's approaching three years to when she debuted so it is interesting timing ... she's felt like dead woman walking for a long time. But I've said that about both Sasha and Willow ... I still say they're easy offs. And sadly Jordan's recast made her an easy one to get rid of.

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Some people think that they might actually kill off TJ. I hope not. I like both versions of TJ. Though, I also hope they don't kill Jordan off either. But there are people that felt like her scenes today with her and TJ telling each other how much they meant to each other is foreshadowing that one of them (people were speculating TJ) would die.

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Same. I've come to really like Tajh Bellow as TJ. Hopefully not. 


Curtis is into Portia. Shawn will likely be paired with Alexis. They aren't interested in Taggert. Jordan's time feels up but at the same time, a part of me doesn't think they will off her. Guess we will see.

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I just don't get what the point of killing TJ off would be. Unfortunately he doesn't get much airtime and his death wouldn't impact much. If we're going to kill someone I'd rather it be Jordan. She's not interesting anyway and I feel like her death would have a bit more of an impact on the town, plus then we could have a story about who the next police commissioner is going to be. 

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I hope Jordan doesnt die and I wish they would just leave Trina as Taggert's kid. There is so much history there. Spencer & Trina are into each other. Nikolas dated Taggert's sister, Gia and Taggert wasnt happy. I doubt he would be happy Spencer was dating his daughter. So many possible beats there


I love Curtis but he doesnt need to be Trina's dad to remain relvant

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There's really no need to do Curtis is Trina's daddy; it now feels like it would be propping Curtis/Portia, which they don't need. We also just sat through the 'never-mind' Finn/Chase/Gregory paternity mess. No thanks. But that's clearly where they are going.


I mean, I figured they would from the jump, honestly. But I prefer Taggert as her dad. Though, clearly, the show has no interest in Taggert.


I appreciate they have Curtis interact with a slew of characters but I agree with you @Chris B there seems to be no agency there and they still sort of exist in a bubble, if you will. 

Edited by KMan101
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