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GH: Fall Spoilers

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Here are some more spoilers for the week of September 13 from daytime royalty/ tv listings:

Nina tries desperately to keep things at the Tan-O from getting worse. A common adversary gives Nikolas and Spencer a chance to bond. Valentin gets a worrying call and tells Anna.  Maxie and Brook Lynn hit a crossroad. Drew plots his escape plan. Sam and Dante have a fun time at the batting cages. Harmony and Alexis bond over their troubled pasts. Jax keeps his word. Josslyn confronts Spencer about his secret identity.

Sonny is horrified by what he sees at the Tan-O.  Carly gets ready for her wedding.  Britt can’t help but worry about Obrecht. Spinelli offers congratulations to Jason. Ned tries to discuss Leo’s developmental issues with Olivia. Friends and family gather as Carly and Jason’s wedding ceremony begins. The heads of the Five Families also arrive and connect with each other, making clear a plot is afoot. The situation at the Tan-O becomes desperate. A surprising return of an old friend changes everything. Maxie gets a call from Jax at an inopportune time.

Nina anxiously awaits word. Maxie makes sure the wedding remains on schedule. Brando steps in to take care of Gladys. Carly and Jason are ready to begin their life together. Novak and Buscema set their plan into action.

I wonder what happens at the Tan-O. I have heard speculation/rumors it might be on fire. I also wonder what leads Joss to learn that Spencer is "Victor". I could see Esme letting that information come out in front of her. And trying to act like she thought that all of Spencer's childhood friends thought he was Victor. She might do this to further create tensions between them, try & shine a negative light on Trina for keeping his secret & causing Joss to think he's not good enough for Trina. Because it looks like he may have lead her on multiple times. I also wonder who Nikolas and Spencer's common enemy is. I think it may be Cyrus, if they find out that he's threatening Laura. They both care about her & definitely won't like that he's threatening her again, if they learn that information. Maybe they will find at least a little common ground towards each other, before things get even worse between them. 

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Here is the sneak peak for next Tuesday's show, shows Esme acting creepy around Ava in the gallery. I think that Ava may be suspicious of her and I wonder who Ava is calling in this scene and what she wants done. I also hope Esme showing up to the gallery by herself means we will get an alone Sprina Scene. They need to have one and talk more about what has happened since the party:

WATCH: GH Sneak: Ava Makes Her Decision Video | General Hospital (abc.com)

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I wonder if Ava has still had her suspicions about Spencer being the stalker but didn't want to flat out accuse him without enough concrete proof. Plus, she hasn't been as hard on him as Nikolas has been even with taking into consideration that he could be the stalker. I could see Ava wanting to find out the truth to stop the stalking and so that Spencer/Nikolas can work through their problems. I don't think she'll be as mad at him when the truth is revealed as Nikolas/others will be. I also wonder if she has suspicions that someone more nefarious was helping him with the stalking and after her encounter with Esme, will think it's her. 

I hope we get an alone scene with them. Trina/Joss are on Tuesday as well. Maybe Spencer is too. There is also the spoiler for the next day Wednesday about Trina/Esme clashing in front of Spencer. Maybe Esme catches Trina/Spencer talking by themselves either some time Tuesday or Wednesday and then her and Trina end up clashing. 

I think that Trina/Spencer are going to start spending more time together again. I think that Ava encouraging Trina to not give up on him and be there for him is foreshadowing of this and them continuing to get closer. Hopefully Esme won't be around in every scene they are in. 

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Here are some pictures from the latest issue of SOD featuring characters at the wedding:





I think that Trina looks nice in her light blue dress. I also think that Bobby looks good. And they have Carly in gold. 

Also, here are some more upcoming spoilers for the week of September 20th from TV Guide:

Mon Sep 20, 2021 Nina tries to make sense of her actions. Chase drops off a gift for Monica. Olivia is angry to learn that Ned has not been entirely honest with her. Brando only wants what’s best for his mom. Maxie and Spinelli share a moment at the reception.

Tue Sep 21, 2021
Valentin races to help Anna. Liz and Finn try to make sense of everything that has happened between them. Chase and Brook Lynn grow closer. Britt appreciates Austin’s concern for Maxie. Willow and Michael discuss their future.

Wed Sep 22, 2021  Nina and Phyllis hash out their issues. Chase reconciles with Willow and Michael. Cameron plays peacemaker between Josslyn and Spencer. Trina’s suspicions of Esme are confirmed. Ava enlists Kristina’s help with Charlie’s Pub while she is out of town.

Thu Sep 23, 2021  Britt heads to the boxing gym to blow off steam. Trina asks Cameron for help in exposing Esme. Nina confides in Maxie. Nikolas tries to make things right with Spencer. Anna receives a chilling phone call.

Fri Sep 24, 2021 Nikolas feels hopeful. Spencer has a change of heart. Esme tries to get closer to Josslyn. Maxie prepares for the worst.Britt receives alarming news.

I am interested in seeing how things play out with the teens. I hope we get some Spencer/Trina scenes. And I think it's interesting how Trina will ask Cam to help her expose Esme. I have always liked her and Cam's relationship, and they do have nice chemistry. I wonder how Esme will try and get closer to Joss. Maybe Joss doesn't want Sprina together after she learns that he was Victor & Esme will try and feed off of that. I don't think it will really work though at least not at first, because Joss really doesn't like Esme. And I wonder if they might try to repair Maxie and Spinelli. And I wonder what causes tensions between Nina and Phyllis. 

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I agree victoria foxton that everyone does look good in this wedding. And that includes people like Willow. I don't care for Jason/Carly but I do like Nina/Sonny/"Mike" and I wonder how everything will end up shaking out during and after this wedding. I would like to see Sonny eventually forgive Nina, though I'm hearing some spumors that he might not really forgive her. 

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