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DAYS: July 2021 Discussion Thread

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Especially since Freddie isn't interested in returning. Time for Will/Paul again ...


I'm really liking Dan as EJ. It's different yet it works for me; like Brandon as Stefan, it does help me ignore the messier aspects of the character and give him a fresh chance.


I agree on James Scott. It often worked because of him. I think that's the only reason EJ gained any traction was because of how popular Scott is. And he and Sweeney seemed almost obsessed with working with each other and it weirdly worked? But EJ/Sami as 'endgame' was never something I bought.


It definitely didn't help different regimes did different things with him. Dena was the one gungho about EJami wasn't she? (Yet she's the one who finally paired Lumi - so Tomlin? Yet he busted them up with Abby and had EJ shot like he was a nothing character) I know Hogan started it though and we had the dumb letter storyline.


Ron seems to definitely be playing up Lumi. It's about time. LOL. But with Ron baiting me on Phloe, I can't say I trust him 100% to do the right thing with these couples LOL. Look at Ericole ... he only seems to care about Cin and THANKFULLY Jarlena. LOL. 

Edited by KMan101
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He's making that YouTube money LOL

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But he seems pretty happy and content in his life at the moment. He seems settled in Florida.


Sonny can be recast (or killed off). I always kinda thought it would have made more sense for Sonny to die, allowing Will and Paul to be free and move on. And it would have impacted Justin, Adrienne, etc. But we got what we got (Adrienne dead and Bonnie playing 90s Adrienne) ... 

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Yeah. I liked Freddie, but I would accept a recast.

Killing him off would make a lot of sense story wise too. That could be the thing that allows Adrienne to break through Rolf's memory switch 

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, which I'm surprised they haven't done yet already. And it could lead to a Horita reunion, which I would love to see. 

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I LOVED Horita. I say that as an old school Wilson fan. I dunno what happened to them but it became Paul and Will all the way for me. Sonny has potential on his own, IMO. They could turn him darker but Freddie didn't play darker all that well. I like Freddie too but I'm open to a Sonny recast.


And we can't have nice things I guess. Not sure why they haven't gone there with Adrienne/Bonnie. It made sense. I see no point now I guess so that's probably why. Bonnie is basically turning into Adrienne so what was the point? Another of Ron's "shock" moments that means nothing.


I also wanted to randomly add it pisses me off that Ron only sees Claire and Theo as Cin plot devices. Especially Theo. And Claire dates a crazy rapist with mommy issues and it becomes about Claire supporting Ben? Like ...

Edited by KMan101
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Dan as EJ is starting to work for me too.  I think once we get away from Ejami as the great romance it will help.  I think if the character overall goes into a darker direction it will work too and reconcile what I think EJ should actually be.


I love Horita too!!!  Bring back Paul.

I wouldn't care if they killed Freddie off.  It might be better to recast.  Although, I do think Freddie says he won't come back he strikes me as someone who would be willing if the youtube money runs out and I am not sure how much money he is making on that.  

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Don't kill off Sonny. Don't kill off legacy characters with multiple ties to the canvas, period. ESPECIALLY since it won't play on-screen if he doesn't want to come back. That's just a waste.

Break them up off-screen, which is plausible enough, bring back Will and have him have a life again. With Paul or someone else.
I am not going to say anything mean about FS but I don't think he will feel that way in five years (how many of soap actors with a lot more, hum, potential have said this once only to come crawling back later) so keep the door open so that Sonny can always be a surprise spoiler for whatever romance Will will have gotten himself into by then some day.


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Yeah right... I don't buy his bull [!@#$%^&*]!

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Kill off Sonny and bring back Paul. Have Will play the field in Salem. 


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Lol!  First off I said I don't care if they kill Freddie off and I meant Sonny. I don't wish bodily harm to Freddie Smith.  I may or may not edit it lol.  

The show doesn't have to kill off Sonny.  I don't mind him or FS honestly.  I just think it might be easier for Will to move on without the specter of Sonny showing up at any moment and I feel like the show, regardless of regime, is too afraid to take Sonny/Will too far from one another.

I just don't believe "I will never come back!" from a young guy like him with a wife to support.   They may have a ton of other things going on but I can't imagine their you tube channel makes a ton of money, but what do I know?

FS was let go.  Fired.  To me, it sounds like someone who is saying it's so awesome he got fired because he's found so many better things to do, but would totally be on board if Days called lol.

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