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The Black Lives Matter Thread


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Apparently, she voiced her displeasure at the way the protests are being done? She needs to explain rather than trying to evoke her blackness, which, correct me if I'm wrong, may be the first time she's ever done this.  Who is she addressing in her original comments though?

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I am definitely sorry for what happened to George Floyd. It was horrible and that office deserved to be arrested and given a very stiff punishment. The other officers involved deserved to be punished as well, (beyond being fired.) I can understand a lot of the pain and anguish people are feeling right now especially in the black community. And I am sorry Soapsuds, that you are dealing with losing him as well, especially since you knew him.


I do think that people during these protests need to be careful. Try not to do anything to get arrested and stay as clear as possible of violence/people causing trouble. Especially people a lot of these outsiders who are at these rallies with ulterior motives and are making things harder on people. (Like it's being rumored that there are some white people at these rallies with these types of motives). 


People need to be smart and stay safe, even more so, because we are in the middle of a pandemic. Unfortunately, these riots are getting worse and worse and are becoming increasingly more violent. People have already been beaten, shot at and a couple have even died as a result of these riots. I wish that things could get a bit more under control but we may be a ways off from that, especially if people feel like justice isn't going to be really be served for what happened to George. 




She did voice displeasure about some of the stuff the protesters were doing (like looting). But instead of explaining herself in a more reasonable way, she's been going off and blocking people who are pointing out why the protesters are upset. Camila Banus has gotten really annoying in the past few months. (Maybe she's been like this for a while, I don't know.) But I've noticed she's been acting extra annoying ever since people voiced displeasure over being uncomfortable with Lani having to get on her knees and beg Gabi to save Julie's life. Some black fans and other fans were uncomfortable with that and Camila basically said she didn't care how people felt about that, and that she was an actor and was fine with those scenes. She got even more annoying around the time the whole Days Cast was "let go" from their contracts and people were reporting that the show might be cancelled. 


And now she's been annoying with this whole situation involving the protesters being upset about George Floyd's death. I think that one of the reasons she's been acting like this is because she has some black fans, especially black women who love/stan her/empower her to act like this. They do. I remember some of them dismissing other black fans concerns when we were talking being uncomfortable with Lani begging Gabi on her knees and about the writing that Lani received to the writing that Gabi was getting. (IMO, Lani being written to be weak, while it seems like Ron really likes Gabi, has her dominating people, etc...)


Edited by xtr
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I clearly should not be in here before my first cup of coffee. 


That said...s*it got real when the V for Vendetta mask makes an appearance.




And *HUGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSS* for Soapsuds. Apologies for your loss.

Edited by Taoboi
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Something tells me, the demonstrations in Europe go beyond solidarity over the death of George Floyd.  The U.K. alone has countless cases of black people, especially black men who died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. I would hope that those countries and the citizens of those countries also take a look at their internal politics and see where the change should be made and call for that change.

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@DRW50Yes, I saw quite a few tweets/videos similar to that one pushing back on those claiming that the U.K. is more enlightened than the U.S. and some of the responses were...something else. What I hope is that those gathering en masse for these demonstrations in Europe will take that same energy and put it toward the cases of deaths in police custody that are surely there, in their respective countries. A thousand voices will no doubt ring louder than one single voice or two or three voices on social media.

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Here's a scene from Omaha. Meanwhile a white business owner shot a black man. I don't understand shooting people over property ever. Less so when you know damn well insurance will cover it. We are also under an 8 pm curfew for 3 days.



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It both amuses and angers me that most who could have done something to remedy the ills prevalent in our nation's law enforcement communities and justice system chose not to until "woke" white liberals who were (justly) outraged by George Floyd's murder decided they'd heard and seen enough.


I mean, we (African-Americans) have been screaming our heads and everything else off about this madness for God-knows-how-long, and all the rest of this country and this world could say was we were being too radical toward a nation and a government that didn't even think of us as human beings at the outset!


That's why, as much as I appreciate people of all shades and stripes getting out there and protesting, I really, really, REALLY need those on the far-right AND the far-left to take their talk of a "revolution" somewhere else.  You don't need to revolutionize a system that has always played in your favor.  You just need to stand back, keep your mouths closed, free your minds and LISTEN.

Edited by Khan
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This is partly a consequence of decades spent belittling "identity politics." You now have so many who insist everything is about everyone and it's all a big system of oppression. There's no real time spent pausing to remember that some things really aren't about you. There's a difference between supporting or participating in protests and marches, and going around burning buildings and looting and acting like you are making some sort of societal statement. I keep seeing so many people on Twitter (who have nothing to lose and everything to gain) saying things like "destroying property isn't violence," and absolute garbage like this:



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