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Look into the past - 1975

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Wow this whole Lorie Brooks being involved with Phillip/Kay/jill/Brock story is getting interesting, it's almost like Lorie was suppose to take Kay's place and maybe have competition with jill. I also wonder if Lorie ever put jill in her place years later about Phillip when they came to blows over jill wanting a baby from Stuart no wonder the Lorie never liked jill lol.


The henderson family i hardly know anything about but im interested now that I'm reading abit more about them, can anyone tell me how long this family was apart of the show and what connected them. I know one of them were related to Liz but I've always been confused cause Liz last name isn't Henderson?


Does anyone know if sally was still around these times or did she leave the year before? 


I'm really liking Peggy to she seems like the younger outcast of a girl who was trying to find herself and had some bad role models around her but always had a healthy relationship with Stuart, i wonder which daughter was more closer or i should say who Stuart more favoured. Because even for john i know he loved all his kids but he did favour Ashley his beauty

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I really don't think Bruce appeared before this storyline. I tend to think that the Liz connection is only fan fiction but I don't know for sure.


Sally left during the second half on 1974.


The Hendersons appeared in 1975-1976 mainly connected to Mark/Peggy then Lorie, and Jennifer/Stuart/Bruce. We don't know much about Regina yet. Not sure she had a big role.

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There was a cast list from a Who's Who Daytime TV magazine from 1973 that had Bruce Henderson as a cast member, he was played by Robert Clarke and Daily TV Serials from 1974 mentions Jennifer reuniting with Bruce, who is Liz's brother, in Chicago in their recap for the first year of the show. They also list Robert Clarke but as Stuart Henderson, not Bruce.


Jennifer and Leslie also travel to Chicago in Feb 1974 and Jennifer meets up with Bruce again (as stated in Bryna Laub's daytime serial newsletter for that month)


Whether or not the cancer story happened (they mention Liz had an operation) and Bruce and Ma Henderson turned up in Genoa City or not, I am not sure. But Bruce was on the show in 1973 and was stated to be Liz's brother.



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According to the SoapCentral character bio, Liz Foster and Bruce Henderson are indeed listed as siblings.


One thing that piqued my curiosity - the mention of the Montgomery surname for Claudette. Was there any link to Travis and Jack years later?

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Someone in this thread (sorry I can't find the post) suggested that maybe Kay was to be killed off. So I wonder if Bell initially planned for it to be a Lorie/Phillip/Jill and maybe Brock quad.


However I just found someone selling a cast photo and letter from Columbia Television. They had written to the show as a teen about Phillip being killed off and the response they got was that Phillip's death had been planned well in advance. So maybe Lorie just had no real story and Bell wanted to utilise JLB somehow. 


Liz's last name is still Foster because she was still married to Bill Foster. The Henderson's were not really on that much it seems. Maybe Bruce and Ma Henderson (Bruce and Liz's mother) turned up when Liz had her cancer scare. Not sure to be honest. In the autumn of 1973, Leslie goes on tour for the first time with a symphony and Jennifer goes with her, which is presumably when she reunites with Bruce. Was this his introduction? or had he been there earlier? Not sure.


Mark was there from around late 74 or early 75 and Regina seems to have only been around for a few months at most in 1975. She is never mentioned once Soap Digest begin their synopsis from October 1975. Mark's big story was being half brother to Lorie but the pair had no idea and almost married. Bell really liked his incest stories.


I remember reading a soap mag with an interview with Trish Stewart who thought it odd that the Brooks girls were so close to Stuart and went to him with all their issues, as she stated she was much closer to her mother and figured most women would confide in their mother's about their lives. I do like that Peggy is affected by what is going on, many soaps ignore this with younger kids, who see and hear a lot, but rarely act out. Another reason I liked Heather Thom's Victoria. It made sense she was the way she was when she returned. In terms of John, I always felt he saw Ashley as an equal, loved her head strong attitude and no nonsense approach, especially with Jack. Traci was so fragile that I think John always saw her as his little girl, but he seemed so proud when she returned from Stamford and took more control of her life, and told Jack to butt out of her life, haha

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Claudette was a busy girl in 1975...and I can see from reading this why she was brought back later on...a lot of threads established here with Phil amd Erica..that was explored later when she returned. 


From watching Depriests 'The Doctor's' stint...she was good with action...and May 1975 certainly kept the ball rolling.  I do recall hearing that she adjusted the Felicia character.


I like all the Peggy mentions on Y & R..she's usually never mentioned in plots till 1977 or so...so nice to see some mention here.  I do agree Lorie was probably put in the Jill/philip sphere as a red herring.   Bill bell did that alot..he did that with Jed Saunders in the 90s when Nina thought he was her dad..than he was put in Nikki and Jill's orbit later on.

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Yeah Peggy doesn't really get story until Jack Curtis turns up in late 75. Her major story was the marriage to Jack in 1976 and the rape story with Ron Becker (though that was mostly Chris' story) Pam Peters left the show around Sep 77, just as Jennifer passes away and she didn't return until 1980. Though Pat Everly played the character briefly in 1979.

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It's so crazy how much Lorie seemed to be involved in the initial Jill/Phillip/Katherine stuff, even if she seemed to be some sort of confidant to Philip. You would think Kay and her would have had some words since Lorie comes off more sexually aggressive, than Jill in some ways. I guess Bill Bell didn't want Katherine to battle two young girls for the attraction of her husband..haha

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Re Gwen and Mitchell Sherman. I don't believe there was any connection - just another case of Bill Bell re-using names.

He did that with Ellen Winters and then Neil Winters, Brandon Collins and Sharon Collins, Marion Reaves and Dr Sharon Reaves , Suzanne Lynch and Robert Lynch etc

Perhaps using the Sherman surname was a nod to Sherman Magidson, legal consultant to Y&R and soap writer.

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I would love to see the Mark Toland murder mystery on OLTL. Sounds like a true umbrella story as everyone seems involved from what little I know of the cast then. I had no idea Mark was blackmailing with Viki among other things before his death. The role of Mark was never recast so this is Tommy Lee Jones, right? Its nice to see more of Larry and Viki's friendship being prominent as well and I always wanted to see more of Julie too. 


I am so, so glad they killed Phillip off instead of Katherine on Y&R. I don't know where they were headed with Phillip getting close to Lorie and Jill marrying Phillip. I feel like this isnt well known and will soon be dropped. Hope to see the Kay/Brock/Jill/Phillop quad play out for a while though. 

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It can't really have gone much further. Phillip has to find out Jill is pregnant soon because he dies mid July from what I understand. From the Aug 22, 1975 episode online, the court case to contest the divorce is already over and the ruling is due "the next day".

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