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Y&R December 2019 Discussion Thread

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Now that I'm caught up on the thread...


1) I guess I'm the only one that liked Sally's last run. I don't mind being solo on that.  But boring...no. Only real time other that double mess that Cane was ever interesting. And so many possibilities for someone who said she fell by the seat of her pants. Allegedly. 


2)I think someone said it best when they said that a pattern has emerged of writers even being too slowly paced or too plot driven. Is there even a writer now who is able to balance both as a HW in today's climate?


3) While I gave Dena a chance at OLTL and her...second or third go around on DAYS,  uh...h*ll no to her on Y&R.


I am curious to see who else is in the running. And hope one of them is someone from in house...kinda like how GH for better or for worse brought someone in from in house to HW.

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Actually, Sally was the last time I watched Y&R regularly. I really liked where she was going with it, and then it started to feel like she wasn't being given room to move the stories forward...and then she was gone. I literally got through one episode of Mal's run as HW before losing interest. Was Sally perfect? No. Way too much time with Victoria and Billy in the Jabot lab/broom closet. But it was way better than whatever's come after.

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Sony/CBS have continually shown that they cannot make a good decision.


It would be just typical if Dena Higley was hired. I didn’t watch her OLTL (but heard it ranged from mundane-offensively bad) but did catch both her tenures at Days of Our Lives, and I wouldn’t wish her on Y&R.

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He's worse.



She got the OLTL job on three words: "Jessica [Viki's daughter] has DID."



And if Amanda Beall, who wrote the infamous words "Open bed, insert slut," were promoted to HW, I think I would be ready for the macadamia ranch.

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With the recent Golden Globes noms and Ana de Armas nomination, I am reminded of how insufferable Lola is on Y&R (not as much recently). After recently watching Knives Out, it was overhyped and under-delivered. The constant love and sainthood for Marta just reminded me of Y&R's Lola, and the actress was less than inspiring.

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Thinking back to Sally's time, if you compare what's happening now, imagine how good her show could've been had she been given time to review the show and create a bible. I recall her doing an interview where she said she was hired and had to immediately start working so she didn't have time to prepare. Whoever gets the gig this time will have that time since JG has the contract extension. She also didn't get a full year. I do feel her time on the show while not perfect was the last time the show was good. The way she wrote the show just felt like Y&R. The stories weren't always successful, but the day-to-day show was very enjoyable for me.

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Yes, I don't care who the writer is, you can't have your expectations too high when you hire somebody with one day notice. She had to immediately start getting scripts ready and come up with storylines while doing that as well as figuring out what all has happened in the 10 years you were away. This certainly explains why the show was light on story when she started, but I remember by the summer in LA the show was definitely picking up steam. Considering nothing damaging had happened I would've at least kept her for another year just to see what happens. I don't know why think think a new writer every year or two is gonna save the show. This is just like what happened to GL, ATWT, AMC and OLTL.

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