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Days: December 2019 Discussion Thread πŸŽ„

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Just coming to post about Judi Evans' son. For someone to die so young at any time is tragic, but it is extra awful so close to the holidays.Β 

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Β  Per Twitter, he also played Paulina's son on AW when he was a baby. Prayers for Judi, her husband, and their entire family.

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I'm playing a lil catch-up on episodes, but didn't they already confirm this on the very first episode when it's revealed that Steve is Stefano? Stevano had a line about being in Steve's body.Β 


They missed the mark here. They could've implanted Stefano's memories into one of Marlena's grandbabies and he could finally be grabbing some Marlena tig ol' bitties.Β 


My DVR still records Y&R and B&B, but I literally zip right through them to see whose faces are on and then delete. DAYS is the only one I actually watch, through thick 'n thin out of loyalty.Β  I slowly stopped watching Y&R this year when it morphed into the Adam & Chelsea show again.Β 

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Even better, they could have implanted his memories into Marlena!Β 

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Damn, I'm sorry to hear about JE's son.Β  I pray she and the rest of the family are pulling each other through this terrible time.

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I can now never unsee this


I have to agree. They could have put Stefano's memories into a woman. I'd watch that.


I feel like Ron wants to fan wank to Steve as Stefano for a variety of reasons (I'm guessing he had "Stefan" plans for GH in 2012/2013 and is reliving it here, of course changed to fit DAYS). Meh.


I mean, he's ReRon for a reason. Jack came back racist trash, had to be "saved" and now Steve's going through the same thing (except he's not racist trash). As is Hope, but for her, Bo being dead means no one really gives a [!@#$%^&*]. And let's not pretend as dumb as it is she's floated around for a year, no one even really gives a [!@#$%^&*] to wonder about her and she's much more interesting this way.


Honestly, if Reckell weren't driven from the show and retired this story would be 100% better if Bo were alive and given Stefano's memories. Bo and Hope as Stefano and Gina? LOL. Hell, I'd even take John with Stefano's memories at this point. This is why Shawn Douglas needs to be on the canvas. Ciara is clearly too self absorbed and obsessed with her six pack boyfriend to notice.

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I'd have Ciara exploit the situation by threatening to expose "Gina" unless she helped to arrange Ben's release from prison.Β  But, Ben would be torn up over the fact that he was a free man again while Will remained behind bars (and vulnerable to Clyde's abuse), thus creating some genuine conflict between him and Ciara.

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I’d watch that. Seriously, why’s it so hard to create believable conflict?


Just watched for the first time in ages. Evan is cute. Kinda wish they’d cast that role with a gorgeous man of color, but you take what you can get in daytime.

Steve-ano is dumb, but SN has Joe Mascolo’s mannerisms down pat.

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