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General Hospital November 2019 Discussion

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I like the actor playing nuNikolas so far.  While it would have been nice to see TC return, I don't hold a grudge against the producers for deciding to recast.  I just hope that one day, they don't decide to pull a switcheroo like they did with Greg Vaughn as Lucky on GH or Gina Tognoni after she took over for The Staff on Y&R.  I always hate it when I find out about recasts being treated like dirt.  While I understand that sometimes, recasts just don't work out, the human side of me experiences heartbreak for the actors that the rejection happens to.

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I'm impressed too. Nikolas is too vital a character to be left off canvas. (Same goes for Lucky; I'm still hoping they bring him back too) And since they couldn't bring TC back, a recast was the only option. Plus, it really is time for Valentin to get what's coming to him.

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It was really nice to see Brad Maule back as Tony on Friday's episode, but the scene with Jax and Ava was what really grabbed my attention.  I have to say that at first, I was kind of perplexed as to why Jax would have went to see Ava until it became clear that he was there only to fish for information.  Yuck!  Trying to play a sick woman is really, really slimy and I thought the character of Jax was better than that.  For all the guff that the character of Ava has taken through the years, at the end of the scene with Jax, I really agreed with Ava's anger and feel it was entirely justified.  An actress like MW is one of the few who can take a character like Ava and make you root for her!

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It was nice to see Tony again, and the scene with Bobbie was sweet.


That memorial wall is always sad and nice at the same time.  Poor Jessie though.  Relegated to the bottom row and a smaller photo than Steve.  I think Lucille is even a row up between Amy and Gail.  Wtf?

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