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Y&R October 2019 Discussion Thread

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Granted I'm only seeing the resolution but this Victor fake death story seems super uneventful. They should have stretched this for a couple of months, Victoria should have gone to trial, Summer and Adam should have completely spiraled, etc. This is just lame like everything JG comes up with.


Stafford is like a bad parody, just horrible to watch stink up the joint with her one note parlor tricks.


Now back to the only reason I tuned in, I hope they aren't going to keep that loopsided wig on top of Mishael's head. Cane getting all the money makes no sense unless he's the one behind the whole scheme but I doubt they'll even go there. I hope they've cast somebody decent for Chance because we're missing a huge piece of the puzzle without him on the canvas to fill out this story.

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Oh wow, they got me with the Victor/Adam stuff not going to lie.

EDIT: watching in real time, ok so the Victor/Adam scenes were real. so confused lol


However, not surprised that Catherine will was re-written for Cane. I think I called it in the last thread.




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I felt that same way with Graham’s death after stealing chemicals from the Jabot lab to frame Ashley for killing Dina. Ashley should have gone to trial for his murder, and even, later on, tying in the angle many here proposed: that Graham had been drugging Dina to make it appear that she had Alzheimer’s. But instead they closed that story with a total anticlimax, as if Graham never existed. Such a wasted opportunity.

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Victor should have never "died." However, Adam was too transparent with switching the drugs. I'll reserve judgment for a bit.


I'm also really happy that Phyllis continues to HATE Victor after he was complicit in her rape. I hope this makes Summer finally turn against Victor.

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