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Y&R September 2019 Episode Discussion

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Also, some may find this an "unpopular opinion" (just to preface what I'm about to post) but there's a school of thought that posits that perhaps if soap fans were more unrelenting and openly vocal about specifically what was not good about these shows, instead of just accepting it until it got so bad they/we had to walk away, perhaps the producers/writers, etc. might have made the necessary adjustments in time to save more of these soaps before they tanked.


Just a thought. Not trying to light another fire, or anything.

Also, I'm not talking about the rabid fanatics who threaten to fly skywriting jets over studios or fanatics who threaten to walk away if an actor fired for cause isn't returned to the role, even after having two good recasts.  I'm talking about reasonable discussions of serious problems with the writing of characters and storylines.

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And you have nothing to argue my point.


If you can't tolerate this board being made up predominantly of people more critical than you, either stick to the shows and shut up about your fellow posters or leave the board. It's a very simple proposition. Nothing you do can stop them. Make peace with your limitations in this life.

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Soaps can be divided into Execs, Writers, Directors, Network People and Fans. A great many of us "teethed" on the soap industry when the writers & directors were "auteurs" and we know that soaps were both creatively and economically so much better then. But, the model of production where the economics of the situation is driving the bus has long since taken over. Fans tend to say that we'd be in better shape if the creative side of things was driving the bus. Oddly enough these varying sides agree on one thing and that is that soaps were so much better in the past. Nostalgia is in fashion.


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