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I just can’t anymore with this show.


You don’t build an entire wing of a family with retcons then kill them all off within 4 months.


Monica deserved better, the fans of the show deserve better, and the legacy of the show deserves better.


I have never been one of the just cancel it brigade.  But these kinds of decisions make me think they don’t care about the product they are making.  So why should I?

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Yeah why make Drew Jason's twin & give a teen and GH needed teens just have him die of brain cancer ughh

GH could maybe be something agin if they rehire Wendy Riche and give her a year without interference but that wont happen. Frank is here to the end & Nathan thinks all is well.

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There's been lots of pushback recently on soap twitter about Mo's ego and how Sonny-centric GH remains. (and petty stans tagged Mo and he involved himself, proving his big ego very much exists) 


And then they come out with this. Coincidence? Maybe, of course.

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I don't even keep up with GH anymore (I rarely did before, but watched for a little while) but I'm beyond fed up of MO holding this show hostage...literally.....

But I guess these people don't give a crap about how much the viewers really resent Sonny and his chauvinistic ways....

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They clearly don't. ABC is checked out and not interested, and Frank and Varni are probably enabling each other, so until they're axed ...


Frank HAS to see the feedback and it's *not* good. I see very little praise anytime I read a tweet regarding GH. He knows. And we still get [!@#$%^&*] like Drew's memories in Franco, Kim whoring herself out to Franco, Julian and Finn wasting airtime ... Sonny and Carly's constant and never-ending scenes in their ridiculous kitchen ... sigh.


The entire show comes across as so poorly put together. There are hardly no stakes. It's just people filling up airtime and filling guarantees. It's GH vets propping Frank's pets.


I'd take Guza's trash over this. And I never ever thought I'd utter those words. But that said, I don't necessarily think the writers are total trash, it's more Frank, IMO.


It's AWFUL. It's what we all call "propping"


Frank uses GH vets to prop his pets. Anna props Finn. Robert the 'villain' for daring to question Peter (as he's propped with Frank's pet kid from OLTL), Maxie props Peter. Liz props Franco. Julian and Kim prop each other, etc. 


It's a massive problem when the only couple even likeable is made up of two newbies

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I hate to say this but I do wonder if even Ron coming back without Frank this time would be better.....If only because he'd at least try to bring down Sonny again......and Steve Burton would most likely leave again (to come back to Y&R...LOL) 

IDK but It seemed like it was a less Sonny-centric show when Ron was there...

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It was definitely less Sonny centric. And Mo hated it. LOL. Ron's "the writer" for a reason, and the writer Mo got fired. Allegedly

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 of course


Ron has his own flaws and faults but I see a lot of the same [!@#$%^&*] now I saw back then when he was writing and it's clearly Frank. Something shifted at GH around 2014. Not that Ron's GH was super amazing but the first two years weren't as bad as when we got endless Franco/Nina, etc. Drew arrived ...

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Oh yes.....I'll never forget when he even bragged about it at the fan event that he "got rid of "the writer" 

I'm not praising Ron by any means, but I just remember hearing circa 2012-14ish how much "better" the show had become, and the mob being side-lined helped alot apparently...but I know Ron did a lot of not so good things too....but one of the "good" he did was making Michael realize he's a Quartermaine.....that should have still carried over today and Michael still hating Sonny too.

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Of course, Duke and AJ should never have been killed off again. That was "the writer" too.


Ron Frank and Nathan should have taken their circle jerk on the road together.


Lulu and the lyft driver?   I wish it had been Griffin, who should have been spared Kiki's shreiking. That's just my thoughts.(Or a newly returned to town Dillon ha ha as if Frank would bother).

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I enjoyed the first two years too with the exception of some things (RH as Franco, Avery's conception). But Ron fell apart in his last year. 2015 was a disaster for GH and Michael becoming Sonny's boy again so quickly was one of the greatest examples of that. Makes you wonder if Frank interfered though.


And a cast and crew overhaul too. I can think of at least five people, right off the top of my head, that need to go. 

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 I dropped this show, AGAIN.   It's a mess, Shiloh has lasted way too long, the baby-switch mess way too long,  Joss's depression over Oscar too long,  Franco getting Drew's memories is idiotic, the treatment of Billy Miller is idiotic,  Ryan still on the show is idiotic (plus he should've killed more of the cast), too many cast members (esp. those with NO ties to anyone),  Dev, giving Maura West(Ava) nothing,  the continual worshiping at the feet of Sonny & Jason,  the stupid faux wedding of Mike & what's her name, and on and on. 

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